Time to dump Chinese stuff

Started by desiclad, May 04, 2013, 07:56:34 PM

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Folks shall we hobbyists start to think about alternatives of Made in China stuff..... My reason for resentment is not the quality nor the price but something far more serious than that.......

     IT IS ENCROACHMENT OF CHINESE SOLDIERS IN LADAKH  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(  .......

Seriously friends, we Indians consume a large chunk of Chinese products..... And with economy aided by our money they are trying to arm twist us, and that too for no reason  8-) ...... Every $ we spend on their product will be used for weapon to diminish Morale of our Armed forces..... I myself was about to Order a real big consignment from Hobbyking for building a Hexacopter which I intended to use for aerial photography.... I spent nearly 25 days on internet just for searching all appropriate stuff..... and when I was to make final order, Chinese government showed their hostility  8-)
Been moved by call of people on social networking groups, I decided to call it off as for now...

Aerial photography was intended for professional use, not for just fun..... So it was really hard to decide against the purchase.... But since I do understand where all our money would be used just in case a war like scenario erupts, I have no remorse in doing that

P.S.- Do we have info of non Chinese manufactured products


Well china market rocks. I always order from there. Its the cheapest and a lot of businesses are dependent upon them.

Even I am making a hexa. Check the buildlog.
-2814 700kv Carbon Fiber 685mm Quadcopter ( tuning PIDs)
-Scratch build Hexacopter ( selling the parts) { almost sold}
-9xR - The best RADIO
-ST360quad (sold)
-kk2 (sold)



Business interests are not above National interest ..... and 10th standard is 'not' too young age to understand that .... and yes Kiddo, while showering you with all praises on your Youtube channel, I never had idea that you are still not sensible enough to put casual remarks on such serious matters


-2814 700kv Carbon Fiber 685mm Quadcopter ( tuning PIDs)
-Scratch build Hexacopter ( selling the parts) { almost sold}
-9xR - The best RADIO
-ST360quad (sold)
-kk2 (sold)


K K Iyer

I dont know who desiclad is
Or how old he is
His ID may reflect his ideology
We should consider his view
20 years back, when we used to live in Africa, we swore never to buy any Chinese stuff, for reasons relevant then.
Even now, we avoid as far as possible.
But 'as far as possible' is an escape.
Either in, or out
Should we take a stand, members?
Admin and Moderator, what do you say?


If you are to boycott Chinese products, you have to either go back to the stone age or be wealthy enough to afford the alternatives. Although I find no fault with desiclad's view, I cannot act upon it even if I want to.
It is the pervading law of all things organic and inorganic,
Of all things physical and metaphysical,
Of all things human and all things super-human,
Of all true manifestations of the head,
Of the heart, of the soul,
That the life is recognizable in its expression,
That form ever follows function. This is the law.

K K Iyer

Sir, are we to take a stand or not?
Either we buy Chinese stuff because it suits us.
Or we don't because we feel it's against national interest.
I too feel like an 'old man'
Moderator, where are you?

K K Iyer

Not just the aeromodellers.
This whole country needs to decide.
Do we know why moderator is not responding?
He is busy at his job.
His job is to PROTECT YOU AND ME


Iyer Sir with due respect,  My name is Anurag and I live in Delhi. I am 29 years old and has degree in EC engineering.

I always encourage young chaps to opt for science on school level, and Research oriented courses for Engg. grads. If I may I would like to narrate an incident which went in our class room during graduation.... One of our teacher had his brother on significant post in Army..... He was telling us that his brother told him about a defence intelligence report about Chinese army strategy..... He said,
China has divided entire world into 3 classes...
In Tier 3 India(What the hack) along with Vietnam Pakistan etc were targeted to supersede by all means by 2010, which he achieved in 2008 itself.....
Tier 2- UK, Japan, Russia, Korea were targeted to supersede by 2015
Tier 1 USA to be superseded by 2015
Superseding involved both Economical as well as strategical.

If a nation wish to see itself at top of world there is nothing wrong with his ambition..... But placing India among Tier 3 countries and that too with likes of Vietnam, holy crap...... are we really that miserable..... We are just 10% less than them in population and both of us achieved Independence nearly at same time...... So what has been causing so much disparity between us?

Sir truthfully on that very day I decided to spend rest of life on working for betterment of research in our country...

Some of you might wonder why this place..... I must say this place is not just accomodating Hobbyists but best among the mass.....Educated, affluent people who are resourceful to Import stuff from abroad .....
Considering the engraving effect of our puchase I thought it is prudential to take the cause to community...... This might hurt business interests of fine folks running hobby shops who sell after importing them.... but they shall too look towards  others shores like Taiwan, Korea, Japan etc to take care of their business.... Cause if we all show some integrity a strong message would be sent to tyrannical forces, and that too in most peaceful and democratic way

K K Iyer

Rahul Vyas,
Ok old man
Is something you should apologise for
To all old men still living in this country
Since before independence
Your target is only 29 years old
I fear that for many of us, the issue is
'Whats our self interest '
While for a few of us it may be
Moderator, where are you?


Quote from: lastRites on May 04, 2013, 09:27:10 PM
If you are to boycott Chinese products, you have to either go back to the stone age or be wealthy enough to afford the alternatives. Although I find no fault with desiclad's view, I cannot act upon it even if I want to.
Bro think about your future generations, don't just give up to your hobbyist urge.....
Those people are spending our money into their R&D works so that they can bully we people itself ... I am not saying to renounce your hobbies... but we can look towards other peace loving places to supply even if costs us a bit more.... and in mean time Hobby shops can form a conglomerate to develop their own indigenous stuff.... Because brushless motors has no secret into them.... All technology is well known, so is the case of ESCs
And remember if we Indians can provide our rockets for launching satellites of even Europian countries, then this task too shall not sound implausible


Here is our view about this discussion.



Big question. Needs consideration. It is not modelling it is more then 50% of our daily needs. May we request members to come up with ideas how to become part of these constructive thoughts?

Lets start with small ideas and implement it practically. Please shoot with very basic ideas to start with. Please do not feel " It is too small to consider"

Our contribution might be small but it would certainly draw a line. Let this discussion include a list what we can avoid in first phase, second phase and so on.... Slowly but firmly we would achieve what we thrive for.

Suggestions requested..


Sphere Hobbies
Sphere Hobbies
You can trust the radio so much until your first crash with it.


Mr. Anurag, I am a middle aged fossil of 47. I have no degrees, no money and very little intelligence.

Frankly my dear, who gives a damn about what China 'thinks' of us? Whether it classes us with Vietnam or Tanzania - why should that make a difference to us? Why are we getting hot and bothered about something that some teacher told you some years ago? When I was in school, my teacher told me that Panama Hats were exported from Panama. Does that become a Gospel truth? Come on, give me a break.

People in India buy Chinese goods because they are perceived as 'value for money'. If I can get a Chinese switch for 2 bucks for my living room CFL, why should I spend 15 bucks buying an Anchor product? Why has the Indian government allowed this to happen? What sops has it given the Indian industries to produce goods for the population at competitive / less than Chinese prices?

I buy Vicks Action 500 from the market to ward off my viral fever @ 24 bucks for 10 tablets. The Indian government exports generic paracetamol tablets @ Rs. 1.00 for 50 tablets to European medical conglomerates. The poor Indian dies on the streets due to lack of medical facilities.

What brand of TV / Cell phone / Toaster /Washing machine / Refrigerator / Car do you use Mr. Anurag? 60% of the components are made in China.

Why don't you stand on your balcony and get ready to throw them down - destroy them - give them to me. ;)

You are preaching your 'Be Indian - Shun Chinese - Buy American / European' to 7900 odd members of a Hobby forum and that, frankly, is your immaturity on display. 1.2 billion people may be idiots and gullible and want to take the easy way out. You can pity them, for all I care. What you need to do is start convincing the 552 + 250 members of our esteemed Parliament to change things. Of course you won't do that. No one wants to bell the cat. No one wants to break into a jail and publicly hang rapists - they would rather arrange candle light rallies for the rape victim. Candle light rallies get more press coverage. Tirades on a forum attract so much of attention. For example, see this meaningless thread that you have started - so many responses. Its laughable.

A handful of hobbyists operating on shoe string budgets and deciding to 'Be Indian Buy European' isn't going to change anything.

I hate to rain on your parade, but get real. Please leave us alone - we don't need your lectures here.

Sorry if I sound like a total cad here, Hobbyking Zindabad!!!

Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Oh and by the way, this post is being (at the moment) read by some senior defence officers who are tasked with protecting our borders from a Chinese Aggression. They are also strategists who are helping plan the counter strike measures, when the need arises.

These officers are also RC Enthusiasts who have no compunction buying or using Chinese ESC's, Motors and other components. Our defence forces are more than capable of repelling 'Chinese Invaders' only if the elected Government allows them to do so.  :banghead:

How much of knowledge do you have of Indo/Chinese conflicts? I doubt it. The Press talks about the 62 'Chinese Aggression'. Who was the REAL "Aggressor'? Who attacked whom in 1962? Who forced the events?  Read this book: India's China War by Neville Maxwell (google it). It will shake your foundations of belief. This is my research area, trust me on this. It is no coincidence that Nehru died heartbroken in 1964.

Let's not get our priorities mixed up.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


I chose to never ever drink in my life. A lot of people think I am stupid. I think the ones who drink are mature enough to make their own decision, and they know the cons of it very well. But they seem to agree with this recent poll :


I think that poll is bull-crap ! But who am I to question them ? :)

Enough said ?
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


VC Shriman.... Calm Down Sir.... Sorry for strong words , but are you trying to show me the spine-less character of society .....

If you think every fella around think the way you think, then think again...... Look at Gentleman from Sphere Hobbies.... At least he showed his concern toward what's happening on border by calling for ideas to cope with situation..... If something like what is being discussed here really happen, then he being trader might have to bear the brunt on his business first place....

Nobody nowhere called for shifting there sight at Europe who themselves import it from Asia and sell with relabeled tags....

And what does Panamese hats has to do with our national interests........ Do they force those wearing them to invade into territory of some peace lovING nation..... I doubt that

Regarding you buying 2 bucks Chinese switch instead of 15 bucks anchor one, well you surely can afford Anchor if you don't have to buy a thousand swithces..... and if you really need thousand switches then you are not entitled to be called as hobbyist with "shoe-strung budget"

Indeed you does seems a little too infatuated to watch a flying object in air with it's RC in your hand, irrespective of what price you have to pay in long terms
And you would nomore have privilege to see your Aircrafts airborne if something untowardly happens.

I am no hate spearder or Xenophobic but I wish to know,


Please donot try to draw lines between responsibilty of Commoners and Hobbyists... at the end of the day we are all the same

With Warm Regards


Hello Desiclad,
Just curious to know which Laptop or computer you are using to spread " discard China stuff" ??



 I have been using an assembled PC with majority/entirely made in China components which I bought 6 years back..... Trust me I believe in "practice before preach" theory... and of course we have been talking about present day scenario..... I at no point said to discard previously bought stuff, after all we have paid for it and deserve to have them as long as we wish....
  At the same time remember that patriotism is at bloom during non-peace times..... If it is urged to folks to abandon Chinese products to express our resentment what's wrong in that??

Warm Regards


"Be the change you want to see in the world"- M K Gandhi

Off course we are referring "our country" as world here.

If people like it, they will follow you.
I can take off and fly well. Its landing which sucks :banghead::banghead:


Quote from: abhay on May 05, 2013, 12:38:09 AM
If people like it, they will follow you.
Damn true Sir.... but I just cann't afford to change the past........
For fututre, pretty surely :)


This is no sermon on the mount, i will gladly give my life for my country and my countrymen without batting an eyelid, be that as it may. Answer to yourself to the following questions.

(a) Who created borders?
(b) Is my neighbour from mars and has four hands and five legs ?
(c) When you have a birds eye view (a view from space) can you tell me where your country ends and neighbours begins ?
(d) Can you prosper with a weak neighbour around?
(e) After you invade and capture someone else's land do you think the problem will go away?
(f) Have you heard of 'the treaty of westphalia' ? can you differentiate between 1. Nation, 2. Nation State & 3. State
(g) Heard of the adage 'Follow the money' ? in a conflict if you follow the money, where does it eventually end ? heard of arms race ?
(h) Do you think common men/folks of neighbouring countries hate each other ? Don't you seriously believe, trouble is fortune for few and misery for most ?
(g) If you believe in after life, does your atma/rooh goes to 'Different countries in heaven", has god created different hell and heaven etc for people from different regions ?

Remember, we are basically animals, animal instinct is to kill, attack etc is natural for humans. advantage we have over rest of the animals is that, we have the capability to reason, to live in harmony & to love/respect and..and to fight and strive to become 'One World'.(boycott canend this dream)

earlier we realise that we are humans, better it is for us and for our future generations. attitude of hatred will bring only misery, not progress or happiness. To schmaltz you up, so that you get worked up and play into the hands of manipulators is the old ruse all rulers have been using for ages, to rules over masses with average intelligence people. This hobby unites people, people from different region, country & continent.

I rest my case, Desiclad (apt handle name) could you answer it to yourself first for the above mentioned questions, before entering the debate
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


My post is entirely lost on you. I mistakenly credited you with common sense and net intelligence. Evidently an error in my judgement.

As far as some LHS/retailer supporting your high flown 'if wishes were horses' scheme - nothing to say. Request you to check his stocks of 50% Chinese inventory. Would he survive, if he refused to stock / deal in any Chinese origin products? Ask him for his sales figures - what % of his sales are contributed by Chinese / Taiwanese/ Korean products?

I resign.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


how will you stop the heavy machinery made in China from being imported to India, my father is an industrialist and deals with power plants, sponge iron plants and guess what ? all that came from China... i am not taking side here or acting stupid.
being an economics student, i say,

why cant we Indians study harder and make our nation better??
work more and be wise to your nation and see the difference. :salute: :bow:


Quote from: rcpilotacro on May 05, 2013, 12:43:43 AM
This is no sermon on the mount, i will gladly give my life for my country and my countrymen without batting an eyelid, be that as it may. Answer to yourself to the following questions.

(a) Who created borders?
I rest my case, Desiclad (apt handle name) could you answer it to yourself first for the above mentioned questions, before entering the debate
Dear Sir..... you does seems to be smith of words and your intentions too seems noble. But you handed a quetionaire full of mystical words and that too with a warning..... So I choose to answer them with patience.... Give me time till morning such that my answer doesn't disappoint you and seem hastily answered one

Warm Regards


Quote from: VC on May 05, 2013, 12:52:07 AM
My post is entirely lost on you. I mistakenly credited you with common sense and net intelligence. My mistake.

As far as some retailer supporting your high flown 'if wishes were horses' scheme - nothing to say. Request you to check his stocks of 50% Chinese inventory.

I resign.

VC Sir.... don't think me to be rude...... You are very well ahead of me both in terms of age and experience in all spheres of life.... What I tried to said, we all irrespective of where we live in India are all peace loving people... I myself has been a platinum member of Hobbyking... and I am glad about my association with them..... BUT... is there any other way out to express our resentment to hostile behaviour our neighbours in as democratic way as its being done over here..... In your earlier post you said to cat the bell and tell elected representatives directly.... Are they so easily accessible..... Would that be as fruitful as reaching the mass itself.....
Is it ethical for neighbour to capture our land for no reason, we continue to be ignorant... shall we not take measurements not to make their pockets any further deep to take dig on us??

Warm Regards