brushed flight controllers for micro/mini quadcopters

Started by abhinavbhopal26, July 27, 2016, 07:27:49 PM

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1.Eachine Racer 250 Drone Spare Part CC3D Flight Controller With Flexiport (1012630)
2.MultiWii NanoWii ATmega32U4 Micro Flight Controller USB/GYRO/ACC
3.any controller from cc3d
which of these will be suitable for building a miniquad?
and should be easily available in india too. please help!!!

Balakrishna Reddy

They do not support brushed motors directly. They are meant to be used with ESCs.
Brushed FC(flight controller) generally have FETS on the board directly so that you can attach a motor directly on to FC.
These cannot be used directly to switch a transistor to use with motor directly because the PWM output of these FC will be in between 50% to 100% but in order to feed brushed motors you need PWM between 0 to 100% which is possible only with brushed FC.


ok so can u name a few brushed FCs so that i can compare their prices and all to make the best choice.
also what transmitter should i buy so that it can be used in future projects and my investment doesnt go to waste

Balakrishna Reddy

This thread
was actually started by you and I have already suggested few like scisky,alienwii,quanum pico,Micro MWC