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Autonomous flight

Started by manjulal, December 21, 2018, 01:03:01 PM

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I am looking at implementing autonomous flight for my Hexacopter which uses Naza M V2 as the FC. I heard that DJI has stopped supporting Ground Station software for PC due to Google stopping their Google Earth services. I stumbled across UGCS (, but again their pricing model appears to be totally ridiculous and expensive. Can any of you guide me on the right route which is not that expensive?

What all hardware should I get ?
Any open source alternatives available?



Okay, thanks for the reply. Any open source ones I can use with my existing FC?


Anyone still using Ground Station Pro for iPad?


I don't think there exists a ground station software for the Naza series. They're proprietary controllers and closed source. You won't be able to find affordable/free ones. If you want to build an autonomous drone then it's best to go for an open source fligh controller software like ArduPilot or PX4. They have a ton of features and are documented very well so you won't find any difficulties setting them up, they offer obstacle avoidance with LIDAR and Infrared sensors as well. Also you can get the controllers for a good price if you know where to look. You could use INAV as well but Idk how good it is.

BTW, what exactly are you planning to do?

All the best,
Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager


Hi,  Friends...
I am new here...
I want to make flight controller and RC receiver using an Arduino Uno + nRF24L01 for Quadcopter..
Can any one help me to build the same..



Thank you so much for your reply. I was aware of PX4 and its capabilities, but since I have invested this much on DJI FC and accessories, I thought of looking at more options in that area. Probably my next upgrade is going to be a Pixhawk for sure. My primary aim is aerial photography with some hobby flying around as well.

Can you please let me know some good sites I can get an actual 3DR Px4 unit and accessories? (Eg. Holybro)


3DR stopped producing the Pixhawks long back. You could get the cube by ProfiCNC or CUAV pixhacks (you'd have to order them from China), I don't think the holybro pixhawks are available in India.

The Cube is available at, and

Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager


Pixhack is available at , website is under maintenance right now
Passion is Airborne


Okay...looks like RCMumbai is still down. Will check it out when site is up again.