RC India

RC Models => Cars => Topic started by: Sreedhar on May 09, 2014, 10:12:23 AM

Title: Nitro Engine Breakin Procedure and Fuel
Post by: Sreedhar on May 09, 2014, 10:12:23 AM
Hi Guys,

I recently bought an HPI Savange XL 5.6. I want help in performing breakin procedure as this is my first nitro powered rc vehicle.

I am confused about which fuel to use for the break in. I am currenlty in chennai and i found LHS selling Sidewinder 20% nitro fuel. Will sidewinder be enough or should I go for Tornado?

Please advice..


Title: Re: Nitro Engine Breakin Procedure and Fuel
Post by: Spike on May 22, 2014, 12:49:55 PM
Check this video , it is from hpi ......
www.youtube.com/watch?v=wb1mcW33maM (//http://) (//http://)

It is from savage 4.6 but it is the same for all savages...... :)
Don't know about fuel but wait for pro's answers....
Title: Re: Nitro Engine Breakin Procedure and Fuel
Post by: Sreedhar on June 16, 2014, 02:19:46 PM
Hi Guys,

Managed to source Tornado 20% Nitro Car fuel 4 Liters 2350Rs  from Model Art (bangalore form mall). A friend of mine picked it up and brought it to Trivandrum as they dont ship. Good thing, they are also open on Sundays.
Title: Re: Nitro Engine Breakin Procedure and Fuel
Post by: Sreedhar on June 16, 2014, 03:50:34 PM
Hi Guys,

Saturday and sunday I had done break-in of my new HPI Savage XL.

Expert Help by : Ajo Bhai. Thanks bhai.

I have certain issues that i want to discuss with you all.

Some pics attached.  :)
Title: Re: Nitro Engine Breakin Procedure and Fuel
Post by: Sreedhar on June 16, 2014, 03:56:29 PM
Some More Pics.
Title: Re: Nitro Engine Breakin Procedure and Fuel
Post by: Sreedhar on June 16, 2014, 05:54:51 PM
My test Bench..

And Equipments.
Title: Re: Nitro Engine Breakin Procedure and Fuel
Post by: Sreedhar on June 16, 2014, 07:26:03 PM
 :help: :help:

I had faced certain issues while performing the breakin.

1, Even before I started the engine while priming the piston got stuck in TDP, I managed to release it after pre heating with a hair dryer.

I followed the instruction in HPI manual for the breakin.

First Problem

1, As instructed in the manual I ran the savage at idle for 3 tanks. (the wheels were spinning). I had kept the throttle trim at +1 point positive from neutral only then the engine would start. This is my first problem, but i ran in idle anyway. There were oil spitting from the exhaust and lot of smoke, I guess indicating a rich run.

Second Problem

2, The manual says to run the forth tank at half throttle. So i started the engine (wheels were spinning, throttle +2 from neutral) and as i kept on the ground the savage started moving slowly  so i reduced the throttle trim and the engine stalled.

when i kept throttle +1 (Like when i ran for first 3 tanks) as soon as i give throttle the engine stalled so i kept trim +2

I ran the savage at half throttle with trim +2 from neutral.

3, I ran the savage at throttle +2 trim from neutral at intermittent full throttle for the fifth tank.

Third Problem
The above is all what I did. Now one more issue is as I apply a bit of break the engine stalls again.

Gurus please help me in tuning the engine properly this is my first nitro vehicle and also here there is no one else here.
