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RC Models => Cars => Topic started by: rkrishnagummadi on December 19, 2015, 06:22:43 PM

Title: Kyosho Axxe
Post by: rkrishnagummadi on December 19, 2015, 06:22:43 PM
Hi guys,

I'm new to RC Cars and i bought an Kyosho Axxe model and i was enjoying it very much until one day when i was using it it suddenly stopped. Thought the battery was discharged but i can see that left and right steering actions were performing well but forward and backward were not working, removed the shell and checked the ESC when i press forward or Backward light is glowing up but there is no movement so can any one help me put on this
Title: Re: Kyosho Axxe
Post by: rdx on December 19, 2015, 06:33:29 PM
Check the connections,Full charge the battery and try again,if the problem still exists then recalibrate the esc. Method should be clearly mentioned in the manual. If it doesn't work then check the motor and esc separately with another motor. Then you will know the real issue.
Title: Re: Kyosho Axxe
Post by: iamahuman on December 19, 2015, 06:38:01 PM
It's probably your ESC going into Low Voltage Cutoff (LVC).

Did you notice a drop in power before it happened?
Title: Re: Kyosho Axxe
Post by: rkrishnagummadi on December 19, 2015, 06:39:50 PM
Thanks RDX for your suggestions i have done all those things and finally just checked motor with a multimeter there is no continuity i think the motor went Kaput..... The motor is 22t 540 do any one know where i can source that
Title: Re: Kyosho Axxe
Post by: rdx on December 19, 2015, 07:11:18 PM
You finally found the issue n that's good news. Ur brushes must have worn out. You can search online stores or can source it from eBay. Com
Title: Re: Kyosho Axxe
Post by: rdx on December 19, 2015, 07:19:55 PM
My suggestion  it's better to upgrade to a brushless electronics instead of buying a new brushed motor . It's more durable and long lasting. Also you will get a good surge in speed and response time.
Title: Re: Kyosho Axxe
Post by: rkrishnagummadi on December 19, 2015, 08:28:02 PM
RDX i would love to upgrade to a Brushless but i am unable to find if you can help me out that would be great as i am a new bee into this there is lot of confusion so i am asking for everything
Title: Re: Kyosho Axxe
Post by: vibranthobbies on December 19, 2015, 10:46:32 PM
We have some brushless combo for Cars/Off road Buggies/SCT
Have a look here,


Title: Re: Kyosho Axxe
Post by: rkrishnagummadi on December 20, 2015, 02:52:27 PM
Thanks Kumaran for providing me the link but what model does it fit into Kyoso Axxe. I bought the car for 9200/- and now if i have to upgrade to brushless motor and ESC with the links you have provided its again costing me 6700/- so is it reall worth of paying that extra.... or rather buy a new car please help me out guys
Title: Re: Kyosho Axxe
Post by: rdx on December 20, 2015, 05:33:51 PM
It's upto you, if ur truck is brushless ready then it's worth upgrading to a brushless system. Because brushed  system is mostly suited for crawling and slow speed runs. Bashing and high speed runs demands less friction and durable systems, hence the brushless systems usually lasts the life time of the vehicle. Just make sure that your truck can handle brushless power or else every thing will come apart. If it doesn't you should upgrade to a new brushless truck for bashing runs and get replacement motor for the kyosho eventually and use it for moderate use....just my thought though.
Title: Re: Kyosho Axxe
Post by: rkrishnagummadi on December 20, 2015, 05:53:23 PM
I am not sure whether its ready for brushless how can i find that? the brushless system you are mentioning will it be campatible with the stock remote and do i have to make any changes
Title: Re: Kyosho Axxe
Post by: rdx on December 20, 2015, 06:04:11 PM
Yes it will fit ur truck perfectly....from what I found out your truck can handle brushless power.
Title: Re: Kyosho Axxe
Post by: rdx on December 20, 2015, 06:05:06 PM
No changes needed just install and run
Title: Re: Kyosho Axxe
Post by: rkrishnagummadi on May 04, 2016, 10:08:50 AM
Finally got my Kyosho Axxe motor fixed bought Turnigy TrackStar Waterproof 1/10 Brushless Power System 5200KV/80A..... its absolutely great running on a brushless more power.
Mr.Vineet Sharma from Hobby sea has been extremely helpful and has been patiently answering all my queries thanks to him
Title: Re: Kyosho Axxe
Post by: rkrishnagummadi on May 04, 2016, 10:18:46 AM
Turnigy TrackStar Waterproof 1/10 Brushless Power System 5200KV/80A it says there is an auto cutoff so still do i have to keep battery alarm or it just cuts off when the voltage is low?
Title: Re:
Post by: AmitShinde on June 12, 2016, 12:57:06 PM
Also be careful with spares, as i have Hyosho Rage VE and its front suspension breaks for every ride, its expeensive and also parts are not easily available.
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