Hey All,
Please forgive me if this post sounds political/non-technical, but it's not.
We all know what happened at LAC and yet what did we do? Blocked 59 chinese apps. Do you think Govt would have responded the same way if Pakistan army killed our 20 soldiers?
Absolutely not, we would have beaten the crap out of them.
Let's face it. Chinese military is way more technically advanced than ours and we're afraid of losing. Because we are heavily depend upon Russian and French fighter jets, Russian missiles, Israeli UAVs and they don't give it for free.
China on the other hand is way more self-reliant.
Lazy folks at DRDO started working on Tejas LCA in 1969. What did we get after 50 years? An aircraft which was deemed sub-standard by IAF.
In Rustam they are copying the technologies which were present in American UAVs of 1990s. See more of it here: https://www.firstpost.com/india/drdo-decay-part-2-rechristened-with-fancy-names-drone-projects-drain-exchequer-paltry-inventory-hardly-enthuses-forces-8096121.html
Now I am not writing this to blabber about Govt and philosophy.
I'm wondering why can't WE bring the change? I know India has competitive brains/technologists. I know this forum houses myriad competent and capable minds.
Why can't we do something? Why do our college projects include RC toys and not a research project on next-gen Aircraft?
If a single Elon Musk can beat world leaders NASA, Roscosmos, ISRO in rockets, why can't we touch the sky?
I've trained machine learning models which can identify the Pakistani tanks from Indian/other tanks, on the basis of flags, numbers and models of the tanks.
I have models which can identify a car, its brand, make, tyres, driver (In case you want to shoot the tyre of a car). Currently I'm working on identifying the aircraft parts. In theory that means our UAV will be able to identify the enemy jet and attack it's vulnerable part.
Eg it can make itself sucked by the jet engine and blast inside.
And I have some more ML models which are confidential (it's a defense matter) which I can't talk about.
I'm planning to mount these models on a UAV with a companion computer. Well, electric drones don't seem practical largely due to their short flight times. So I'd love to work with someone who has experience with Engine/fuel based crafts.
If someone has experience in these kinds, Please let me know.
Regardless, I'd love to hear your thoughts around it.
Hi Maverik,
Glad to see such post. This scenario is a dire call to all. Launch of Tejas didn't bring any joy to me at all. As you mentioned it started 50 years ago (period).
The reason is the mindset of people, not the talent off-course. We all want to have a peaceful job, get paid and enjoy life (end of story). Very few people are up for the challenges, sleepless nights & nerve shattering pressure.
All is not lost. There are few who are taking first steps towards space rocket satellite launch. Skyroot Aerospace, Agnikul Cosmos, Bellatrix Aerospace to name a few who are active in this space. Certainly this has defense applications and it will lower the cost of launching a satellite too. Likewise there is a well established company in Bangalore which makes defense gears and supply worldwide (I don't remember the name but it quite big company and reputed too).
But do we have UAV being made in India. No. We are importer of all such high tech. Highly dependent on Israeli, USA & France.
Apart from reasons mentioned above, high risk, high capital investment, intense research are few reason why we have not seen any startup in this space.
Simply put, one can have n-number of reasons for not doing a thing and then the same number to do one !!! ;D
But we at X-Genesys TurboJets (parent company Anesi Technologies) are working to change this outlook altogether. The team is working on similar projects. We are working on wide range of jet engines as a source of propulsion with wide range of applications. The engines are being developed in-house with initial success & failures. Designing & Testing are planned for a wide range of jet engines. The research is underway for 3+ years and going strong.
To encourage the same mindset in youths, like how thing starts from scratch and what challenges one can face, a project has been shared here in DIY section.
Everything start small and the perseverance takes it to the sky. There are few folks who are working on made in India Tx-Rx. I am sure few other would also working on something like this to reduce dependency altogether.
We all have to start somewhere and stick to it no matter what. Lets hope we all do !!!
I guess these are not general criticisms, but rather intended to provoke thought.
So why don't you guys post something about what you are doing?
Like the turbine build.
If it's impressive enough, it may inspire others to follow.
Edit: I've deleted my earlier comments in the post script, which were quite unnecessary
Hey @tonyStark,
Glad to hear you. I used to think nobody manufactures small jet engines in India, but have seen a couple of examples recently and I can't tell how happy I am to know that you are working in that direction too.
I can totally relate to the what you're experiencing being a startup in the market, but trust me your passion and perseverance will get you there.
Do you have any jet engine model which is production ready? or are they still in R&D/test phase?
Thanks for this bringing up @KK Iyer, I've updated my original post to reflect what I'm doing.
Quote from: K K Iyer on July 09, 2020, 10:00:02 PM
Burning off two Escs isn't exactly an inspiration for others, is it?
Burning one can be an accident.
But why the second?
No. burning two ESCs isn't an inspiration for others. Burning two can be an accident or a mistake and in my case it was both. I burnt both of them simultaneously.
But mistakes are part of learning. Some wise man got it right:
If you never fly, you'll never fall.
The addendum to your post is fascinating! :salute:
And inspiring.
Quote from: themaverick on July 10, 2020, 12:34:03 PM
Do you have any jet engine model which is production ready? or are they still in R&D/test phase?
Not yet. It is not production ready. It is under testing phase. These machine runs at very high speed with lots of dynamic forces in action over the components under high temperature and so the risk associated with it.
50 Hrs. of run or 900 liters of diesels has to be burned before XGTS 100 is ready for production. Here is a first shot of XGTS 100. ;D
duplicate post-removed
@KK Iyer, Thanks man, your words mean a lot.
@tonyStark, I love what you guys are doing, will DM you to know more.
Hi Maverick , i recently Joined the Forum , I have similar ideas as Yours , although we are working in a different industry , our ideas or should i put it more aptly " prototypes " are somewhat that piece of innovation , which we need. We are a group of 3 ppl , all trained Marine Engineers from D.M.E.T Kolkata , would love to connect with you to explore possibilities of collaboration , if any.
Hello @ishan
Welcome to the forum and thanks for replying.
I'll DM you on the collaboration thing.
yes Guys, do some collaboration. Starting something is a mammoth task. You will need as many brains/hands/connections/capital/skills of people to make it happen.
Do the best !!! Good luck!!
Hi mates,
Seeking govt. for any approval is like attempting to Everest peak in a single stretch. My friend who is doing a prototype for Railways and he is struggling to meet the right person. He is losing his precious time, money and hope all the way he waits. Most of the fellows in Govt. jobs are the real culprits and there are here to make good money. One might have an innovative idea and others will appreciate this to sky level. But when comes to reality no body will invest because fear about the Indian Govt. mentality. But the same innovation if you would have shown in US/UK/France, etc. you would have made success. Its some one / team of own who has to initiate a risk in developing a model, invest money, execute, test and make it ready for approval and run run run behind for approval. After such hurdles, it will come to the right place. There are very very few investors who are ready to invest in such innovative projects as they are fear about the taking back the investments.
This is the big issue for new startups in India.