a mechanic - made a helicopter ????

Started by Ajay Sarwan, April 09, 2014, 08:30:15 PM

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Ajay Sarwan


We see these from time to time... kudos to all their efforts :thumbsup:

It should be noted that making a heli (or plane) and making a heli "that flies" are completely different things.
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Ajay Sarwan

Anwar ji replied for my post. oh god that was the first post from me..... :thanks:


Ajay Sarwan

thanks for welcoming me johnywalker8pm. BTW i have been here for almost a year. silently reading the posts. ;D

v2 eagle

Welcome Ajay,

Its not a crime to be resilient, but its certainly a crime to keep your Radio idle on Sundays.
Assuming you are a plane flyer may i ask you where/what do you fly.

FPV with head goggles



Making a heli is much easier then aircraft is it?

Shyam Hembram

Hiller450 chopper,Sky surfer v2,Wilga2000,450quad(building)

kiran rc

@abhayf14 its very tough to build a heli than plane. :)


He is the third person in India who had done this. The other two were also mechanic and they got no value
In India here only papers carriers respect not the skills
Correct me if I am wrong



@ Abhay check the link, people are felicitated in right situations


Moreover these are crude builds which dont fly above 10ft so, yeah commendable effort but what else can be done? We cannot expect these people to understand the intricacies of the real thing  even if they try to get them involved in the real projects unless some form of training is provided to them. I mean we have to first of all begin with basics such as teaching them English!

v2 eagle

I agree with saikat.
@ abhay, in my opinion gyrocopter is much easier than plane or heli, safer and needs less expertise and a less complicated frame and engine( a PPG engine will do) also no big field required for take off.
check some videos, you will be tempted to build one.

FPV with head goggles


K K Iyer

No one noticed the tissue paper used for covering   ;D