January 2023 ( issue is out. It's your monthly dose of commercial-free RC soaring journalism from around the globe including (click any article title to read):
The Launch Zone
- In The Air ( — Summertime and the livin' is easy. — The New RC Soaring Digest Staff
- Letters to the Editor ( — Do we have a treat in store for you this month! — The New RC Soaring Digest Staff
- Cool New Stuff ( — Santa skip your house this year? If so, treat yourself to one of these great new products. — The New RC Soaring Digest Staff
- The Road to Ulm ( — This has been one helluva year! — Iain Medley-Rose
- Dream 2700 | A Tailless Tale ( — Part III: Lets Build It! — Domenico Bosco
- Downsizing the Bergfalke IV ( — Part I: What do you mean you don't remember the cabriolet version with winglets? — Chris Williams
- On The Bench | Youme Batteries ( — Your usual Lipo supplier done a bunk? Here's a solid alternative. — Peter Scott
Ongoing Series
- Rediscovering Martin Simons ( — Part VI: Winglets as discussed the noted author's model aircraft books. — Peter Scott
- Bigger Is Not Always Better ( — The rumors have been greatly exaggerated. — Tom Broeski
- Soaring the Sky Podcast ( — E129: Soaring and Simulation | Getting the Most Out of Your Simulator Experience — Chuck Fulton
- Science for Model Flyers ( — Part III: Energy — Peter Scott
- Stamps That Tell a Story ( — The Bitterwasser Lodge and Flying Center — Simine Short
- Glider Patents ( — US 2019/0107453 A1: Identification and Use of Air Lift for Heavier Than Air Aerial Vehicles — The New RC Soaring Digest Staff
That's a Wrap!
- The Trailing Edge ( — Make 'em laugh, if you can, and get them to the gift shop. — The New RC Soaring Digest Staff
FREE. We hope you enjoy it and thank you so much for reading. Also, we would
love to feature more articles from India, so please consider writing something for a future issue! Until then a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year to all!
Terence C. Gannon
Managing Editor
The New RC Soaring Digest (
Thanks Terence.. I also follow it in 'medium'..
Thank you for reading, Rahul! And please remember that we're *always* looking for articles about RC soaring in India so please consider writing an article for a future issue! Best regards...~TCG
Terence C. Gannon
Managing Editor
The New RC Soaring Digest
Hello Terence
Was looking through some plans on Outer Zone, and came across a very interesting (and I daresay challenging!) subject for a scratch build
The Graupner Mosquito 2.5 m span of 1975, with some modern electronics (BLDC motor, micro servos etc)
Might work with a foam wing, with a D Tube construction - 1.5 mm balsa sheeting from LE to spar, balsa LE & TE, and some spars either Carbon Fibre or Bamboo, or a conventional balsa built-up wing
I was wondering if anyone had any tips on a wing joiner arrangement, The one shown in the plans is just 3+3" long and about 3/16" (5 mm) dia. Unspecified material. Lots of doubts there
Hi Sanjay -- sorry it has taken so long to reply! Question: can we run this in our 'Letters to the Editor' section in the February issue? It's a great question and I think it will likely get more responses if we include it in the upcoming issue. Please confirm this is OK with you...thanks...~TCG
Quote from: TerenceCGannon on January 25, 2023, 10:12:00 PM
Hi Sanjay -- sorry it has taken so long to reply! Question: can we run this in our 'Letters to the Editor' section in the February issue? It's a great question and I think it will likely get more responses if we include it in the upcoming issue. Please confirm this is OK with you...thanks...~TCG
Thanks so much Terence! Please do post it, and I look forward to some great and insightful responses
Great to see a magazine dedicated to RC Soaring!
Thank you so much for the positive feedback, it is very much appreciated! Best regards...~TCG