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Traxxas Revo 3.3

Started by shashank, April 02, 2011, 09:24:36 PM

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It all started with a modest indoor heli (Modelart 3 ch heli) purchase from Modelart in Forum as i always wanted a flying RC which was not very expensive too . Flew it for a few days and decided i needed one which could fly outside and with more run time. Started looking online, and while researching i came across rcindia. Considered all the options in my budget and decided that with my budget i couldn't get what i had in mind, and moreover i will have to travel to Jakkur or some other place far from my house to be able to fly it and eventually i'll get lazy to travel, and it'll rot in a corner.

Started considering trucks/cars. Searched within the forum and narrowed it down to 2 manufacturers, Traxxas and HPI. For some strange reason liked Traxxas more and since the dealer was based in bangalore decided to go in for traxxas. Initially was considering electric and not nitro so the best car in traxxas was the Slash. Thought of buying it from US, but since it was too huge and 2.4ghz problems with customs decided against it. Called up jayanth and went in for a demo of the Slash. Unfortunately the car was not in running condition and couldn't get to see it in action. Instead saw the Revo in action and was so impressed that i decided i HAD to reconsider my decision ! The feel of a nitro, sound when it shifts up and the sight of leaving a trail of smoke as it thundered ahead was enough !! Discussed a few apprehensions i had in mind with Jayanth and decided its a nitro that i will enjoy more  :)

Then, the confusion between the t maxx and the Revo started. After considering the pro's and the cons of both mainly the difference in pricing decided it was the Revo for me. Evn though the t maxx had a lot of good reviews, somehow it never appealed to me as much as the Revo did. Sealed the deal last sunday and was at his place on monday for the break-in. Unfortunately, due to ez starter problems we were able to do only 2 tanks that day The following day we did about 2 tanks and i had the last tank to complete myself. Came home that night, woke up all the neighbors and finished that too :)

the following day i was to travel to my farmhouse and even though i had planned to run at-least 3 tanks all i could manage was 1. Today i did about 2 more tanks and even tried tuning the truck. Noticed considerable improvement in the top end speed and acceleration on tuning the high speed needle. Traxxas dvd was very helpful, but starangely i was not able to find any video online for tuning the 3.3 engine. Hope to take it to the track tomorrow :) But as they say, it cant be all nice. A neighbor shouted at me for running it near his house, so stopped it for the day  :( Not sure if i'll be able to run it again on the road.

To sum it up all. the experience with the car has been MIND BLOWING and loads of fun. Never thought it could be as good as it seems to be from the initial runs  :)
Traxxas Revo 3.3


Avoid running it near your home.Neighbours can be noisy but they hate it when you are.
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Yup. Actually wasn't running it near his house at all. That guy is a little finicky and i was expecting him to do that. Anyway, the best part was all the others were out of their houses inspecting this little thing which's making so much noise :)
Traxxas Revo 3.3


Congratulations on your purchase!

Come over to the racetrack! We'll meet up! ;D
Thunder Tiger Phoenix BX
Associated RC18T2/B2 Kit
Walkera 5G4Q3
TechOne Angel
Hiller 450 v2
Futaba 7c 2.4Ghz
Slash 4x4 (sold)


And how did you survive the crowd,if I may ask?? ;D

And yeah. PICS!!VIDS!!
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


The crowd was not as much of a problem as i thought it was, they just asked questions and i answered them patiently. Some of them had real stupid questions like "Mileage yeshtu" = "Wat's the mileage" and i just tell them 10 min run time and they walkaway all confused :)

Pics and vids coming up tomorrow :)
Traxxas Revo 3.3


Say something like "Nimma Gaadi kinta kadime adare nimma gaadi kinta jasti maja"=Lesser than your vehicle but more fun than your vehicle.

A few days from now,I'll be answering the same questions. ;D
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.



Lol. That is an awesome reply to people who ask such stupid questions  :)

So i dont think i'll be running the car tomorrow. Still no news if there's something happening at the track tomorrow
Traxxas Revo 3.3


here are a few pics
Traxxas Revo 3.3


And a few more without the body  :)
Traxxas Revo 3.3


Nice.. :)

Where do you stay?
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Thanks :) I stay in vijayanagar
How about you ?
Traxxas Revo 3.3


I stay in mahalakshmi layout.
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Congrats! Awesome truck man!! I have one gripe though - it's too clean :D Try and get some RPM parts, especially a beefier front bumper so that you're protected against bumps..
Terrain? If I cant Slash it, I'll Savage it!!


Today was great  :) first time took the Revo to an empty ground and had a blast. Good learning too. The slipper clutch had gone lose and had to tighten it, called up Jayanth and as always he was ready to help. Quick read of the manual and 2 mins truck was back to normal  :)
Pics or vids weren't taken as there was too little light, i spent more than half hour trying to figure out what's wrong before i called him and lost sufficient light for video or photo. I MAY be going to the track tomorrow, if i do will definitely take a video and post it.

@Tassem: I'm sure u'll like the truck more now ;) its got a lot more dirt than yesterday.

Cousin hit a rock head on at quite some speed. The rock (decent sized one) was thrown back by about half a feet. Damage=Scratches on the bumper. This thing is strong and can take a little bashing !!
Traxxas Revo 3.3


Query about RPM bumper. Its a little silly, but still like to clarify it.Do i have to buy the mount and the bumper when i pick up the bumper or i can use my existing mount ?
Traxxas Revo 3.3


congrats on the truck dude. :)

as for the slipper clutch. the one on my emaxx brushless went loose as well and had me scratching my head as to why it was not putting down the power.

finally sorted it out after like 10 mins and its back to being monstrous.  >:D

btw on a side note, does the revo 3.3 sit a bit higher than the e-revo BL??
Thunder Tiger Sparrowhawk DX
Thunder Tiger Phoenix ST II
Traxxas E-Maxx Brushless
Traxxas Summit
FG Sportsline 4WD Mini Cooper


Seriously. I was clulessly meddling with the tuning settings and wasted about half a tank fuel. I could hear the engine scream, but the truck never matched the revs of the engine while moving. It is higher than the e-revo bl, but little lower than the t-maxx.
Traxxas Revo 3.3


the main reason i ask is because my E-Maxx BL is very unpredictable at high speed braking and high speed turns it just tips over. and wanted to find out if u were having the same prob with ur revo..

turns are anyway a given. monster trucks dont handle great.

but the braking. i sometimes do good stoppies, controlled ones. but some times it just decides to do a front flip and scratch the body badly :(
Thunder Tiger Sparrowhawk DX
Thunder Tiger Phoenix ST II
Traxxas E-Maxx Brushless
Traxxas Summit
FG Sportsline 4WD Mini Cooper


Always keep in mind that for MT's never brake and steer simultaneously . Other than that, soften the suspension, lower ride height, and your car wont tip over.
Stock Revo itself turn overs a lot less than savages, especially XL
I'll be back.


congrats on your Revo 3.3. its a great car and is loads of fun. hope you have finished the running on and final tuning properly.

iam sure youll have a great time with.


HPI Racing Savage X 4.6


Strangely i've not tipped my truck over till date. I follow this, before entering a corner if i'm at speed i brake to reduce the speed, just enough to be able to turn and then only do i steer the truck. Jayanth told me that you first brake and then steer. Never brake and steer simultaneously.

@Shutterx: Thanks :) i finished the break-in completely. I've run almost 5 tanks after that, still trying to tune it properly
Traxxas Revo 3.3


great. after you get your tuning done, just make sure that you do no run the motor too lean... i.e, there should be visible amount of smoke while accelerating... tuning it leaner will increase performance slighty but run your motor hotter hence reducing life.

HPI Racing Savage X 4.6


Quote from: shashank on April 05, 2011, 11:23:48 AM
Strangely i've not tipped my truck over till date. I follow this, before entering a corner if i'm at speed i brake to reduce the speed, just enough to be able to turn and then only do i steer the truck. Jayanth told me that you first brake and then steer. Never brake and steer simultaneously.

@Shutterx: Thanks :) i finished the break-in completely. I've run almost 5 tanks after that, still trying to tune it properly

trx 3.3 are not very easy to tune, ask your seller, it might be easy for him.
BTW what method did u use for break in??? Classic method or The So called Trx method
I'll be back.


And yeah, dont fiddle with LSN, HSN is enough for tuning, LSN is for very fine tuning, i have done mistakes of playing with my LSN and got in lots of troubles
I'll be back.