Servo Going in One Direction

Started by gbisht, April 09, 2015, 02:54:21 PM

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I have 1/10 Nitro Truck, It was setting idle,
today I tried to run it again, and found its steering servo is going in one direction,
I have seen remote setting but that is fine, another servo is working fine, and coming back in center

but this servo is slowly moving in one direction completely

Is it become faulty or can we repair it ?
HSP 1/10 Nitro Tyrannosaurus Off-Road Truck
Thunder Tiger 1/10 SSK V2 Nitro Truck with Radio
HK-300 3 Channel 2.4ghz FHSS Ground Radio
Turnigy 9x 8-Channel


is that moving without tx input and not rasponding any tx actions then any one of three parts mentioned below inside servo is fault.

is that moving without tx input and rasponding tx actions? , if yes then 2 or 3 are culprits.

1. Controller board
2. Potentiometer(or its connection)
3. Potentiometer driving mechanism.


Thanks, when I am turning on my Rx and Tx, my car steering turning in complete left direction , by Tx I can move it back (Extreme right or Center) but when I am leaving steering, its again turning back in left direction (Slowly-Slowly)

I will try to upload video for that issue in morning
HSP 1/10 Nitro Tyrannosaurus Off-Road Truck
Thunder Tiger 1/10 SSK V2 Nitro Truck with Radio
HK-300 3 Channel 2.4ghz FHSS Ground Radio
Turnigy 9x 8-Channel


Something is broke inside the Servo, I suppose that is sensor which sent signal to board to stop or make it on center

HSP 1/10 Nitro Tyrannosaurus Off-Road Truck
Thunder Tiger 1/10 SSK V2 Nitro Truck with Radio
HK-300 3 Channel 2.4ghz FHSS Ground Radio
Turnigy 9x 8-Channel


It is the potentiometer which is dead, - this is the sensor which gives feedback about servo position back to the controller - Try whether there is a way to fix it back, if not you might like to change the servo - this can be kept for parts :(
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


can we replace only Potentiometer only ?? because rest of all parts seems fine.
however I have already ordered new Servo
HSP 1/10 Nitro Tyrannosaurus Off-Road Truck
Thunder Tiger 1/10 SSK V2 Nitro Truck with Radio
HK-300 3 Channel 2.4ghz FHSS Ground Radio
Turnigy 9x 8-Channel