Electric skateboard in india.

Started by aamin172001, June 21, 2017, 11:33:00 AM

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Hi guys...
I've searched a lot about this but nothing helpful came up which will setisfy my confusion, so I thought why not start a discussion and i know many of us will be interested in this and want such ibfo about this.
Actually i wanted to know that will tgat be any problem if i import electric skateboard to india from abroad? I want to but boosted board buy I'm confused about the customs, like we all know customs is always there to mess up things and keeps us away from the latest technology. What evet the trending tech, customs are there to bang them from the base. And we stay keep staring the world enjoing the latest tech... I think we'll have many who can clarify this thing about electric skateboard.


hey ,
You can check out enertion electric boards . http://www.enertionboards.com/
they provide kits to make your own electric Longboard . And better to get it from a friend
coming in from abroad, otherwise shippings and customs will cost you a bomb !

let me know if you are getting one ...
180,250,360 ,450,680,800quad :



heavily priced !!youtube for a DIY kit


Ya... I'll try to get it from my friend and ya it's really pricey tech right now. I wonder if anyone in india already have electric skateboard or have managed to diy the board can collaborate and share the details about the parts etc... Or cab help to get them here in India, how to and all..



try to make this without Handel 
learning is a constant process of discovery -a process with out End !