where i can get Ferric Chloride for pcb etching

Started by taksh, March 24, 2018, 01:04:02 AM

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Hi, I need ferric chloride for pcb etching but shops are not nearby my house and that is why i can't buy ferric chloride and online seller selling ferric chloride whose price is 2-3 times more than local seller of ferric chloride.
I want to buy ferric chloride in not more than price of 100 per kg. I mean max is 100 per kg.
I am from noida Ghaziabad region please tell me the place where i can get ferric chloride.

If you are from mumbai, then please comment that you are from mumbai because i found a shop in mumbai which is selling cheap ferric chloride.

Thank you.


You can use Hydrogen Peroxide mixed with Hydrochloric acid in equal amounts (both easily available) to give the same effect. I have some take if you want. There might be slight undercutting so be wary you dont leave the pcb overnight. Keep your fingers safe!


I go to  3 medicine  store and all three medicine shop including hospital medicine shop, chemicals are not available.I said "you have checmicals". They said "No". When i ask about place where i can get chemicals. one of medicine store owner said that in government hospital you can get chemicals.


perhaps go to a local school / college chemistry lab and ask them where they source their chemicals ?

or go to a pathology lab - where they do blood analysis etc... and ask

Ajay Sarwan


You will get hydrogen peroxide 10% (used by beauticians) at chemist store and 10% HCL at hardware store. use a mix of both. will take time to etch. You will need to likely heat the mixture and shake it often. for higher potency of h202 + hcl or getting fecl3 you need to contact an industrial chemist.


Quote from: saikat on March 27, 2018, 05:59:23 AM
perhaps go to a local school / college chemistry lab and ask them where they source their chemicals ?

or go to a pathology lab - where they do blood analysis etc... and ask

Quote from: saikat on March 27, 2018, 05:59:23 AM
perhaps go to a local school / college chemistry lab and ask them where they source their chemicals ?

or go to a pathology lab - where they do blood analysis etc... and ask

i don't have permission in my school and other school and my school chemistry lab doesn't have FeCl3. If they have fecl3 then chemistry teacher will not give any of the chemical to me because there is a camera in lab.

I will visit pathalogy lab and will ask about chemical



Hi, Ask any electronics Component (spare parts) store.


Also available on ebay.in, i myself one ordered through ebay sometime back.



ram singh