Build log : Lil Ripper modified (removable 2 piece airfoil wing)

Started by allthatido, June 26, 2012, 02:44:52 PM

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Quote from: KALYANPRODHAN on July 24, 2012, 07:06:10 PM
But the referred site is down

"I found Mr. Krauss' personal email & inquired about the sites absence. His server was damaged in a severe storm last week. He is already in the process of rebuilding. His goal is to be back online within days rather than weeks. Let's all be patient, our fav airfoil source will return soon.



For tracing lay the fuse on the side and use two screwdrivers to hold the wing in place.

26) Cut two pieces of carbon fiber rods.

27) Prep the middle coro piece by epoxing two depron pieces on both sides and cover with fiber tape. Check pics

Last pic shows how the pieces go together..the middle piece will be glued inside the fuse.


28) Glue the center piece inside the fuselage. Trim excess to fit flush with top surface.

29) Cut the side of the fuse to expose the coro flutes. The wing joining system is ready.


Motor mount construction is easy. Pics will tell it all.


Quote from: ankurkaul17 on July 24, 2012, 07:05:36 PM
22) Put the wings on the fuse as you would want them and then trace the wood laminate holes on the fuse. I have mine with some +ve angle.

23) Cut 4 pieces of wood laminates to provide rigidity to the depron sides.

24) Glue the laminates

25)Trace the coro piece on the fuse. This will be cut later. Pics will make the process clear.

Ankur that is a superb build considering you are a beginner and have not built many planes..very impressive. Also your tape covering skills are excellent.

I can see you have 2pcs removable wing. How are you going to fix the wing and retain them at the fuselage....I can see you have installed sunmica brackets with holes .. Will you use a bolt and screw??

I like the way MXS wing halves are held together with rubber rubber bands inside the fus..


Thanks b44gu. The fuse has a coro section through which 2 carbon rods will pass. The carbon rods at both ends of the fuse will go into wings which have a matching coro piece of their own. The wood laminate is used just to prevent the wings from flying outwards. The load is taken by the coro and carbon rod.

If you will closely see the pics above, you will understand my gibberish.


