another threat to our hobby

Started by v2 eagle, April 01, 2014, 10:09:40 AM

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v2 eagle

militants plan to attack important leaders in india during election campaign using rc planes/helis. Cops on trail for people who purchased rc equipments past few mnths. Read thehindu for more info.
FPV with head goggles


-2814 700kv Carbon Fiber 685mm Quadcopter ( tuning PIDs)
-Scratch build Hexacopter ( selling the parts) { almost sold}
-9xR - The best RADIO
-ST360quad (sold)
-kk2 (sold)



Best thing is avoid flying during these times, or go to nearest police station and and take noc from them and carry it all the time else the stuff will get confiscated or detainment


Thats sheer stupidity. Its seriously bad on our part. :-\ :-\
"If you were born with wings, do every thing you could, for flying."


If they have to carry any payload, they need more than toy planes or copters. Will require good sizeable with FPV. Doesnt should far fetched? Also during major rallies, wouldnt the police use radio jammers to ensure no remote device can operate.


Radio jammers indian police
In rallies is not possible
Passion is Airborne


Chintal Your unsubstantiated response is suggesting views anti RC Hobby activities which is in no way mitigating the already existing baseless animosity towards this hobby. I would request you to please withdraw your comment.


^^^^ true, was about to say the same thing.


I don't think the police even owns radio jammers, but this surely is a threat.

The first thing that police and other agencies do is that they go through all different RC purchases made in last few months and check to see if certain purchases have components required to build a big enough plane for carrying any explosive materials. And by doing this they have caught some people who have tried to use rc planes and other rc craft for anti social and terrorist.

I would suggest the police should have directed EMP or surface EMP emitters which are costly but will stop any electronic devices from working inside their range.

And hope that they catch these people who are defaming our hobby. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Build planes like feathers rather than tanks, both handle bullets equally well.


Well we are no one to understand or know what police owns and what it does not own.   It their responsibility to maintain a safe atmosphere during the election period at all places.  For that even if they have to ask all RC radio users to deposite their RC equipmets they are within their rights.  For us to be a righteous Indian citizen it is our responsibility to use this very capable piece of equipment with utmost care and within the rule book.  

Mind your there is no anomosity towards RC hobby..... it is the potential it has to do harm which needs to be kept in mind and hance all of us need to be correct in what frequencies we use, what equipment we use and what do we do with our equipment.  After all one can not and must not break the law of the land.

Regards to all....
Well I been into aeromodelling since I was in School....  and then been in the air for over 30 years.  Now looking to be back into aeromodelling full time...


isnt EMP's directional? its not isotropic right? and I guess i have never seen indian police force using EMP's!
but as a Indian citizen its our right to not make a its better we dont fly rather than take risks...


Golden Rule is "Always fly away from civilization in uninhabited areas and space away from built up areas"

Avoid populated areas, built up areas and avoid flying near gatherings of people.


For the best interest of everyone, admin should strictly moderate this thread.

The Intelligence bureau or IB is well aware of what can and can not be done with model airplanes. In my opinion we should not go out and start discussing this here , in searchable public domain.

Let the news come and go, and not make a hue and cry about it.

We should definately have a big STICKY on top of the forum to urge new comers to fly safe.

Off late, with the increasing number of college students joining the hobby, many in lure of the competition and the rewards, follow really unsafe flying practises. They should be really educated about the how important it is to fly safe.

Also, with the ease of with people now put cameras on their hobby planes, I suggest some restraint in that area as well.

Everyone, please do fly safe, and Admin, please monitor this thread strictly.


hello all.

in my opinion. this is not possible at all.

we all know the capabilities of model aircrafts and helicopters.
the amount of investment is huge and knowledge required to operate is equally huge.

only the US predators are equipped with missiles for remote attacks. but cost of predator is so much no one can afford.

trying to learn a model aircraft takes a lot of time. i dont think militants will ever get into this. buying a gun and that too latest
one must be a hell of problem for them.

the picture posted by media is of a helicopter landing in crowded area.  nowadays election rallies are taking place and huge crowds are gathering.

THe IB and police security cannot just cope up with the system as they too have there own problems.

Lets just enjoy the hobby and not get into this trouble.

we have to practive safe flying and away from populated areas. this is the only way to go.

pls do not get scared or scare others. i have been flying in many programs and right under the cops nose.

but never had any  issues. coz the objectives were different. they too know it.

my advise happy flying but away from the crowds.


Sandeep Bajare
Ph - 9175342600


The fact can be reverse as expected.

As bbcode "code" is not functioning, I have to use picture to post. If any one can ask me to withdraw, any moderators can delete my post, I am giving concent.
We have to unite and to prove ourself to make indigenous products as well as marketing / Canvasing them. I'm sure we must achieve success if we try unitedly.


This is a hobby.  People who want to cause trouble will find one way or other to do it. They will get caught for the same... before, during or after. 

Everything that is purported to be a threat can be created via DIY, if needed. It is RC craft today, and something else tomorrow.

Everyone reaps what he sows, that should be the guiding light, and what maintains the sanity in people.

Let us use common sense and reasonable caution (like what Sundaram bhai said) in what we do in terms of RC... and be role models for others who want to practice this hobby in a safe manner.

We should just ignore this and move on. I am going to believe that people who make decisions on what is dangerous are just as sane as me, and can see the bigger picture.
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K K Iyer

Quote from: gauravag on April 01, 2014, 04:43:08 PM
For the best interest of everyone, admin should strictly moderate this thread.

The Intelligence bureau or IB is well aware of what can and can not be done with model airplanes. In my opinion we should not go out and start discussing this here , in searchable public domain.

Let the news come and go, and not make a hue and cry about it.

We should definately have a big STICKY on top of the forum to urge new comers to fly safe.

Off late, with the increasing number of college students joining the hobby, many in lure of the competition and the rewards, follow really unsafe flying practises. They should be really educated about the how important it is to fly safe.

Also, with the ease of with people now put cameras on their hobby planes, I suggest some restraint in that area as well.

Everyone, please do fly safe, and Admin, please monitor this thread strictly.

+1 gaurav
Am quoting gauravag because IT IS WORTH REPEATING.

v2 eagle

Thought of putting it in front of everyone as just a information without thinking of side effects :banghead: :banghead:
Request Admin to lock the thread or delete it as a whole

FPV with head goggles


V2Eagle, what you did was perfectly legitimate. You've done nothing wrong. In some small town/village, an enthusiastic flier could be penalised severely for this. In that case, the 'side effects' would be calamitous.

If the Indian 'Intelligence Bureau' knew what to do (I doubt it), they wouldn't be blindly following in the footsteps and stupidly emulating the US Intelligence that had impounded the RC F 86 Sabre of an individual with a particular un Christian (Rizwan Ahmed) name/ surname on the grounds of him being a terrorist. Perhaps, he is still in jail.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Is there any way to get clarification from authorities if are allowed to fly during election? Someone said take NOC from police, I don't think we can get it. It will be lot of trouble.


Guys... just be yourself, as in, fly away from people and buildings, and follow well established common-sense RC safety protocols.  Worry about just that, and not about getting another piece of paper.

If there are a bunch of you flying in a field, get your local police inspector to "inaugurate a fun fly" at your field sometime, that is all the PR that you need (based on currently how the hobby is regulated, or lack thereof, in our country).

Like the people who makes knives not worrying about how they are used, let us use what we have safely and continue forward.

And for God's sake, don't post further in this thread. I hope authorities see this thread and take us for who we are.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.