RC Logos, RC Web designs for Some RC stuff!

Started by merog, May 18, 2009, 11:44:53 AM

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Dear RC passionates!

My name is MEROG, a passion filled newbie to RC hobby! With a very less budget a started this hobby at this:


and continued with a first failure like at here:


Then I started a search for used gear as donation like here:


And in a mid way of a search a guy called Jack, from NZ responded and sent me some great stuff even bearing shipping by himself! Unfortunately some gear in the box was missing due to damage. So, still am in the search!

Any way now what I want to tell every body is: Am a professional Designer and an RC passionate too!

My portfolio:

Here I can offer you creative, exclusive and unique designs for all the needs of your RC world, and in return I need some RC gear, what ever you have, and how much ever worth you feel!

I can provide:
RC Logos
RC Web skins
RC Banners
RC Print designs (Posters, Brochures, Leaflets, Corporate identity...etc)
(Recently I have designed a logo for www.parkflyer.org.nz)

My needs in return:
Radio (4 Ch is enough) Tx and Rx (I have servos) and
Power system (ESC, LiPos, Props, Motor...etc)(I have converted some CD ROM motors to out runners, but never tested)

I was ranked 39th best creative brain on the planet:

If the designs are needed to an online market place, they can easily provide me some new ones, but it is for personal, Used ones are enough!

Awaiting all your comments and thoughts...//MEROG



Any recent samples of your work ?  :)  I am also a little bit into painting etc, hence the question !!
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Looks like "the merog"  disappeared from the scene for quite a while!! I accidentally bumped into some of his posts in RCG!! Hes got whatever stuff he requires from a guy from US!!

- Chan