<<Admin/Mod, if possible please consider for sweepstakes>>
Foam Autogyro
Always wanted to build an autogyro, and finally built and flew one . This thread has snaps and writeup on the build.
This is based on the "twirl" of which there is a lot of info on the web.. here is the link http://my.pclink.com/~dfritzke/twirl.pdf. (http://my.pclink.com/~dfritzke/twirl.pdf.) There are some changes to the materials used vis-à-vis the plan and they are fine so long as AUW (@200) is kept under check and structural integrity is not compromised. Mine was made out of 5mm biofoam , and CF scraps which I had.
The plan is fairly simple to build. The parts cut out of 5mm biofoam..
I have used a 3mm cf rod in the fuse which serves the purpose of strengthening the fuse along with the doublers at the nose end. Note the front end is cut at an angle which has the downthrust built it. Also below the wing mount I have glued in some scrap foam to have a bit more area for the wing to glued to.
The undercarriage spring wire is fixed to a small block of wood .. aka (lipping patti). I fixed it by bending the wire, tying it with strong thread and covering the whole thing with cyno.. use your best method which will give a light and rigid UC.. Once done the wooden block is glued onto the slot in fuse and taped up with fiber tape.
The tailplane is very simple. The dihedrals at the tips actually adds to the rigidity
The wing has a fairly large dihedral. In my build the CF for the trailing edge was only for half portion of each span….. (ran out of CFs). …. and I omitted the reinforcement on the pylon. NOTE : the mounting pylon template is critical .. the 85 degree .
I read a lot about this thingy and always wanted to build one but have few questions.
since you are the only one i know of who flown a successful model,
1. what is the material used for rotor. can a 450 size heli blade be suffice,
2.does the rotor plane need to be adjusted for pitch and roll or does the Elevator and rudder does the job alone.
3. the link provided doesnt work, can you provide me the link where you took the plans from.
4. Pics, videos of flying could be useful.
5.Take off/ Landing distance normally
6.thrust to weight ratio needed for the motor.
7.anymore info is greatly appreciated.
I think the first autogiro build for sweepstakes.
Forget about undercarriage, dihedral etc.
Tell us about the BLADES
<<since the previous post ran out of space.. starting a new one here.. the link to the previous post http://www.rcindia.org/kites-trains-free-flight-and-all-others/autogyro-build-(scratchbuilt-from-foam)-for-2014-sweepstakes/msg179746/#msg179746 (http://www.rcindia.org/kites-trains-free-flight-and-all-others/autogyro-build-(scratchbuilt-from-foam)-for-2014-sweepstakes/msg179746/#msg179746)>>
The Rotor is the most critical part.. though not very difficult. The rotors are cut from 3mm biopack foam. The paper pasted on the leading edge gives them the rigidity (along with centrifugal force.. but primarily the paper). After cutting out the 8 rotor blades, plus one or two spare, stack them together and check for alignment in size. .. sand in case required to have all of them of the same size. To make the paper stick properly rub the relevant side lightly with “scotch brite”….. the paper is stuck with fevicol MR mixed with 50% water. … ensure that no wraping of the blades takes place by placing then on a flat surface with weight on top. First the center wooden block was aligned and stuck to one rotor disk. The rotors were then aligned properly and held in place with pins and stuck with foam safe cyno ..(used baking soda as a kicker). Once set the top rotor disk is glued after aligning. … (I used a compass point to align … any thin and straight object would do) and then later on enlarged the hole with a drill to the required dia…. In my case 4 mm.
Since I did not have a 2 mm CF, I used a 3 mm CF rod as the rotor post glued onto the foam pylon. The rotor hubs has a CF tube with a ID slightly larger than the post OD.. a bit of play is fine.. but not too much.
The rotor post are rubbed with soft pencil to give it a coating which acts as dry lublicant. The rotors are placed and checked that they rotate very freely... this is crucial. Once done the stoppers are put. I used the earthing terminals of 15 amps plugs for the same. The same is tightened and also hot glued so that it does not come out during flight ... this is again crucial
Once everything is fixed and electronics checked the final adjustment of CG.. the CG is at 50% of wing root chord and the bty should be positioned so that the craft balances here. I found that normally the build is nose heavy and the bty has to be placed behind the CG...
Motor : 1200 KV odin
Prop : 8X4.7
ESC : 25 amp(you could do with lesser amp esc.. I did not have one hence used this)
BTY : 1000mah 3 cell (you could do with a smaller 3 cell bty.. I did not have one hence used this)
Servos : 2 X 9 gm servos
AUW : 219 gms ... all incl. electronics except bty
The first flight was a rolling take-off. A little elevator once it gathers speed. Mine ROGed at 70% . to gain height increase throttle with a just a bit elevator to change attitude. Rudder was very adequate for turns..... I felt that the dihedral might be a bit more as it does have a tendency to swing . Can be flown very slow and can do very steep and controlled descends..... very stable, it has been flown hands-off and the Tx kept on ground..... FUN and something NEW to fly
since the previous thread ran out of space .. CONTINUING it here
http://www.rcindia.org/kites-trains-free-flight-and-all-others/autogyro-build-(scratchbuilt-from-foam)-for-2014-sweepstakes-contd-ii/new/ (http://www.rcindia.org/kites-trains-free-flight-and-all-others/autogyro-build-(scratchbuilt-from-foam)-for-2014-sweepstakes-contd-ii/new/)
Ran out of Space? okay i think you mean the maximum limit for a post not for the thread,
you can only use 4 images of 200kb per post :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
so the blades need some pitch to be present permanently for proper working,
and both of the rotors need to be counter rotating right? (i dont think it is necessary)'
Out of curiosity, is the direction of spin of props controlled?? And how would the flight be affected if both the props spin in the same direction or vice-versa?
@V2 eagle : the pitch is automatic due to the overlap of the leading edge of one blade over the training edge of the previous blade
@Side Winder : the completed rotors are so that one is clock-wise and the other counter-clockwise... (which one does not matter). this cancles out any gyroscopic precession and torque effects..
Got some idea, and just noticed flite test has a episode for it.
dont know how i missed it these days.
some snips from the videos of flights... (being flown by my son Abhiroop)
1. Please do not split build into two threads/topics. I don't understand what you mean by ran out of space ! Just keep "replying" to your thread with newer posts, and you can continue endlessly !
2. There is no date proof in the build. Note that we have made the rules explicit to avoid any confusion.