Wireless electricity monitors

Started by gauravag, September 16, 2010, 12:24:04 PM

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Though not really RC, on my recent visit to UK, I came across a couple of companies who are making devices for home/offices that let you measure the amount of electricity consumed and log it all up.
These devices use a small transmitter that have a clamp attached to them. SO you clamp them on the cable you want to measure the current on, and it sends the reading every 7 seconds to the basestation, that records it all.

Then you can see a chart of how and when the power was utilized.

Here is the website for it : http://www.currentcost.com/

In fact, even Google has come up with its own app that lets you keep a track of the power consumption : http://www.google.com/powermeter/site/recent

I was pretty interested and i got one of the Current Cost monitors. It is indeed pretty interesting ! Was fun to see how much power our office consumed and to be able to actually reduce it by doing some simple changes.

Not sure these products would be applicable in India due to power thefts being so prevelant, but was interesteing to see such initiatives come up .