RC India

RC Models => Cars => Topic started by: chandan.ahluwalia on December 28, 2012, 11:26:59 AM

Title: Traxxas E-Revo 1:16 purchase suggestion.
Post by: chandan.ahluwalia on December 28, 2012, 11:26:59 AM
Hello guys, this is my first post. I have been reading this forum for quite a long time now, however I was too lazy to register  ;D

Well, I am finally planning to get an RC car after a long time and need help from you experts here.
I have narrowed down my search to E-Revo 1:16 VXL as the maximum I can spend is about 20,000.

Now, I have heard that there are some issues with the brushless model. Is that true?
Also, the brushed model has 27Mhz radio. I purchase a Maisto Baja Beast recently but it had very short range. Just about 20ft or so.
Is this short range applicable to all 27Mhz RC or is it because of that particular model?

Moreover, where to get this E-Revo in India? I have checked out www.traxxas.in but that website and the person dealing looks fake to me.

Looking forward to your helpful suggestions and advice :)
Title: Re: Traxxas E-Revo 1:16 purchase suggestion.
Post by: iamahuman on December 28, 2012, 01:25:20 PM
Talk to Kapil Jolly at Dogbone racing. He'll hook you up with what you need.
Title: Re: Traxxas E-Revo 1:16 purchase suggestion.
Post by: chandan.ahluwalia on December 28, 2012, 02:53:38 PM
Quote from: iamahuman on December 28, 2012, 01:25:20 PM
Talk to Kapil Jolly at Dogbone racing. He'll hook you up with what you need.

Thank you for the reply bro, however, I have posted this because I did have a word with Mr Jolly and he seemed very suspicious. I cannot disclose the reason why I feel that way unless I am sure about it.

Moreover, I want to know more about the product before I go ahead and purchase it.

So members, could you please advice me on this?
Title: Re: Traxxas E-Revo 1:16 purchase suggestion.
Post by: iamahuman on December 28, 2012, 02:56:44 PM
Kapil is a good guy to deal with. No issues there.

The merv. Let me say this. It's a pocket rocket and it's overpowered for its size. It's not super stable but it's a lot of fun to play with. If you want good handling and overall performance, look elsewhere.
Title: Re: Traxxas E-Revo 1:16 purchase suggestion.
Post by: chandan.ahluwalia on December 28, 2012, 03:14:03 PM
No, i'm not looking forward to good handling. Not going to run it in any race whatsoever.
I need it for fun only. Is it durable? Or is there another 4WD vehicle in this range which is more durable?
Title: Re: Traxxas E-Revo 1:16 purchase suggestion.
Post by: pravesh736 on December 28, 2012, 04:01:37 PM
the traxxas 16th scale models are very nice and lots of fun. i own a slash mini vxl too . i suggest u go for it if u want only fun

and get this battery. .. ultimate fun.
Title: Re: Traxxas E-Revo 1:16 purchase suggestion.
Post by: chandan.ahluwalia on December 28, 2012, 04:09:47 PM
Thank you for the reply :)

Can anyone tell me about the durability please? I quite worried about the repairs as Kapil Jolly won't be quite helpful as he mentioned that even for the Under Warranty repairs, he will charge me $60 for shipping it to US and getting it fixed.
So as per that, I don't feel that the warranty he is giving is any good at all.  :banghead:
Title: Re: Traxxas E-Revo 1:16 purchase suggestion.
Post by: dst161 on December 28, 2012, 06:33:40 PM
If you are open to get other brand product, you can get you Tamiya - Gravel Hound buggy or if you are looking for on-road cars then there are many more options and all withing your budget.

Note: Tamiya products come with brushed motors but then they can be upgraded with brushless.

PM me if you want more details on Tamiya products.

But if you are narrowed down and are looking for Traxxas product only, then go ahead and get the e-revo.

And Kapil Jolly is definitely a good person in person and good to deal with him.

He is one of the well known person in RC Cars hobby.
Title: Re: Traxxas E-Revo 1:16 purchase suggestion.
Post by: iamahuman on December 28, 2012, 10:01:43 PM
TBH, the lower end Tamiya cars are not worth it. Their higher end vehicles are great but the lower range is for nostalgic folks only.

The MERV is open wheeled. The mini slash should take more of a beating. If you can push your budget to Rs 25,000, you can get the slash 4x4. Try to get your hands on the new, improved version.
Title: Re: Traxxas E-Revo 1:16 purchase suggestion.
Post by: chandan.ahluwalia on December 29, 2012, 12:00:47 AM
Thanks for the advice, however, I have heard that tamiya is not that good. Moreover, I am looking for something like Merv as I like its looks. Is there a Tamiya model under 20k which can do wheelies and looks like Merv?
Title: Re: Traxxas E-Revo 1:16 purchase suggestion.
Post by: iamahuman on December 29, 2012, 07:30:57 AM
^ No.

The merv is fast so it will break if you do something wrong. RPM it up and you'll have lots of fun.
Title: Re: Traxxas E-Revo 1:16 purchase suggestion.
Post by: pravesh736 on December 29, 2012, 09:33:48 AM
if you want a 16th scale trx vxl that will not break get the mini slash. i have even driven it on walls . and not a single part replaced so far in 2.5 years. though some parts have broken/gained slop, they still work. running on 2s and 3s.
Title: Re: Traxxas E-Revo 1:16 purchase suggestion.
Post by: DJ on December 29, 2012, 10:11:20 AM
mini revo is a great truck had it for more than a year now.....although the stock parts are a bit rickety.....but with upgrades its awesome fun....have upgraded almost everything on my merve except for the stock motor n the chasis........with the present 2.4ghz traxxas link its even better.....if ur looking for pure fun u should go for it......

and kapil jolly is quite helpful great to deal with no problems there.....

good luck
Title: Re: Traxxas E-Revo 1:16 purchase suggestion.
Post by: chandan.ahluwalia on January 01, 2013, 09:44:13 PM
Thank you for the replies. Actually, I recently saw thunder tiger sparrow hawk XT. It looks good and even 1:10 scale. Are they good or is e-Revo better in case of durability?
Title: Re: Traxxas E-Revo 1:16 purchase suggestion.
Post by: chandan.ahluwalia on January 03, 2013, 01:07:53 AM
Now I'm totally confused. I checked out the slash 1:16 4x4 VXL listed on traxxas.in. It's for 14.9k with brushless motor.
Is slash more durable than e-Revo?
Also, is Slash too boring as compared to E-Revo?
Looking forward to your valued suggestions. :)
Title: Re: Traxxas E-Revo 1:16 purchase suggestion.
Post by: iamahuman on January 03, 2013, 06:00:25 AM
Both of them are rockets. The slash will take harder hits since it's not an open wheel car. The body and bumpers will soak up many impacts.
Title: Re: Traxxas E-Revo 1:16 purchase suggestion.
Post by: chandan.ahluwalia on January 03, 2013, 10:44:42 AM
Thanks. I'm planning to get it this week or next week. Can someone check and tell me if there is a difference in parts and accessories between E-Revo and Slash listed on traxxas.in?
I'm asking this as there is a decent price difference between these two brushless models.
Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Traxxas E-Revo 1:16 purchase suggestion.
Post by: chandan.ahluwalia on January 03, 2013, 10:59:40 AM
Also, they say that it's 2.4Ghz on site but last time I checked, the 2.4 ghz uses 4AA cells and the 27Mhz uses 8AA cells. Can someone check of slash VXL has 2.4 ghz or 27mhz as it says that it uses 8AA cells!
Title: Re: Traxxas E-Revo 1:16 purchase suggestion.
Post by: abhiraj on January 12, 2013, 09:04:23 PM
I owned a slash vxl

now own a erevo vxl completely hopped up!

The thing is that the newer versions with brushless power come with 2.4 gh radios and all my trx tx run on 4 AA's.
hope this helps!