Wrong news in Times of India newspaper about drones / rc planes

Started by nchandra, August 24, 2013, 11:34:44 AM

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Shame. He can't even stand the truth.
An actual UAV pilot (IA) also commented, Mr. Saha tried to rubbish him as well.
Sent from a potato using a lamp.


oh no.. we miss something.... range in meters not in kilometers.....  :banghead:  :banghead:
he is having long range satellite camera fitted on his head..... we missed all ........  :giggle:
mx2 30cc; Calmato 40; Future 55, Giles 202 46; SU-30 EP; Seduction 46;  Stringray 46


Dat fellow is getting what he wants. In the link they say they want to use his quad to secure the park. This means contract and money for Saha.

Its sad to see some people like Saha ruining this hobby.


Sent from a potato using a lamp.



one stop for multirotor needs:



Topic name updated... so that when people search for "wrong" news on "Times of India", they notice this thread... eventually  the newspaper staff themselves will notice this thread.

Essentially Times of India newspaper is fooled by this kid... and their journalists should have done some verification of the matter before sending it to print.
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I hope it stuffs a bit of sense into the common public  :banghead:. Agreed the NGO guy has a lot of effort gone into it :-\, but he should also understand it instead of pointlessly defending Mr. Saha, who now is taking full and undue advantage of this media exposure.  >:(
And as 'doctor' said he is ruining this hobby by considering his own personal interests over the interests of the community as a whole.
He even made a comment that the TOI journalists cannot be wrong since they have their own verifications before they publish something, when he was confronted with the evidence.
N.B. i always see 1 or 2 guests viewing this thread, i wonder who they are!!  ???  :headscratch:

@anwar ji +1 :salute:
Sent from a potato using a lamp.


If Anwar ji permits, then i can post the replies from FB here.
Sent from a potato using a lamp.


I dont knw why students do all this publicity things!
They would have got info frm site like this n go to public and say they did all by themselves...
Even I am a student who did a project on VTOL aircraft (it was supposed to be a tilt wing mechanism) it wasnt successful and due to lack of time I had to go for Tri-copter and i finished well and scored 196 out of 200...
all my teachers who were noobs in this rc field knew nothing abt wat is happening told me to publish  it in newspaper... I said i will do tat but never did! i knw ppl are more capable than wat i did and all i did was upload it on Youtube and showed it to my friends n relatives and I started continuing my hobby...
I guess many students n teachers do it for publicity for themselves and for college


even Mr. Rajendra sir replied very well in his FB remark.. hats of to Mr. Rajendra   :hatsoff:
mx2 30cc; Calmato 40; Future 55, Giles 202 46; SU-30 EP; Seduction 46;  Stringray 46




that multirotor is HIDEOUS! it looks like a 3 year olds thermocol chart!! is this the limit of indians showing their creativity??
dissapointing, to say the least


I wont post those screen shots unless Anwar ji allows me to do so.
Sent from a potato using a lamp.


shame on this guy! fooling the public!
and then blocking people who seem to expose his secret!
-2814 700kv Carbon Fiber 685mm Quadcopter ( tuning PIDs)
-Scratch build Hexacopter ( selling the parts) { almost sold}
-9xR - The best RADIO
-ST360quad (sold)
-kk2 (sold)



I have no problem with posting screenshots, except when it contains vulgar name calling or profanity.

Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.






Protecting a 480 acre park is no joke. I am not into quads but i can imagine the money it requires. So, the hobby destroyer along with his team mates will make money.

May be rc enthusiasts from kolkatta with actual quads with gps can contact the park authority and hold a demo atleast to open their eyes.


The fellow knows what he is doing. He knows DRDO and other defence orgs are very well equipped and wont even look at his cellotape bound camera on his traine



The guy is young and taken over by the stardom he's achieved. I also see it as an attempt by the backing NGO to gain momentum via the media. Content losing to marketing, once again.

I tried putting video links to all my flying builds as responses to the article...but the comment button just doesn't work on TOI. Anyone else facing the same issue.


Yes it does not allow full video link. You can post keywords of your youtube link describing it.



Prithvijit Mitra is the reporter who published the article on TOI Kolkatta
You can find the links for his twitter/fb/google+
Maybe some can sensitize him about rc hobby.
I would rather prefer to write a letter than posting online tho if i can get exact address of there Kolkatta office.