Why do we need an Aeromodelling Association?

Started by asinghatiya, September 10, 2012, 10:18:55 PM

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In India, where this hobby is in so nacent stage that a country with more than a billion population, all aeromodellars know each other directly on indirectly and are connected. 

I would like to raise a question that so called Aeromodelling Association are formed to showcase the ‘Muscle Power’ some one has or to satisfy the desire to be called as ‘President’ or Vice-P etc etc which is a standard nomenclature used in any Association and of course money is a side benefit associated with it.

To an extent I agree that a collective voice has its own power and has the authority to influence at policy level; but do you think that  some one should be foreced to join a certain association otherwise he may be dinied to fly in that ground?

If someone really feel that under the umberalla of XYZ association he has some benefit, why don’t he join the group? But how can you justify the arm twisting strategy of “join us” or take your way out!
Appreciate insights from the intellectuals of this forum !


Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


Gaurav's view
Quote from: gauravag on October 19, 2011, 04:32:26 PM
This is actually hilarious. So a flier will need to be member of a local club, then AMA and then this Federation ?
Well Well Well. I guess it would be good if instead of forming all these clubs people put in their energies to actual building/flying and enjoy that, rather than the club-politics.

My Rejoinder on the post below.

Quote from: rcpilotacro on October 22, 2011, 06:18:26 PM

I have voiced it in not so many words earlier as well

Quote from: flytrack on October 19, 2011, 04:20:09 PM
1.Indiscriminate ownership of transmitters (of all frequencies)-a grave public risk in the eyes of the security.

all FM guys are careful at the field, lest they have a lock out. all small toys (including some of the toy helicopter sold by Heliflier) is 2.4 G Hz, lot of non RC Stuff are 2.4 G Hz. It is a commercially cleared frequency in India, What discrimination can we enforce, I remember when i was a small boy , my father had a big valve based radio and he had a license for it, he used to visit closest wireless office once in a while and buy a Revenue stamp looking ticket and stick it on the passport looking license book, is that what we are talking about ? i really wonder how will this body enforce apartheid on RC community, if possible could it be elaborated,  please.

Quote from: flytrack on October 19, 2011, 04:20:09 PM
2.Model aircraft can cause damage to person or property.

It is a statutory warning (Like the one on the cigarette box) that is there on all aeromodel related eqpt (on , Engine, models, motor, etc , sometimes in English, sometimes in Chinglish). What can this body do to minimise that risk all across the country. ? By being Restrictive ?

Quote from: flytrack on October 19, 2011, 04:20:09 PM
1.Do you have a record of transmitter owners used for aeromodeling?

Is it Humanly possible ? does anyone know the volume of toys with remotes being dumped into India everyday ? all frequencies ? can this body record Tx being dumped into India in a day, or is it that only Futaba 14 MZs and above will be kept a record of ?

Quote from: flytrack on October 19, 2011, 04:20:09 PM
2.In case of damage to person or property,is there an insurance cover?

and the model ? person or property is covered by normal insurance why RC insurance, if anything it should be for the model and the radio. if it is so, it will be too good to be true,

Quote from: flytrack on October 19, 2011, 04:20:09 PM
We are saying-one should join AMA or similar club and the club should become a member of the federation if formed,so the aeromodeler becomes a recorded and known entity.

The clubs have the discretion of joining the federation if they feel that it helps them address larger and common interest of the community to the authorities.

Should ? and discretion ? contradictory ? no ? a club which does not join will be an independent unrecorded body so will their members. is the purpose solved ?

Quote from: flytrack on October 19, 2011, 04:20:09 PM
...when the govt.authorities want to bring it under their ambit.

This is inevitable, sooner or later it will happen. when it does, it is out of the reach of many who are working on a shoe string budget. a free spirit will still find a way to fly, if not in a aeroplane , outside it. federation or no federation.

In fact federation will be engaged in petty politics when the axe comes down, it is mass movement from  free spirits through forums like this that will / can make a difference.

Quote from: flytrack on October 19, 2011, 04:20:09 PM
..we are responsible and intelligent people,

having said this, in the subsequent lines, sir, you somewhat questioned the very existence of it.

my rebuttal sir, in an attempt to see the other side of the coin.

then there are free spirits like us, who enjoy long Runways , unrestricted air space and peace of mind to fly.

My RC Pupil and a Model for my Addiction X

Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


Quote from: flytrack on October 19, 2011, 04:20:09 PM
Many share the views of HH,yes we are responsible and intelligent people,the major issues why the subject of AMA or federation is important are:

1.Indiscriminate ownership of transmitters (of all frequencies)-a grave public risk in the eyes of the security.

2.Model aircraft can cause damage to person or property.

What we(aeromodelers) are being asked is.:-

1.Do you have a record of transmitter owners used for aeromodeling?

2.In case of damage to person or property,is there an insurance cover?

We are saying-one should join AMA or similar club and the club should become a member of the federation if formed,so the aeromodeler becomes a recorded and known entity.

The clubs have the discretion of joining the federation if they feel that it helps them address larger and common interest of the community to the authorities.

Aeromodeling is growing at a good pace ,let us take the initiative to self regulate so we can may be considered worthy of a decision making process when the govt.authorities want to bring it under their ambit.

I am not aware of what percentage of aeromodelers in India read this forum ,this is a larger debate-does it favour us?or it binds us ?
is it useful in the long ?should we continue the way we are doing today -do we need to change? and so on and so forth-think!!
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


complete thread here


basically, this topic has been beaten to death, but with the latest development of participation in international events and sponsorship from these associations things may change

Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


Quote from: rcpilotacro on September 11, 2012, 05:08:53 AM
complete thread here


basically, this topic has been beaten to death,

Well said sir, sometimes its better to be silent. It remind me of these lines  :hatsoff: chup rehkar hi waqt guzaaro, sach kehne pe jaan math waaro, kuch to seekho mujh se yaaro, sachchi baat kahi thee maine

My purpose was never to defame or hurt sentiments but I apologies if it happened.

I request Administrator to lock this thread so that no more discussion will happen on this.



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