my car start when only engine heats up a little.
my friend told that it is due to lean running of engine. Also told that it is good for the engine.
please explain what is meant by lean running of engine?
Don't believe everything you hear.
Lean means too much air or too little fuel in the fuel air mixture.
Will cause overheating and ultimately seizure of piston in the cylinder.
Sure way to ruin a new engine.
Most engine manufacturers recommend rich setting during initial running in.
Why not see what your engine manual says?
BTW, you say "my car start when only engine heat up a little"
If it didn't start when cold, how did it heat up? :headscratch:
Lean = more air + less fuel , less fuel = less lubrication , less lubrication = over heating , over heating = RIP engine
I have the same question as Mr Kk Iyer , how did you start when it was not hot ?
May be he is using heat gun to heat up the engine.
I always start my engine when it has reached the room temperature never had to heat it up , can you please tell me why a engine needs to be heated up before starting ? A bit confused here
thank u guys
my post is the information told by my friend.
u guys told that lean means less fuel in the mixture. but after running my car i have noticed that fuel comes in the muffler all over the race. please clarify me
Why don't you post a video.
A little oil always sprays out, and is good as it brings along the heat of the engine, cooling the engine
Wait a minute!
How did you conclude that it was lean?
When the engine is running, pinch the fuel line closed for a second.
If the engine dies, it is too lean.
If it speeds up a little, it is probably ok.
If it speeds up a lot, it is too rich.
Amount of oil in the exhaust depends on oil in fuel. What percentage of oil are you using?
thank u mr k k Iyer
I m using Byron fuels gen2 with 11% lubrication