While waiting for my boat's resin to dry, decided to build an Avispad.
Target is a relaxed flyer, trying to follow the original (BEX) design as far as possible. Only thing is the span is not 1250 mm but 1220 mm restricted by the corro size.
Special thanks to Girish Sarwal, from whom I stole the corro :giggle:
Planning a 2836 - 1500 KV with a 40 A ESC & 9 X 6 Prop. Planned AUW of 1.2 Kg.
Sanjay sir.. Great going, For this what i am Waiting for send me the plan :) :).. Even i Want one..
note: I dont want to stole any corro i have some :giggle:
Me too need a SPAD plan comlpete.
The plans are here:
Quite a few people on this forum including but not limited to the "V's" - VC and Vishal - have built this. If you do a search for Avispad you will find them. VC's log has some interesting clarifications on the plan, and Vishal's some excellent flight videos
Good luck :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Build is progressing. Completed construction, fitted motor, now have to fit servos & controls and landing gear
Not too happy with the wing - too many creases, and suspicious of the 2 mm corro fuse; prefer 4 mm. Builds light though :D
beautiful build sanjay bhai.. {:)}
what have you used inside the wing? that blue bar? what is the total weight of the wing?
Sent from a potato using a lamp
Thank you Mohan and Sam
Aniket, that "blue bar" is the spar, made from 5 mm Corro doubled :rofl:
Build continues
Dowel (made on a drill m/c with sanding block ;D) fitted
Servo fitting
Start of steerable Tail Wheel
Build continued
Tail wheel wire bent and pointed, then goes in the gap between rudder & vertical stab, through the flutes
Collar put so load is transferred to base plate, not rudder
Main Gear fixed
Designer called for a flat fuse saddle on a semi symmetrical wing :banghead:
Had to make a saddle from balsa
Note the tab of the control horn positioned to lock the steering arm of tailwheel in place
Final L/G, used plastic bolts for the main L/G in the fond hope that they will shear off and that sacrifice will save the fuse in a crash :D. More likely both will go :rofl:
Hatch: used a standard corro hinge by cutting the flute on one side
Another view of wing saddle
may do some decorating tomorrow
Maiden planned for Saturday
Perfect finish Boss!!!
Well done Sir!!! Love the wide undercarriage.
Thanks Saurabh. :salute:
VC boss, thank you. The wide main gear should come in useful on my bombastic landings ;D
@sanjay sir nice build sir .........................
Thank you Shauvik
Very nice..!! :))
Thank you MKS
It's been raining. Just hope the weather is OK tomorrow, and the field is not a swimming pool! :D
Put some make-up on it
Calvin and his views on Balsa are an integral part of every Spad I make ;D
Final weight is 1060~70 grams. This is All Up Weight (Flying Weight)
Some pics
I generally don't like taildraggers; always prefer trikes.
Taildraggers are not kind on props, and ground looping can be a real nightmare sometimes
Any suggestions on ground tracking :headscratch: :headscratch:? Have to do it before the maiden ??? ???
Sorry if i'm wrong but isn't the prop put backwards?Sorry if i'm wrong :D
It's sending air in the correct direction! :D
Maybe it is backwards, and the motor is reversed ;D ;D
hehehe :D amazing work sir :) Iv'e made a delta too but scared to fly it as im not sure of the CoG :((
need to make your plane a bit saavdhan...... else prop will not move???
I didn't understand?????
After looking to images you have posted I guess Saurabh wants to say , increase distance between prop and ground.
Nice build !
Thank you Vinayak
There is about 2 inches of clearance :D
The photo was taken from the top
Would love to see median . Hope you are preparing for same this morning sir :)
don't forget to give the wheels a few degrees of toe in... this should keep it running in a straight line
Sent from a potato using a lamp
Vinayak, the weather was unfavourable this morning :banghead:. Maybe tomorrow.
Aniket: yes, I do that. But the tailwheel being small it's always a little dicey 8-)
Priyum! You were right :salute: :salute:
And I was wrong :banghead:
The prop was on the wrong way. It was displacing air in the correct direction, but low!
Corrected it now.
Thanks for pointing that out {:)} :thumbsup:
Sorry for not having commented earlier. Neat build Sir - All the best for the maiden........
Thanks buddy
Sorry for being terse here Sir, but you know......................
I do know :D
Sent from my GT-S7562 using Tapatalk 2
Not a very good maiden :(
It's climbing near vertical. Too much power. I will have to take off at about 2/3rd throttle. Have to check wing incidence too (how?) :help:
Too much power for a light build? 2mm coro?
Yup. The Turnigy 2836 - 1500 KV SK3 cranks out nearly 400 W at full throttle
Nice build sir {:)}
Thanks, Mahin
Hehehe no worries sir,aapse seekh ke aap hi ko bataya :D and is there any video for the maiden?
No video yet
Sanjay Sir,
I think the front wheel supports should be more stiff ( in static condition) !
A short metal piece in bottom with all 6 screw may serve the purpose.
I removed the plastic screws before the maiden and put steel ones. It is very rigid now.
The main problem is it climbs almost vertical even at 3/4 throttle, and not being a very good flyer I get into difficulties and have problems controlling it. I am also not sure if the wing angle of attack (incidence) is OK. I was thinking of putting some packing under the TE.
What would you advise?
Nice build Sanjay sir! I see two possible problems...
1) As you said that plane takes off vertical, there could be 2 possible reasons, which I'm sure you must be aware of but might have overlooked.
a) CG is aft. How does the plane land in the final stages? Does the nose go down or tail goes down? If the nose goes down more than the tail then the cg is fore, but if the tail goes down and you get a feeling that the plane is about to stall, then the cg is aft.
b) Too much angle of attack. I suspect this could be the primary reason. I believe you must get the leading edge of the wing down so that the leading edge and the trailing edge is horizontal (zero degree). This will definitely correct the problem if the cg is correct.
Yes, you can correct the angle of incidence by putting some packing below the trailing edge (Will not look good though).
Another danger I see is that the landing gear is too much behind. The prop may strike the ground often while landing and the plane might also topple frequently.
Thanks Vishal. The CG is OK, so it is incidence, plus too much power.
How to measure incidence? Or just visual check?
Not yet had a problem with the LG being too far back. In fact, I'm thinking of changing it to a tricycle gear.
Maybe I just make a new wing!
Quote from: sanjayrai55 on July 15, 2013, 10:35:28 AM
How to measure incidence? Or just visual check?
I do it visually. Just did a google search and found this thing:
May not be worth it. Visual check should be fine I believe.
A little raising of the trailing edge will not hurt and may actually save yourself from making a new wing :) Bending coro is the worst part of the build process :(
Quote from: sanjayrai55 on July 15, 2013, 10:35:28 AM
In fact, I'm thinking of changing it to a tricycle gear.
Why do you want to change to a trike? I prefer the tail dragger as I always encounter hopping on a trike while landing :) More over, trail draggers are easy to build, at least to me.
I have checked it by putting the wing flat and using a steel scale from the front apex to the back joint. There is a minor angle of incidence, but not enough to affect it (I think ;))
Will try some packing.
Main thing is that Turnigy SK3 2836-1500 KV develops a lot of power and one has to go easy on the throttle, I think.
I like trikes because their ground handling is better, and they save my props :D Old habit from Nitro days
All the best with the changes sir :)
Thanks Vishal
Sent from my GT-S7562 using Tapatalk 2
Successful maiden ! :D :D ;D
Video is loading, will post shortly.
Just needed a little less than half throttle take-off
{:)} {:)} {:)}
Congrats sir...
Your smile shows how perfect the flight was No need of a video now... :bow: :bow:
hehe Waiting for that video Sanjay sir :giggle: :giggle:
Thanks Arun!
Here's the video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ik-f4OyW-8&feature=youtu.be (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ik-f4OyW-8&feature=youtu.be)
Test Pilot, our local ace (:D) Girish Sarwal :salute:
Videographer: Sandeep Pande :thumbsup:
The video was taken on a mobile phone, so some limitations
I had put one washer on each of the motor mount top screws for downthrust. Also 3 mm packing under the wing TE. Will take out the packing, as there is a slight down tendency.
Ailerons are very sensitive. Will set exponential on them. Maybe reduce the throws too.
Otherwise, all ready to be flown, and flown, and flown.....until I try to plant a corro tree :rofl:
Here's the video link sir
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ik-f4OyW-8 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ik-f4OyW-8)
Lovely model and great flying. You make a good team!
Congrats!!! {:)} :thumbsup:
Nice Plane and flying.....
Girish ... when i wanted to go to this place ( Sec-29) no one preferred but now you guys are going that great.
Thanks VC, Sam and Saurabh :D :thanks:
Saurabh.....never too late! Do join us ;D
Saurabh sir, I never refused :headscratch:. In fact, I don't remember talking about sec 29. Always been a proponent of this place, given that it saves me so much driving...Look forward to see you soon sire :salute:
Congrats Sanjay sir!
Thanks Vishal!
Sent from my GT-S7562 using Tapatalk 2
Brilliant Sanjay sir! I don't think there is anything wrong with the incidence or CG. It is just the power of the motor. Again, Beautifully built.
Thank you Rohit. Our experience has shown just that :D
Sir, would it help if you make it slightly nose heavy by putting in a bigger battery
Not needed Maahin. It is fine now. See the video
Congratulations Sir !! Nice flight ..She is flying perfect ! {:)}
Thank you Vinayak
Flew her again today, after reducing Aileron throws!
What a flyer!!!! Absolutely stable and predictable, takes off on half throttle, fliest at 40% with excellent precise control and responsiveness, and floats in to the landing ;D
Soon will be doing inverted on it >:D
Have a look: (video with a mobile phone, next time will use a camera.....)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D809l6FFtwA&sns=em (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D809l6FFtwA&sns=em)
Very nice build and great flying. {:)} {:)} {:)}
Thank you sir!
Fantastic! How are the glide characteristics?
Thank you sir!
It is not a powered glider, like say a sky-surfer, but floats quite well in for a regular powered spad. Spads generally don't have a great glide, but this does a little.
But it's a pleasure to fly: the designer knew his stuff :salute:
Wanna fly a red one? Come over...........
OK~! Dust her off, and put the new sheets in the guest room! :giggle: :giggle:
Done! When?
I want that for my FPV setup at any cost. (:|~ (:|~
Great Job Sanjay Sir :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :hatsoff:
"at any cost" - Rs. 2.5 Lakhs (inclusive of courier to Shillong). I am the broker.
Any time VC :giggle: :giggle:
I am still admiring the stable flight.
hi sanjayrai55
could you please tell me your plane fuselage length ..
Thank you
Thank you Sandy Boss :salute:. Flew her again today, with a very high FQ (Fun Quotient!)
Rama Rao, right in the beginning of this thread I have given the link to the plans. These have been generally followed, although I have used 2 mm Corro, except on the Control Surfaces, which are 4 mm
@sanjay sir it flies definitely welll and the FQ was really on a higher side :P
Any videos today?
I have a video of today's flying, this time with a camera (not a phone.) As soon as I find the cable to connect the camera to the computer :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: I will upload it.
Shauvik(s) from Bhubhaneshwar joined us today: he was on a visit to Delhi. He too flew the Avispad.....but he also flew into a tree! :rofl: When we finally got it out, it landed in a deep puddle of water :o :o
Praise be the Spad Gods, it was unharmed ;D ;D
That's good news...
What about Girish Sir's SPAD?
Needs a bigger motor, and a better landing gear. Should be OK for wednesday
@sanjay sir u will always remeber my crashes :P
i have a record of max no of crashes :P
btw this was my frst ever tree crash :P:P :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
Found the cable! Video is uploading, meanwhile....
Sandeep & Girish getting ready
Girish's Avispad
Take-off by me
Shauvik is concentrating hard.....on the tree :rofl:
Sanjay Sir lolz :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
Thank God, she is safe. Sandy has offered 25K for her (Actually 2,50,000 INR - I will keep 2,25,000 as brokerage). Shauvik had better be more careful next time.................. :giggle:
VC, you've set a fair ransom :rofl:
Here's the video. Thanks to Girish and Sandeep for the videography
The birds (Kites and Crows) were really freaked out!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjWtsL0ajn4&feature=youtu.be (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjWtsL0ajn4&feature=youtu.be)
How to make the dihedral ?????????????????????
Shauvik: see the first page of this thread.
There is a link there to the original plans by BEX, and his website
This is reply # 3
The plans are here:
Quite a few people on this forum including but not limited to the "V's" - VC and Vishal - have built this. If you do a search for Avispad you will find them. VC's log has some interesting clarifications on the plan, and Vishal's some excellent flight videos
Good luck Thumbs Up Thumbs Up
If you see the pictures carefully, you will observe there is a joint on the spar.
Also read spadtothebone.net carefully: it is the fount from which all spad wisdom has sprung.
Do your homework, don't take shortcuts ;) >:D
hahahaha done will start wen i am back :P:P
After doing everything, then ask ;) 8)
Sanjay sir, your avispad flies like a breeze. We had great fun on the Sunday.
I will be posting my spad's pics soon. Bad me, never clicked any build log pictures but the maiden video is now uploading.
@girish bhaiya waiting for it tooo ;) ;)
Girish: once your A-V is ready, it will outfly mine ;)
OK, the Avispad does everything ;D ;D :D
Was feeling half asleep, and in any case am not great flyer, so gave the radio to Girish, and egged him on :)
Inverted...for as long as you want
Tight and precise loops
Smooth axial rolls
Immelman turns
Great flying Girish {:)} {:)}
Great design BEX :salute:
Maahin/Sandeep...whoever took the video, please post it here. :thanks: in advance :thumbsup:
Thanks Maahin! Great fun today....that Avi sure can do a lot. This weekend : knife-edge ;D
Yups, lets do a knife edge on this one >:D
OK.....like a brave soldier in the war, the Avispad has gone down with all guns blazing ;) - on the third consecutive roll at full throttle I gave wrong elevator.
Nice hole in the ground. Soon I'll have a corro tree after all that planting :rofl: :rofl:
It's repairable....but I haven't decided whether to repair or scrap ??? :headscratch: :headscratch:
Damaged my battery though >:(
Quote from: sanjayrai55 on August 25, 2013, 09:39:03 AM
Nice hole in the ground. Soon I'll have a corro tree after all that planting
Sanjay sir !!.. :rofl: :rofl:
Guru: very soon we will be able to pluck corro sheets from the tree :D :D
Sanjay sir, it is a practice in some places, that first produce from a crop is offered to god.. ;D
@Sanjay Sir Do send me some of the seeds after it gives them....
According to Guru, the first produce should be given to God
The first useful produce may be seeds
Shauvik wants the seeds
Is Shauvik God?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Appreciate your sense of humor in spite of the tragic ending Sanjay sir {:)}
Vishal: I've crashed so may, my tears have dried :D :D
Quote from: vishalrao on August 26, 2013, 09:19:25 AM
Appreciate your sense of humor in spite of the tragic ending Sanjay sir {:)}
Vishal : +1 ..
@Sanjay sir GOD of crashes
Maidening my new corro model on Wednesday..... ;D ;D ;) ;) 8) 8)
Sanjay sir even mine on this week I guess.. will upload the pics soon.. my first spad...
Only decor works left...
Sent from my Canvas using tapatalk 2
Good luck Arun :D
Guess this is Yet "yet another Avispad" :rofl: :rofl:
After the crash I had, I wanted to rebuild the Avi. But also wanted to improve the build.
I had built a Corroplast Cub, with a semi-symmetrical wing, 51" span and 8 1/2" + 1 1/2" chord
As most of my crashes involve bust fuses, and intact wings, I decided to make an Avi fuse and use the same wing for both ;D ;D
Whoops! Sorry, the Airboat pic came in :giggle:
The fuse was done in 4 mm Corro, with 4 mm doublers in the front, and under the wing. Used a ply firewall (10 mm) and 2 of 4 mm formers
I used the old Avispad's tail feathers
The pic above was testing the wattage & Amp draw of the motor
At the field with Girish
A short clip. Apologies for the quality, it was a very hazy morning, and I was using a mobile phone
Needs a little down and right thrust
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjeYMK1KpLg&feature=share&list=UUQhf5Pkzb8t7lzTwN0AIYEw (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjeYMK1KpLg&feature=share&list=UUQhf5Pkzb8t7lzTwN0AIYEw)
fantastic sanjay sir :hatsoff: {:)} i like your spirit :thumbsup: . and nice location too ;)
Thank you Nitinraj
I need some expert guidance here
On higher throttle (above 50%) the model climbs steeply, the higher the throttle, the steeper the climb.
Model weight is 1.15 Kg all-up. Semi-symmetrical wing of Span 51" (with elliptical wing tips) Chord 8.5" + 1.5" (aileron). Motor is 1180 KV developing maximum 290 W. Prop is 10*6 as recommended.
As far as I can make out the wing and tail are parallel, and the centre line is true. I have put 3 washers downthrust and 1 washer right thrust. There is no aileron droop. The CG is exactly on the spar, which is at 33% of the chord from the L.E.
The model flies perfectly up to half throttle, and can sustain level flight at 1/4 throttle. The glide is smooth and effortless even at zero throttle.
Where I am stymied is what to do if I want it to fly faster?
Is it an inherent characteristic of the model, with too much lift? Am I using the wrong prop?
Help and expert advice will be much appreciated.
wOW nice landing sir. when i will learn smooth landings like yours :banghead:.
This is the case of wing downwash hitting the tailplane, there is always a downwash from the wing (That why it lifts), however what happens as the speed increases is that the downwash starts to hit the tail plane and tail goes down and she starts to climb.
(a) easier solution, move the neutral point of the aileron high, meaning at neutral both aileron should be about 5 deg up, move this neutral point to see effects at various speeds , some will settle at may be 5 some will take upto 12 to 15 deg
(b) for the future, avoid low sitting tail (lower than the plane of the mainplane) else you could make the aerofoiled tail and invert the camber. meaning say you are using semi symmetrical put th flat portion facing up
i hope this helps
please check the thrust lines while you are at it, from the picture seems perfect
Thanks so much Gusty sir. I will try this at once and report the progress :D
How come it doesn't happen to others who have built and flown Avispads? They all use the same plans and configuration
Swizera: that particular landing was done by Girish, as I was filming ;D ;D ;D
But the model has a very good glide, and that helps a lot while landing
Quote from: sanjayrai55 on September 15, 2013, 01:18:53 PM
How come it doesn't happen to others who have built and flown Avispads? They all use the same plans and configuration
longitudinal dihedral of all build need not be same, must be happening, because of higher throws fliers may be compensating
Had a similar problem.
Span 54", 3 sqft, 24oz (700gms), section like yours.
Same behaviour with 10x6 @8400 rpm, 220 watts, 830gms thrust, 146 w/lb.
Cured with 8x4 @11000 rpm, 96 watts, 480gms thrust, 64 w/lb.
Now flies even better by saving 100gms using 1000mah instead of 2200.
In addition to what Gusty sir says,
i suspect 116 w/lb too high for this section/decalage combo and
significant forward movement of CP with increase in AOA.
CG possibly too far back.
Request Gusty sir's opinion on correctness of this analysis.
Further, if nose up is under acceleration / at constant speed, thrust line passing too far below centre of mass / centre of drag. Aggrevated by excess thrust.
Try more down thrust if you don't want to go to a smaller dia/pitch.
Maybe even lowering the battery!
Changing prop changes propwash, it will definitely affect the downwash. this approach may too, no harm in trying it. o that end i do agree with Iyer sir
Thank you Iyer sir, Gusty Saheb. :salute: :salute:
I have increased the aileron reflex to approx. 10~15 Deg.
I do have a wooden 9*5 prop, will try it. Also will try 10*5 or 1047.
Gusty Saheb; I have done something different from my earlier model, and the plan (which all follow.) Just remembered. I have stuck the horizontal stab to the bottom of the fuse, the plans call for a slot about 20 mm higher and the stab to be inserted there. Was just lazy I guess. I figure this will increase the 'leverage' or moment arm created by the downwash :headscratch:
The increased Aileron reflex did not help. I will now try a 10*5 or 9*5 prop
Sanjay sir, one easy option I have found (if your transmitter supports) is to mix the throttle with the elevator. When the throttle has crossed 50% you can give a little down elevator to keep the plane horizontal. Of course would require bit trial and error to get the right mix setting.
Thanks Vishal. Yes, my Tx does permit, and that option is there.
It's just that I'm trying to get to the bottom of this :D. The model flies well, but I am not fully satisfied...........
Quote from: sanjayrai55 on September 15, 2013, 01:18:53 PM
How come it doesn't happen to others who have built and flown Avispads? They all use the same plans and configuration
It happens with all my trainers. As the throttle increases, the plane starts climbing rapidly instead of going fast.
I would be interested in the solution as well. I was under the impression that a given model can fly slow or fast according to it's character/airfoil - symmetrical airfoils fast, flat bottom slow (due to increased lift in the flat bottom wings, they'll naturally rise at high speeds)
Vishal, I guess you are correct. My own experience with trainers shows they don't like to fly too fast, and only climb (or descend) according to throttle. The increased span (from 48" to 51") probably increases this.
I guess I got spoilt by the earlier Avi, which flew real fast, and was super on basic aerobatics. You could fly it inverted the whole day ;)
Then I guess mixing the throttle with elevator would be the ideal solution as it mimics the second option provided by Gusty sir.
Quoteelse you could make the aerofoiled tail and invert the camber
Vishal, I'm going to try some different size props first. The mixing option is there always
Sanjay sir
you could also try conditional mixing, that is mix only after 50% throttle, also with some change in camber (See Glider mix for your radio) 14 MZ and SD10G has some real cool mixes generally used for slope soaring, could work here
Gusty boss
I will definitely try it. But first I will experiment with props, and maybe some packing under the wing TE
Sorry, I should have posted this before.
I put an ice-cream stick under the TE as packing. I have now done over 30 sorties, and it's fine. Incidence :D
I got the following query by PM from a fellow RCIer, and am answering it here, so others too may give their valuable inputs
""Sir, need your help
I Am building an avispad right now... cannot figure out from spadtothebone.net about how to make the wing...
I am using a flat bottomed aerofoil
Sitting infront with a sheet of coro but cannot make anything... you were online so asked you for help
Please tell me what to do""
My suggestions:
1. See BEX's posts on spadworld.net on the avispad
2. First make the spar
3. Cut the wing per size from the 2 mm corro (careful about the direction of the flutes!)
4. Glue the spar on the wing bottom
5. Cut the Ailerons
6. Glue the Ailerons in
7. Score the Corro on the LE. I use 5 scores: 1 centre, 2 each on each side of the centre with progressively less depth. Gets a perfectly rounded LE (see spadtothebone.net on how to score corro. Practise on some scrap corro first - both with & at right angles to the flutes)
8. Test fit it
9 Glue
10. Make a wing wrap.
11. Glue the wing wrap
Understand how it is to be done, get all your materials ready, it takes 1 to 1.5 hours :D
Before you ask: I use SR 998 on Corro. First I prepare the surface by light sanding and a little rub with thinner (when corro comes from manufacture, it has silicon oil on it, used as a mold release agent, and that will prevent glue from bonding fully) I find the advantage of SR is you wait till it is tacky, then press the surfaces together and it holds. No need for clamping. Many people prefer cyano....I don't
Thank you Sanjay Sir for the tips, especially the round leading edge :) Will try it on my next wing.
Vishal...you are supposed to add to the expert tips ! ;) ;) :giggle:
Managed to drag Arvind a.k.a. Asinghatiya out of bed this morning ;D
Lot of fun flying. As his models need some repair, he flew my Avispad. Some great flying by him
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVw5PBjOC5o&feature=share&list=UUQhf5Pkzb8t7lzTwN0AIYEw (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVw5PBjOC5o&feature=share&list=UUQhf5Pkzb8t7lzTwN0AIYEw)
And now Arvind flies 3D on a trainer Avispad :rofl: :rofl: :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MWkwVZZvLY&feature=share&list=UUQhf5Pkzb8t7lzTwN0AIYEw (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MWkwVZZvLY&feature=share&list=UUQhf5Pkzb8t7lzTwN0AIYEw)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqxp_tIUGM0&feature=share&list=UUQhf5Pkzb8t7lzTwN0AIYEw (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqxp_tIUGM0&feature=share&list=UUQhf5Pkzb8t7lzTwN0AIYEw)
Spectator Reaction >:D :giggle: :giggle:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8r7g_N76H8&feature=share&list=UUQhf5Pkzb8t7lzTwN0AIYEw (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8r7g_N76H8&feature=share&list=UUQhf5Pkzb8t7lzTwN0AIYEw)
Lots of fun today for Rai sir. :)
Do you fly daily?
Thank you Aniket
Girish and Arvind trying to create a mid-air ;) ;)
Shortly after Girish's motor got fried :giggle: :giggle:
Many thanks Rai Shabh for the awesome funflying today morning; enjoyed so much after so long. Will try and bring my 'repair awaiting' beauties to your place asap and will start flying soon. Thanks Girish for dropping me to service station. It took another 3 hrs for him to find the fault in car.
Great beginning of day made a great Sunday today. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Saurabh Next time hope to see you too :)
Poor Girish has really been having a spate of misfortune with his motor recently. No Bheja fry for him, just motor fry
I wish we could video the landing with the motor hanging out...lol...it was a sight.
Good to see you Guys..... Could not spot Mr Rai in the pics... ( he must be the one taking snaps!!!)
I dont see myself coming too soon for flying with you guys.... Bzeee with work.
Yes Saurabh, I was the poor sucker taking the pics :)
Quote from: sanjayrai55 on September 28, 2013, 11:34:50 AM
Vishal...you are supposed to add to the expert tips ! ;) ;) :giggle:
Always eager to learn Sanjay sir :)
Pics in the air long-lensed by Girish
Some excellent pics by Girish while I was flying
More. Great photography by Girish
I received the following query in a PM. As many ask me the same question, I'm replying here
"whats the difference in a spad and avispad?
where can i have a look at the original plans i know there are many discussions but not sure if they have the original plan "
1. SPAD is an acronym of Simple Plastic Aircraft Designs. The original site is spadtothebone.net
Spads have set off their own cult. You could have a look at spadworld.net, and there are many links on the spadtothebone site too.
2. An Avispad is a Spad based on the famous Avistar Trainer. In fact, it is just a scaled down version of the Spadet on sttb. Similarly you have Corrocub (Cub) Spadet (Sig Kadet) Spadstick (Das Ugly Stik) etc.
3. Avispad plans are referred in Post # 3 above
Hope this helps; feel free to ask any more too :D :D
The Avi is a great model. I have done nearly 150 flights on mine, done all sorts of crazy things, and it still goes on! Build it with a semi-symmetrical airfoil, and it will fly inverted all day long. Put a 3536/1500 KV motor, and you have a rocket! Can hover it, snap rolls, the works.
Yet it is a perfect trainer, with docile flying characteristics, cheap and fast to build, and lots and lots of fun all round 8) 8)
How to retrieve the Avi from a tree :rofl:
Who that? Girish Bhai?
I should be so lucky :rofl: :rofl:
The truck driver! You heard of the innocent bystander?? >:D >:D >:D :rofl:
After laying the Avispad to rest, it having served loyally for well over 300 sorties, like the phoenix, it had to rise from the ashes ;D
Quote from: sanjayrai55 on January 08, 2014, 07:47:08 PM
After laying the Avispad to rest, it having served loyally for well over 300 sorties, like the phoenix, it had to rise from the ashes ;D
Sirji you wont let him Rest in Peace ;D
:D :D :iagree:
What Motor & Batteries,Electronics and Which Glue for Corolplast ? ???
Quote from: Avadhut10001 on April 16, 2014, 07:02:49 PM
What Motor & Batteries,Electronics and Which Glue for Corolplast ? ???
SR998 from PIDILITE, Hot Glue or Cyanoacrylate, or epoxy.
Why don't you read the posts fully? It is all there
Quote from: manojswizera on January 09, 2014, 10:46:28 AM
Quote from: sanjayrai55 on January 08, 2014, 07:47:08 PM
After laying the Avispad to rest, it having served loyally for well over 300 sorties, like the phoenix, it had to rise from the ashes ;D
Sirji you wont let him Rest in Peace ;D
Rai sir is a clonig expert!!! like in a movi they say.....I am being cloned so many times that now I forgot the count ;-) Long live AVI!!
Just gave away a recently built Avi. Guess I need some more spice in life. ;) ;)
However I'm always available for anyone who needs help :D
Sanjay sir,
Get back to fuel engines. that is where the real charm lies in.
build some 6 foot big piper from a 30cc chainsaw converted engine if you need something challenging. :salute: :salute:
(dont know what happened to me, been crazy about piper for the past one month. will be building electric one after my exams are over) :headscratch: :headscratch:
SPICE = Jets ?
Hahaha... ;)
You need to come to them also... they're the coolest of the hobby
Yes Yes Sanjay sir, I second Ashok, glow engines it is...
Azad, Sanjay sir has already ventured into Jets, at least the airframes... :D
Sanjay Sir, you gave away one of the spicy models to me as well, the Corromet... what say?
Ashok, been there, done that ;)
Nowadays I'm trying my hand at crashing aerobatic and 3D models :D
Any videos sir.
Of which? Nitro Spads or Aerobatic Electrics? You will find both in my posts on the forum
Gas Piper. ;D ;D ;D
what a immense help this build log is...claps claps, systematic to the last C
So, make one already :D
Hey sanjay really great plane sir well I am coming online after two to three months but this plane is awesome sir
Hope I get to see more and learn more from you :)
The Avi now has a new home, with Sandeep Pande
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r76fzRqbR-o#ws (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r76fzRqbR-o#ws)
In one of the profile photo of spad the motor prop angle is slightly tilting down ward is it with reason?
For more lift on ailerons ?
No. Not the ailerons.
The model had a climbing tendency on power, so correction