4CH Mustang P51 - Scratch Build

Started by findvikas, November 10, 2010, 03:40:02 PM

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@manoj... yeah I noticed the rudder is reversed and fixed that later :)

@tg... I think pretty much everyone use this configuration where you have ailerons & elevators mixed.. no? atleast Dave from RCPowers does :)

See here @ 0:25


And really that's when the power of a modern radio comes in play... if I not had DX6i... I would have been struggling just to reverse the servo. I am in love with this radio :)


Yeah we can maiden at BEML ground. Its free anytime after 10am and before 3am. Except on holidays when the whole indian crowd is on that patch of land :D


Just added landing gear to it... it has steerable tail wheel


Hey can you get a closeup pic of how the motor is mounted on the model please? :)


why don't you come over ? I am at home. For others... It is mounted on a stick mount which is going through the fuse from start to end... see the attachment. It's balsa stick and secured in foam & also on motor mount (after screws) using hot glue to avoid any vibration.


Good job done on the build Vikas..looking nice..Is 3D profile building as easy as it looks ??
Money flies when the transmitter is ON...


Thanks, I am not sure I had trouble in any part yet. Everything went smooth so far. Hope it flies well.

Quote from: controlflyer on November 11, 2010, 04:28:18 PM
Good job done on the build Vikas..looking nice..Is 3D profile building as easy as it looks ??


Dear Vikas,
Very nice plane!
You may absolutely be the first person to have the same servos controlling the ailerons and elevators on a parkflyer type of aircraft. I may however be wrong. I too am a gr8 fan of Dave. The type of aircraft that Dave is flying is a parkjet where the elevators also function as ailerons. They are both one and the same, so it has to be mixed for the particular function. However, if ur setup is effective, it will be a new frontier. All the best. Waiting for the maiden vid. Also kindly update wingspan and AUW.
He who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool. Shun him. He who knows not and knows that he knows not is a child. Teach him. He who knows and knows not that he knows is asleep. Wake him. He who knows and knows that he knows is a wise man. Follow him.

My Hanger
Profile Edge540 / Multiplex Easystar / Coro Avispad / Scratchbuilt Cub / Lazy Bee / Ultron3D / Jimmy J Flyer's Bug (under construction)


Did a test taxi and the landing gears are little soft and may result in a crash on little rough landing. Probably will do a test using the same gears. Wingspan is 460 mm and length is 440 mm, AUW is 205gm.

decided to use AR6100E RX & 650mah battery, ESC is 15-18a


@Anwar... I could not modify my first post in this thread, why?

Can you please add the following details in there...

Modify this ....

Prop: GWS EP Propeller (RD-7060 178x152mm)

ESC: Hobbyking SS Series 15-18A ESC
RX : AR6100E

Add this...

Wingspan: 460 mm
Length: 440 mm
Flying Weight: 205gm



You free tomorrow morning? Lets go and do it :)


Preferably minus the landing gears to reduce weight on a small plane like this.


All the best! Fly safe and post a video.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Do a glide test first if u haven't done yet.
Be Inquisitive


Hey all, What a day it was :) I did a glide test at home and it did glide not perfectly due to weight but yeah it was able to land safely.

Actual flight, I could not take off from ground as it was not flat land so I decided to hand launch. I launch badly, it turned one side and boom crashed on motor.

Crash report: The propeller  broke off to become single wing propeller :), the motor mount stick broke and motor came off and I am too upset as I did not get a second chance to try it. It's back in hangar and waiting for repairs.. video will be up soon.

So what else we did, we went to a nice field in the evening with Rajath and two other local RC flyers. I took my Piper J and what a flier it is... only 25gm AUW , its a park flier and did pretty well even in cross winds :) Again video will be up soon.


Here are pics form hoskote lake bed...


Guys, I was really confused... should I really put the effort on this guy or use the biofoam that I just purchased to start from scratch.. and I decided I will put this model on hold as it is little heavy for its size. So I made myself a Su-26, 3D foamy using the foam... man its very nice foam. I will start a new thread for its build.