Another Fast Built Overpowered Pusher Jet

Started by rcfoamcrafters, October 11, 2010, 06:14:42 AM

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After not flying for a few months because of hot weather, I decided to go fly my Rip It plane today. After checking the plane out after being in storage, I found a cracked wing. This plane has been fixed enough and deserves a break, so I built something else today.

18oz's AUW with a 2826/6 2200kv motor 6x4 prop 2200mah Lipo

Check it out at

Have fun,


Helis and Quads ROCK !!


Thanks Hellflyer for the nice compliment. I was looking at your first scratch build coro. It looked like a fun plane to fly. Everything I have just blasts thru the sky. Yours looked like a nice relaxed flyer. Nice job. Whenever I used coro, I alway flashed the area to be epoxied with a torch to draw out the oil in the plastic, then rough up with sandpaper. Did you have to do that, or did the epoxy hold without it? I also, just sanded coro and hot glued it and it seemed to be ok. I'll have to pull out my coro and come up with something.

Have fun....Wayne


The Overpowered Pusher Jet is dead. I took it for it's maiden flight. Hand launched it and it flew great. I gave it the slight needed trims and flew it around my new 35 acre airfield that I trespassed on. After a minute or two, it went crazy and totally out of control. It tore the wing tight off, so I just figured the spar broke. So I took my Bumble Bee pusher and hand lauched that knowing it was a good flier and that one just flew uncontrollably into the ground and broke into 4 large pieces. I don't know how I missed it, but the right stick on my transmitter wasn't returning to neutral when pulling back for up elevator. The stick just floated. Here is the full story.

Have fun...Wayne


Hey Wayne,sorry for your plane.'Bermuda triangle' in the USA????

Just joking.Hope  you can get you jet up in the air as soon as possible and hope that nothing is wrong with your transmitter.
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


It was the Bermuda Triangle alright. I'm hoping the wind isn't too bad today so I can try out my modified wing and my F4D Skyray.

I just ran onto something that should be an interest to all scratch builders and relates well to our planes. Check it out...

Many of the plans I have on my site are in imperial measurements and lately I have been asked if I could translate them to metric. That would be quite time consuming, so I simply put a metric conversion program on my site for all of you and others to download. It's a nice little program and should work on most systems.

Back to the Bermuda Triangle episode....Now that I have a bare fuselage, I need to add some wings and make another plane. I'm thinking of a scratch built Multiplex looking Funjet. I have a few in the hanger, but they pretty much seen there day. They are a fast plane, fun to fly, and look great in the air.

Anybody willing to build one with me??? We'll compare notes and pics. The biggest disadvantage I'm going to have, is that I already have my battery slot cut out in the fuselage I'm going use. The Funjet wing will be totally different than the wing that was on so, that slot probably won't even come close. Maybe I'll just leave it there and stick a camera in it.

Anyway, if anyone wants to build one, let me know, and I'll try to guide you along.

Have fun....Wayne


I do remember someone with a funjet here.I just can't remember who it was.
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


It's a real easy build. Go to my plans page and you can download them. All the dimensions are there, but you will also need to download my metric converter, if you need metric dimensions. I'm going to build this wing with 1/2" Dow board. I just draw it out on the foam and cut it out with a hacksaw blade on the outside of the line, than I can sand it the way I need it.