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Beauty and Brains

Started by VC, February 27, 2014, 08:27:08 PM

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What's the connection? If you don't know about it - prepare to be blown away. If you do know about it, please spill the beans here without using google.

Try not to cheat - To thine own self be true...................

And if you don't know the connection - stop drooling over her. She died in 2000 at the age of 85. Watta woman!

I think she beats the entire lot of 'RC Girls' from inception to date single handedly.

Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Hedy LaMarr.. :D ..One of the creators of the FHSS systems used today :D
Sent from a potato using a lamp.


can anyone explain , what actually is FHSS ?
Stop leg pulling , be wiser.....

K K Iyer


Iyer Sahab, while I definitely anticipated your focussed attention  ;) on this thread, I didn't expect the 'Huh?'  ???  from you........................

Rohit 256 - Google FHSS and see what you come up with. Yashodhan has already given you a clue.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Well thats a rare case
Beauty and brains.......!!!!
Passion is Airborne


ahh, saw her on discovery science last night.
SR UH-1 Huey, Trex 450 Pro, Skyartec Wasp X3, Hausler 450 SE V2, Hiller Hover, WL Toys V912, Double horse 9100, Walkera E22, Art-tech Hughess 300.


And I thought she was a barber  :rofl:

Ask Samson  >:D >:D


Another 'Mature' comment from Rai Sahib!
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!



I came to know of her when I first started gaining knowledge of RC and came to know about FHSS it ,wasn't entirely her discovery. Also the reason why people started researching spectrum hopping and encryption. :)

But she is a great person :bow:
Build planes like feathers rather than tanks, both handle bullets equally well.

K K Iyer

You guys must be older than my dad.
Maybe you don't need any more heady haircuts as not having any is a sign of victorious maturity.
I know all these references having heard of them since childhood.
Even know who the original Tarzan was.
But what's the use? Still don't know the answer.
As Lance told me the other day, maybe my ego is writing cheques my body can't cash.
Perhaps i need to exercise the option of growing up...


Iyer Sir, Johnny Weissmuller, Buster Crabbe and Herman Brix have had no part to play in nurturing our hobby. Thus, their pictures are not up on the forum. :giggle:
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Quote from: VC on February 28, 2014, 10:58:51 PM
Iyer Sir, Johnny Weissmuller, Buster Crabbe and Herman Brix have had no part to play in nurturing our hobby. Thus, their pictures are not up on the forum. :giggle:

My sincere pologies for any unintended misrepresentations / misinterpretations. Please read the above post as:

@ Iyer Sir,

Johnny Weissmuller, Buster Crabbe and Herman Brix have played no constructive role in nurturing our hobby. Thus, their pictures are not up on the forum.

Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!

K K Iyer

@VC Sir,
A fine point indeed. Needed a double take!

K K Iyer

@VC Sir,
Angrez chale gaye, kuchch aulaad chod gaye.
Thought up a new one just now:
Oscar Wilde, caught at Customs with a new gold Parker was asked if he had anything to declare.
Ans: Nothing except my pun!


I thought Wilde was asked to sign a document at the Customs office and he searched frantically within his coat and exasperated, "I'm sorry but I don't know where my pen is." That's another story. Rai Sahib knows the can ask him.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!

K K Iyer

@VC Sir,
@Sanjayrai55 Sir,
That was when he was searching for his pen to declare his genius.
I made this one up for when the pen was found.
Caught with his pen down.
Deserved to be penned.


Iyyer sir , Vc sir,
Something i scratch  my head to get, what you gentlemens are talking about. many times it goes over my head, then also i tried to read,as much as i can. I think to reach that level of knowledge and communications skills, ill still have to get lot of age.

still remember the words by  Sundram sir " Be aware of older generation, they have not got the knowledge buy googling''.  :salute:
Russ-40 Trainer, Mr.moss, Pushler, Skysurfer, Mugi , F-22, Red swan, Xtra-300, redfury, flying mantaray.


Sundaram Sir is no spring chicken himself. His favourite heroine is Madhubala.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Please no other member try to make sense of the posts above. It is only meant for the person it was intended for.
If you try to make sense of it you will be left completely confused. You have been warned :giggle:
Build planes like feathers rather than tanks, both handle bullets equally well.


'Spiro Agnew' 39th Vice Prez of USA and second one to resign. Anagram of his name will blow your's away :giggle:
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.



I think it's 'grow a *****'. What's a 'soap winger' anyways?


Swapnil, Swapnil, Swapnil - *****  ??? It is just a part of your body and nothing to be ashamed of. An integral part, though. Why are you being so defensive and camouflaging it with stars. Be proud of that part, keep it erect and take good care of that part now so that it gives you no trouble in your old age. Now say it and say it loud:

Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!