(Yet another) Avispad

Started by sanjayrai55, July 09, 2013, 10:18:10 PM

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Nice build Sanjay sir! I see two possible problems...

1) As you said that plane takes off vertical, there could be 2 possible reasons, which I'm sure you must be aware of but might have overlooked.

a) CG is aft. How does the plane land in the final stages? Does the nose go down or tail goes down? If the nose goes down more than the tail then the cg is fore, but if the tail goes down and you get a feeling that the plane is about to stall, then the cg is aft.

b) Too much angle of attack. I suspect this could be the primary reason. I believe you must get the leading edge of the wing down so that the leading edge and the trailing edge is horizontal (zero degree). This will definitely correct the problem if the cg is correct.



Yes, you can correct the angle of incidence by putting some packing below the trailing edge (Will not look good though).

Another danger I see is that the landing gear is too much behind. The prop may strike the ground often while landing and the plane might also topple frequently.


Thanks Vishal. The CG is OK, so it is incidence, plus too much power.

How to measure incidence? Or just visual check?

Not yet had a problem with the LG being too far back. In fact, I'm thinking of changing it to a tricycle gear.

Maybe I just make a new wing!


Quote from: sanjayrai55 on July 15, 2013, 10:35:28 AM
How to measure incidence? Or just visual check?

I do it visually. Just did a google search and found this thing:

May not be worth it. Visual check should be fine I believe.

A little raising of the trailing edge will not hurt and may actually save yourself from making a new wing :) Bending coro is the worst part of the build process :(

Quote from: sanjayrai55 on July 15, 2013, 10:35:28 AM
In fact, I'm thinking of changing it to a tricycle gear.

Why do you want to change to a trike? I prefer the tail dragger as I always encounter hopping on a trike while landing :) More over, trail draggers are easy to build, at least to me.


I have checked it by putting the wing flat and using a steel scale from the front apex to the back joint. There is a minor angle of incidence, but not enough to affect it (I think  ;))

Will try some packing.

Main thing is that Turnigy SK3 2836-1500 KV develops a lot of power and one has to go easy on the throttle, I think.

I like trikes because their ground handling is better, and they save my props :D Old habit from Nitro days


All the best with the changes sir :)


Thanks Vishal

Sent from my GT-S7562 using Tapatalk 2


Successful maiden !   :D :D ;D

Video is loading, will post shortly.

Just needed a little less than half throttle take-off


 {:)} {:)} {:)}
Congrats sir...
Your smile shows how perfect the flight was No need of a video now... :bow: :bow:
hehe Waiting for that video Sanjay sir  :giggle: :giggle:
Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|



Test Pilot, our local ace (:D) Girish Sarwal  :salute:
Videographer: Sandeep Pande  :thumbsup:

The video was taken on a mobile phone, so some limitations

I had put one washer on each of the motor mount top screws for downthrust. Also 3 mm packing under the wing TE. Will take out the packing, as there is a slight down tendency.

Ailerons are very sensitive. Will set exponential on them. Maybe reduce the throws too.

Otherwise, all ready to be flown, and flown, and flown.....until I try to plant a corro tree  :rofl:


Here's the video link sir

#Bring it on flyer


Lovely model and great flying. You make a good team!
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!



Nice Plane and flying.....

Girish ... when i wanted to go to this place ( Sec-29) no one preferred but now you guys are going that great.



Thanks VC, Sam and Saurabh :D :thanks:

Saurabh.....never too late! Do join us  ;D


Saurabh sir, I never refused  :headscratch:. In fact, I don't remember talking about sec 29. Always been a proponent of this place, given that it saves me so much driving...Look forward to see you soon sire  :salute:



Thanks Vishal!
Sent from my GT-S7562 using Tapatalk 2


Brilliant Sanjay sir! I don't think there is anything wrong with the incidence or CG. It is just the power of the motor. Again, Beautifully built.
Be Inquisitive


Thank you Rohit. Our experience has shown just that :D


Sir, would it help if you make it slightly nose heavy by putting in a bigger battery
Maahin Beri - Introduction and Hangar
Seagull Arising Star, Seagull Low Wing 40, AviSport (SPAD), Phoenix Scanner, VortexRC Speedster, Martian 220 Racing Quadcopter.


Not needed Maahin. It is fine now. See the video


Congratulations Sir !! Nice flight ..She is flying perfect !  {:)}
