this is never going to happen!
without ILS/MLS aircraft cant land ! most of the airports (excluding very busy airports) will not have serviceble glideslope! 2nd thing cant belive every aircraft will have TCAS to avoide collision!
atlast human can only make crucial decisions ,where computer thinks stack priority!
Yeah.AI is a long way away.Atleast for flying thousands of people.
FI we ever fly in an UAV.....then it will not be called an UNMANNED AIR VEHICLE :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
Unmanned is referring to the pilot (or lack of one, rather), isn't it ? Cargo, be it human, is just cargo :giggle:
today anwar sir u have give another name to human species--CARGO....... :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
Nope, the distinction is clear... only when you in a plane AND you are not a pilot flying the plane :giggle:
Well some say China is lining up to trial cargo fight in 2014 and others say dog will be fitted instead of co-pilots in order to bite the pilot if he tries to touch anything!
The idea of a fully crewed aircraft having another automatic aircraft much like a trailer following behind has also been mentioned.
I would say anything is possible, but many years away.
Quote from: Gary Mortimer on September 17, 2010, 03:15:36 AM
others say dog will be fitted instead of co-pilots in order to bite the pilot if he tries to touch anything!
this was old joke during my last year training when i was learning Autopilot's
Good joke nonetheless.
Yes I have recycled an old joke, hangs head in shame :salute:
so,Praveen, do you fly now too?
Looks like this won't be happening for a very long time.The whole idea of putting your life in the hands of a man on the ground seeems like it won't sell.Cost cutting should stop at a point.
Quote from: iamahuman on September 17, 2010, 04:44:13 PM
so,Praveen, do you fly now too?
dont mistake me Gandhar ! i am AME !(aircraft maintenance engineer) in "Avionics! no jobs in airlines ! completed my OJT(on job training) on Jaguars in HAL,and also on B737-400,NG series ! anyways because of AME experience n hobby got job for designing n flying UAS!
the joke above our captain used to say "in future autopilot's will be flying plane ,only one man will be allowed to fly with dog on first officer's seat ,everthing will be controlled by autopilot ! only in emergencies man is allowed to take control else dog will bite him"
Oh.Still you are one lcky guy.I would love to do the same job as you.And now that I am in tenth,I will have to make my choice.
Choose unmanned ;-)
No way.
It gives me some relief that there is a guy in the cockpit who is flying the plane.IF for some reason,the 'pilot' on the ground loses his link with the plane,we are doomed.So,we would need a pilot on board.Then we can keep the present sytem itself.
I meant that in the broader sense, unmanned aviation is expanding rapidly. Manned aviation has reached a plateau.
Oh,I am sorry.Never looked at it from the broader point of view.You are correct about manned flight reaching a plateau though.We need something new.UAVs probably have most of their chances in military aviation and rescue(or dangerous)flights more than commercial.
check this one people!
Future is UAV..
Airbus always was behind it .their vision is to make passenger flights atonomous..