RC India

RC Models => Cars => Topic started by: NikhilBhoj on September 03, 2012, 10:02:41 AM

Title: Moving on to RC Cars.
Post by: NikhilBhoj on September 03, 2012, 10:02:41 AM
Hi guys,
A few days the RC Heli bug bit me...and i ended up buying a 4ch RC heli. after flying it for a few days..and doing a lot of research..
I ended up myself thinking, RC car is the best for me. Keeping in mind its easier, safer(not crashing a 100 times during the test run) and not ending up in a big dent in the pocket.
So what i have in mind, are these offroader RC cars, which i can ride even in the dusty,bumpy roads. And i always wanted to buy nitro one from the beginning , but the chances of me crashing a heli/plane was more, so i did not dare to even buy them. So im looking for mostly nitro offroaders or maybe long lasting battery electric ones.

And to be precise, im new to this RC Car thingy, and i do not know ANYTHING.
Please hit me with some gyaan, on how these things actually work on. and i was wondering what the cost of the fuel would be for the Nitro RC cars?and what should be my budget for a decent RC NITRO OFFROAD CAR?
anyway thanks in advance, ill go through all the threads here and learn something.

Title: Re: Moving on the RC Cars.
Post by: pravesh736 on September 03, 2012, 10:48:57 AM
hi nikhil . best is to go with wat u desire .. be it car or plane . everything breaks . cars too not only planes . choose carefully as with planes  u can get HK stuffs/parts and is a easy and cheap fix and with hobbygrade cars the parts and upgrades are more expensive than planes to a extent.
please dont buy chinese no brand cars , they r more trouble than good, known good car brands available india are losi, traxxas, thunder tiger, hpi, hongnor . etc

go with your heart first .

ps- please dnt take it negatively but i only want u to have proper fun later on.
Title: Re: Moving on to RC Cars.
Post by: NikhilBhoj on September 03, 2012, 08:58:40 PM
thanks man.  i know everything breaks..but the chance of me breaking a plane/heli is more than the car...so i opted the car..
can u or anyone give me online shopping sites,where i can buy some good electric/nitro offroad cars..

Title: Re: Moving on to RC Cars.
Post by: NikhilBhoj on September 05, 2012, 09:31:08 AM
where can  i buy thunder bird Nitro cars online?
Title: Re: Moving on to RC Cars.
Post by: iamahuman on September 05, 2012, 01:33:42 PM
Do you mean Thunder Tiger? You can buy them from Rotor, Chennai. If you don't mind having it shipped, Model Art at Forum Mall might be able to get you what you need.
Title: Re: Moving on to RC Cars.
Post by: NikhilBhoj on September 05, 2012, 03:12:16 PM
Thanks. i found them a little cheaper than others..Hpi ranges start from around 25k for nitro..and as per my research even the spare parts are easily available in india without paying much for shipping itself.

can anyone drop me the number of Modelart Forum?
i saw a model of TT nitro truck sold here for 7000bucks only. i missed it! :(
other other brands and websites where i can buy nitro RC offroaders...
im searching and not finding any reliable sites with prices and shipping info etc.
Title: Re: Moving on to RC Cars.
Post by: J R H on September 14, 2012, 04:51:06 PM