Request for a chatbox

Started by Dipanjan, September 02, 2015, 11:11:32 PM

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Hello, Dipanjan here. I was wondering why isn't there a chatbox in this forum? I think the inclusion of a real time chatbox will be great for the regulars of the site. Though I am not aware of the technical difficulties,if any, still it would be great to talk with you all in real time. Please post your views.


Custom Spray painted Flysky TH-9x, RCB6i, FS-T6.
3 x FT Spitfire, FT Storch, nnChipmunk, Hydroplane.
F450 with custom made Multiwii and currently flying on KK2.1.5, Vtail quad with Naze32, Mini Tricopter with Flip32+, Pentacoptor with custom made Multiwii.

Flying is falling with style :D


for real time chatting there are already many groups on whatsapp related to RC..
but chatbox won't work here...
coz according to me i don't have enough time to read the whole chat to find important info... and also there will be messaging flood. and on one will get appropriate answer to his/her query...
