Imperial war museum exhibits

Started by izmile, September 16, 2009, 01:17:02 AM

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not really - trim tabs are controlled independently of the
primary flight controls - i.e you have to move a trim wheel or lever

a boost tab is coupled to the primary flight controls - i.e if you want
up elevator you pull back - elevator moves up and boost tab moves down
thus giving you the benefits you posted earlier

I would imagine that the FCC on most larger aircraft would give you the option
of using the same tab in different modes.


OK.. then. Now, I learnt something new!.. Cool!

"Anything can fly" - SPADs just prove that!


"I crawled into the empty engine bay of the Ohka Piloted Bomb (a very rare specimen anywhere in the world) to retrieve an empty packet of gutka"

It seems that inspiring gutka (:|~ was famous among Japanese pilots during theWW-II also. :headscratch:  I hope that gutka retreived above was not left by Japanese pilot. :giggle: ;D


Have you heard this tale ?

Jap agents infiltrated the allied air bases in Burma and Ledo
and started placing pkts of poisoned chewing gum in the
cockpits of the P40's .

The Americans lost 18 aircraft to unexplained crashes ....
before finally zeroing in on the cause.