Rc hobby in India is missing something...

Started by Mehul Anand, July 09, 2018, 10:28:24 PM

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Mehul Anand

Well our hobby is great there is no doubt in it we all enjoy it highly and love it whether it be planes, cars, boats, drones, heli & even non-powered..

What I want to say I don't know if you would like it but the only problem we are facing right now is we don't have many competitions which give a proof that you are good or an expert , not all of us can go abroad and show our talent...

There are groups certainly but they are mainly in big cities..

We can't enjoy our hobby to the fullest because there are no big frequent competitions, there is currently one minute flight challange going on and I believe once in every year these sort of challenges or competitions are held but ask your heart is it enough??

The real problem is faced by young people who still need a degree or a job...

I know a person whose hobby was cooking, there was a community in which he was a frequent member, he loved to cook, he had taken CS and when he went for a job interview for Infosys they rejected him because he had won no competition or even taken part...

I want to say that we need frequent competitions and challanges maybe held by senior members (or anyone) as they know a lot more about the hobby and what would be challenging suitable for a challange or competition and if they want to put prizes good but giving certificates to whom who completed the challange & did the best or won the competition will help as good as some money or thing it would provide the necessary criteria to fulfil there dreams...

Its hard to express my thoughts and I hope you all get it...
I think this way rc hobby might get bigger...

Senior members i would be very grateful to you if you understand and hold competitions frequently and give a good chance to youth for pursuing their dreams...

Well I don't know you might not like what I think and say that there's no meaning but I shared my thoughts...

-Advised to write by a person studying aerospace who has friends who went through it..

In short-Rc hobby in India requires competitions and challenges very frequently...  :)

Don't get offended..

Mehul Anand


Mehul Anand

Not necessary see the one minute flight challange we can hold challange and competitions online you just have to make a video and put...
I think someday we might even get a sponsor for a competition


true.. but in reality i guess its bit difficult to hold competitions in India with all these rules in place.. we cant fly drones any where until new laws allow it and are implemented.. flying indoors is dangerous and also not competition material.. hmmm.. or maybe can keep a challenge ourselves to make videos of flying drones through obstacles or so.. :-)

I really hope new rules and most important parks or open places comes up with place for RC activity..



Mehul - what is stopping you from organising a competition ?

Lead the way man !

Mehul Anand

It's just that I can't hold a offline competition and I have no idea what would be a great challenge or competition...

Kk sir any help??

K K Iyer

Quote from: Mehul Anand on July 09, 2018, 10:28:24 PM
We can't enjoy our hobby to the fullest because there are no big frequent competitions, there is currently one minute flight challange going on and I believe once in every year these sort of challenges or competitions are held but ask your heart is it enough??
The real problem is faced by young people who still need a degree or a job...
I know a person whose hobby was cooking, there was a community in which he was a frequent member, he loved to cook, he had taken CS and when he went for a job interview for Infosys they rejected him because he had won no competition or even taken part...
Senior members i would be very grateful to you if you understand and hold competitions frequently and give a good chance to youth for pursuing their dreams...
In short-Rc hobby in India requires competitions and challenges very frequently...  :)

You believe (at present) that not having competitions is the problem.
Actually there is one. Its called the JEE. I believe if you do well in that, you don't need any other!

In job interviews they often look for initiative shown in competing, not just wins. Perhaps your friend never even participated in any cookery competition, of which there are plenty.

In this forum itself, there is a member who has a patent for a special engine, but who never posts any messages because he considers himself a failure.
There is also a young member (schoolboy) who has probably the best achievements seen on this forum in the last 2-3 years. He is very close to achieving a Guiness World record. Seeif you can identify him!

So who are we blaming? Others?
For what? Our own lack of achievements?

Let us look inwards to see what we can do, instead of looking to others for what the could have done.

Here are two opportunities for you:
1. Can you do that 30 sec flight that no one has shown on the forum so far? It won't cost more than Rs100-200.
2. Will you (your parents, actually) sponsor prizes attractive enough to get many entries?

Do not blame (unknown) others for not running competitions.
Please realise that people are simply not interested! Atleast not for Rs 1000-5000.

On the other hand, there other kinds of competitions, with NO prizes, that attract entries from all over the world, though not many at all.

For example, see this. 39 entrants, but only 21 completed entries (including mine ;D)



Mehul Anand


Quote from: K K Iyer on July 10, 2018, 10:02:10 PM

Actually there is one. Its called the JEE. I believe if you do well in that, you don't need any other!

Lol! A very interesting one indeed. And if you clear it, full access to flying fields, and many, many competitions too