Hello friend, i made a 4wd car with lots of metal parts and stuff. Which i would like to share with you.
After all gearing i took a trial but that motor which i used is bosch drill gear motor, which didnt take its load due to weight. Please share your thoughts nd suggestion.
Pic i put is
17 mm slotted bolt for standard 1/8 scale truck
4 drive shaft with telescope features.
Front and rear arm
And last pic of
4 suspension.
Made from as much as cheap and easily available parts
Whole scale
Wheel attached with self slotted bolt
very nice,
the two rear wheels rotate at the same rpm or have differential gearing ?
try mounting the motor at 90deg to the wheel axle - you might need a crown / bevel pinion
arrangement. this will give you a neater fit in the chassis.
as for taking the load - it looks that you have already geared it down quite a bit . try using a larger
what is the effective output gear ratio ??
Thank you.
And i make this for crawler purpuse so all 4 wheel are locked. And there is single direct locked output shaft in it.
Actually i can no fit motor to whells 90deg. Bcz i used drill motor and its bit long so its very difficult to do that.
Yes, for crawler purpuse i gear down a drill motor for taking load. I am going to try what happend as it can take load or not.
That drill motor has 2 speed so after that i make gearbox to reduce its speed to torque which is 20:1.
Some more pic
Looks good Shashank. I suggest you get bigger motors. You will need a lot of torque. 550 size motor wont be able to pull the weight.
Yes, completely agree HVP sir. Even that motor i tried which cant pull wheel^s load so i am trying to resolve big gear box.
Can anyone have suggest me a bigger enough motor to bare this load.
Allmost final