Had some time to kill today. Here's what came out of it! :)
Do let me know what you think of it.
Nice job.
Great editing, good footage.
Did the car have sway bars when you got it?
Nah.. no sway bars. But it looks like I need them. Too much lift and spin outs on corners..
coooool! {:)}
Thank you :)
That looked awesome! :)
You seem to have a cool place to run the car.
Is it running on the 2s lipo?
Thanks :) yup 2S wolfpack 4200mah..
You should bring it down to the ground I showed you. Both the Slash and the Savage can run there together :)
@Divyam: Time to change your signature. ;)
Lol Gandhar is rubbing it in! I'm sure it was difficult for Divyam as it is!
Haha I was JUST thinking of that. I'll change it the next time I get to a computer :)
But Gandhar you should come down to the ground once too. It's a basher's paradise. Electric, nitro, gas, ANYTHING. :)
Quote from: Divyam on February 25, 2013, 10:52:33 AM
You should bring it down to the ground I showed you. Both the Slash and the Savage can run there together :)
Absolutely!! My plan is to make a chase video next! On some sick terrain!
Na that's alright. I don't have much time to run it anyways. It's good to know it's running in good hands :)
It's in good hands alright! So much TLC being dished out its way!!
I'm thinking we can hold a small race at my office parking grounds on a weekend. I'll get the necessary permissions.. Let's plan up..
That would be fantastic! Gandhar would be game for sure. Now we have to find some more people. I'm sure if we put up an event here, on Rcindia, people would join :)
That's the idea. But I cant have too many people at the office parking even though its huge. I'll speak to decathlon to see if they're open to having a race at their grounds. Last time I spoke with them, they were cool with me bringing my car as long as I don't rip the grass apart..
That would be great. I'd be up for some racing on dirt, with my new center diff and all. Moving to tarmac would require switching to the slipper and gearing down.
Also, it'd give me a chance to use my M11x outdoors.
I'd love to see your truck in action!! And that badass controller!
But let's try and have it after April, so that all of us can join, including people with exams during April :)
Lol people like you, you mean. :p
Hey, I didn't wanna sound greedy :P besides, Gandhar is writing these exams too. :)
Lol, yeah.
We need to wrap up our exams before anything else.
Good luck guys!! We'll plan it for april then..
nice video.... :thumbsup: where you guys based around town...? There are nice streches around Nice road for some good RC car action..... although am not yet good enough to race , don mind the fun.....:)
I stay at begur road.. where near nice road is this place? Is it open to public??
@Divyam: Which ground are you talking about?
@Taseem : Which Decathlon? And where parking lot?
Was thinking of those empty layouts on either side of NICE road
..... The roads are Tarmac and the layout themselves are empty... So you have your track ready.... Pretty flat, so visibility is good.... Shoud be open to public, as there are no houses yet on these layouts.... Will try to click pics if I pass by sometimes....
Is it the decathlon on bannerghatta road?
Rajat, the ground behind my house. It's been cleared lately. And it makes for some fantastic bashing. :)
I'm pretty sure Decathlon is on Sarjapur Road. But my sense of direction is terrible, so correct me if I'm wrong.
Theres one on Whitefield road too :)
Hey guys, I completely missed this. I was talking about the one in Bannerghatta Rd.
I bought a set of cones to setup a track at the apartment parking lot. So much fun with a path charted out. Running up and down has gotten really boring!
Has anyone thought of a run at perhaps Lalbagh or something? I don't think they'd be bothered enuf to stop us.
Even I bought some cones from decathlon . Think they were 60 bucks each. Very good to make tracks anywhere in the open/parking lots :thumbsup:.They also have reflectors strip which help if you have an underground parking or in the evenings/night. Lalbagh has nice open spaces, but might end up with a lot of spectators on weekends.
In a month, I should be able to join you guys if we can come up with something. If we can gain access to a large parking lot, we can use the cones you guys have and set up a nice little track.
Quote from: drksargod on April 14, 2013, 08:00:17 AM
Even I bought some cones from decathlon . Think they were 60 bucks each. Very good to make tracks anywhere in the open/parking lots :thumbsup:.They also have reflectors strip which help if you have an underground parking or in the evenings/night. Lalbagh has nice open spaces, but might end up with a lot of spectators on weekends.
I think we're talking about the same thing. Though mine came in a set of 6 for Rs.399 IIRC. Its perfect for our use. I also bought a set of golf tees that can be used to mark the outside of corners etc. They were some 99 bucks for a set of 20 I guess.
Even school grounds should be good. Let me talk to a few of the schools nearby to see if they're open to us having a go there. As long as we guarantee to leave it in the condition we found it, I don't think they should object. I used to run at a school ground near my old house in hennur. But that's too far now.
Quote from: iamahuman on April 14, 2013, 09:09:44 AM
In a month, I should be able to join you guys if we can come up with something. If we can gain access to a large parking lot, we can use the cones you guys have and set up a nice little track.
Sounds good. Let's see what works out. I'll talk to a few guys to see if we can get some grounds. For school grounds, we can maybe offer to clean it of litter in return. Help the community while having fun!
We have to think creative. There are a lot of dormant RC car enthusiasts in bangalore. A few consistent weeks of running will surely spread the word and attract more people.
Quote from: Tassem on April 14, 2013, 10:44:34 AM
We have to think creative. There are a lot of dormant RC car enthusiasts in bangalore. A few consistent weeks of running will surely spread the word and attract more people.
Most certainly. Who knows, we might ignite interest for a new track.
How far would you guys be ready/able to travel from the city for a Sunday car bashing session?
What are you planning? Something like this would be great.
I'm sure my brother is up for a long drive one fine Sunday. Gandhar, you can come with me as well. We can all car pool. :)
Or, you guys can come down to Koramangala. Right behind my place, is a massive ground. By massive, I mean probably 2-3 sq. Km's. And it's recently been flattened out because they're gonna start construction there. I'm sure nobody would mind if we ran our cars there for a couple of hours, but I can still ask ask around if it's alright.
I'd love it. I need to spend a wee bit of time and get my car ready.
If we can have Tassem and drksargod and others, it would be great.
How far will people travel?
Here's how I feel.... We had a track in JP nagar which was inside the city . No body bothered to show up there , everyone had every kind of issues when they would be called there. It wasn't a really nice track but more than enough to practise and get wheel time. I doubt any net tigers would show up anywhere now. Running in field is waste of a car but sadly it's too late . And even if people show up its not gonna go far .the fault is ours .
A close friend of mine has a estate on the outskirts , he said he would not mind us using it as long as we leave it as it was..... It's got some natural jumps and a rising and falling terrain of loose dirt. It's private so we don't have to worry about spectator issues. But the catch is its an hours drive (we can car pool from a common point), and no large open ground as such....it's about 35 acres....
Pravesh, lets try again and let's just begin something.... Looking at the state of rc in bangalore now, anything would be a good start.... Once people start getting together, the scene should become better....
That has been done many times with same result.
Quote from: drksargod on May 13, 2013, 12:37:02 PM
Pravesh, lets try again and let's just begin something.... Looking at the state of rc in bangalore now, anything would be a good start.... Once people start getting together, the scene should become better....
I totally agree. If your friend doesn't mind, could you give us a rough Google Maps link?
Ideally, if we could do something in a parking lot, it would be great. We could attract a lot of attention that way.
Quote from: pravesh736 on May 13, 2013, 12:39:15 PM
That has been done many times with same result.
Let's try again and learn from the mistakes of the others.
I understand the plight. We are in the same scene after the local track has been pulled down for rebuild. We are determined to make a track with decent surface else not bother at all.
Running in a field or bashing around is just going to get you bored in a few weeks. This what I am planning to do till our local track comes up, head to HYD every 2 months. Don't care if there is race or not. If we can coordinate, can have a mini race.
So wish they reopen jakkur for RC.