Kolkata Customs imposed me 5000 rupees penalty!

Started by Baru008, February 14, 2021, 04:21:09 PM

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Hi guys please guide me. I've read that circa 2016-2017 the penalty was 200 rupees. I ordered in 2019 and like everyone else I also didn't recieve and it got stuck in kolkata customs, then after few months later kolkata customs sent me a clarification letter to give my explanation regarding this toy import. I thought not to get into a debate with the authority and ignored that letter. Then after 2 years later in 2021 I received another letter from Kolkata customs which is another notice. It was written that I've been fined by kolkata customs of 5000 rupees. The penalty amount has been increased to 5000 rupees. I mean like I didn't recieve the product, and now they imposed 5000 rupees penalty. So please help me I need to know do I have to pay the 5000 rupees penalty at any cost??? Is there anyone else here who ignored this notice? What will happen If I ignore this penalty notice???? I'm stressed out please please anyone reply!!!!!


You'll go to jail. Straight to jail. Will not pass Go. Will not collect 200


Go meet them, and negotiate. And don't post the same thing in multiple threads


So finally what you did? Because I had received the same type of letter asking to pay ₹5000 penalty