;D ;D ;D :giggle: :headscratch:
"Augustinev has no influence" :giggle: :giggle: ;D ;D
:giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
Well in my case, it is true ;D ;D not in your's of course.
I had never noticed that :giggle:
But we all know, "influence" is just a "state of the mind" or a "perception" ;D
Quote from: rohitgupta322 on October 16, 2011, 06:14:51 PM
"Augustinev has no influence"
But he might win handily if the question is about being "UNDER influence" :rofl: And I would have NONE ;)
with JD in hand i feel like a man. :rofl: 1930 is mid night atthis part of india, HIGH time to get influenced. ;) Monday Blues are already here :banghead:
how can one die a teetotaler ? :banghead: