Safety alert - DIY hovercraft decapitates builder

Started by anwar, August 06, 2011, 09:33:09 AM

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I remember a similar accident where a modelers lost his eyes when the EDF unit h e was bench testing exploded. His wife put a very touching appeal to the RCG forum folks to beware of such fan units.

Folks, please take extreme care while testing cheaper getting RC items. 
Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother


Very sad new. And for such an obvious mistake.
Please guys be very careful and always keep safety first. Especially glow flyers, never stand in front of a plane when someone is adjusting his needle. This is something I've never been able to convince people to do. I've seen a prop fly off and chip a tree trunk almost 100 feet away.


Quote from: SunLikeStar on August 06, 2011, 11:46:57 AM
. Especially glow flyers, never stand in front of a plane when someone is adjusting his needle.

I wonder why so many $$ costing Props don't have a paint on the tip so that when it spins, its perimeter is clearly visible. Even a flyer should spend some time to dip the tips in paint and save from potential risk.
Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother




Awesome thread --  :hatsoff: :thumbsup:

Hello Anwat, Ujjwana, Roopesh & Sunline star =  Unequivocal support on this subject!! Can we have put safety first as a Sticky on Beginners section??

I usually use protective eye-gear and working gloves available in SP road, Bangalore when doing any static motor testing... I have created enough turbulence to have foreign body in my eye & enough nicks/cuts from props.

A simple Workbench Oath -
I Shall
a) Ensure all units/items are powered down even leaving work bench for even 5mins. Unless adequate notification and isolation of area can be governed (incl pets)
b) Ensure to follow all safety requirments for individual items & their environmental requirments
c) Ensure all sharp objects covered with protective covering
d) Dispose all waste properly

R/C Flyers Field Oath
a) My flying object is my responsibility & utmost priority is for well being of others around
b) My flying object can turn into an unguided missile any time without self destruct & I shall ensure a safe perimeter always for safety
c) I shall be proactive & look out for others in trouble and help.
d) Carry a First aid kit.

Having a Surgeon in the house, have heard enough stories on common house hold accidents.

Cheers & a good Sunday ahead..


Spektrum DX8 + TM1000 telemetry, DX5e , Phoenix 3.0 Sim, GT-700 Quicksilver


Arun..its sure..i hope Anwar sab notice this..even i was too careless before, means before some of my accidents, but saved only because of my God's grace..once, a prop chips from my 46 engine, as it hits the table, as my hand slipped flies just over my head, making a good hole on my took 6 stitches from Mahe hospital..then once i was checking a motor, with a prop on it..when throttle, goes up, it slipped from the shaft, and hit my upper arm..fortunately, nothing wrong, i always use my full cover helmet, while working on engines and motors,and also use the jacket, for bike riding..still i afraid to handle a powerful brushless or an IC engine with prop...i always stands behind the plane while tuning it, not at front..and from that experience, i always paint the tips of my props,with high visibility yellow paint...while in use..Anwar sab..a million thanks for the article, one reminds about the safety.. :bow:and i hope here we can read an article about safety we have nice seniors and veterans.. we can expect good guidance about safety..with great hope.. :hatsoff: