my new built----SPADET

Started by maserati, January 06, 2012, 01:19:56 PM

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Posting the relevant part from the link I posted:

Note. It's been tested only with win xp sp2 / sp3.

Instalation instruction (USB driver for cable should be installed yet).
1. Install PPJoy (e.g. from
2. Add New Joystick, in top combobox select "Virtual Joysticks" and click "Add".
3. Next, click "Mapping", "Next", set 6 Axes, 0 Buttons and 0 POV's.
4. Change Axis3 to Throttle and Axis4 to Rudder, click Next->Next->Next->Finish. Click Done and close Joystick setup.
5. Unzip to any location.
6. Connect you USB cable to PC and radio.
7. Now start T6sim.exe
8. Select comport used by your cable, and click "Open COM".
7. Turn on your radio, and check for sliders responce.
8. Select Virtual Joystick from dropdown list.
9. Close T6sim (it drop to taskbar).
10. Calibrate Virtual joystick in windows control panel (gamepads icon).
11. Start simulator, select joystick, map it and FLY !

T6sim saves comport number and joystick number in windows registry. After first setup, all next launching don't show configuration window, and directly run app in taskbar.
For changing configuration or close the app, right click on it icon in taskbar, and chose action from popup menu.
Before you start this app, you must connect USB cable. In other way you get an error message "Cannot open COMx". No problem if anyone use real RS232 COM port.
T6sim support selecting one of first 16 comports and hide not existing or opened ports from list, and 4 joysticks (in list you see only all avaliable virtual joysticks).

That's all. Good Feedback's is very welcome.

UPDATE: 2011-10-09
Newest 1.07 of T6sim version here:


Quote from: samlikespad on January 08, 2012, 07:24:27 PM
Posting the relevant part from the link I posted:

Note. It's been tested only with win xp sp2 / sp3.

what is this used for


thanks for replying..

darknova this is for configuring my tx so that it can used as a flight
ultra stick(electric),osh kosh,SPADET LC-40,coro piper cub 76".


sorry for bothering bro you but what is is a tx :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:


tx stands for transmitter your radio control..
ultra stick(electric),osh kosh,SPADET LC-40,coro piper cub 76".



i have done whatever listed above but when ever iam selecting the comport,it dispalys no data..
what to do.??????
ultra stick(electric),osh kosh,SPADET LC-40,coro piper cub 76".


You have to identify the correct port as the cable is a USB to serial converter also. Usually the port is listed as 3,4 or 5. And most of the time, its the ppjoy config that causes this. Make sure you follow the ppjoy config properly, create a virtual controller and map sticks, then go to control panel, game controllers, select the ppjoy virutual controller, calibrate it. T6sim is a straight forward setup.




if you could post some pics of your airplane structure or the plan you used we can help you out with ease  :)


samlikespad thanks a lot for your help...

@ herbicraft i didn't get you...i(f you could post some pics of your airplane structure or the plan you used we can help you out with ease  Smiley)

ultra stick(electric),osh kosh,SPADET LC-40,coro piper cub 76".


You are most welcome, but did you solve your issue? Tell us the good news :)


@herbicraft: check website for the plans n build instructions..
Mechanical engineer..

Radio:Spektrum Dx6i | Futaba 6EXP | working on coro Avispad | HK450MT kit | Seagull Boomerang 40 | HK 250GT | Upcoming: Easy Star 2 |


two more pics...

bigger wheels my main landing gear has 3" and nose has 2.5" wheels..

maiden will be on this coming weekend...

ultra stick(electric),osh kosh,SPADET LC-40,coro piper cub 76".


Hitesh all the best, Shoot while divay maidens..  :thumbsup:
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


definitely sir...

ultra stick(electric),osh kosh,SPADET LC-40,coro piper cub 76".


All the best hitesh....looking forward to watch the video!


HERE'S the maiden was great.thanks to divya sir,he landed it beautifully after the prop came out..

things to remember ...--
1)i need to change my main landing gear..more spread out one's for better stability..wings are skidding on ground..
2)should carry a plier to field for tightening the prop nut.. :banghead: :banghead:

ultra stick(electric),osh kosh,SPADET LC-40,coro piper cub 76".


Quote from: augustinev on January 07, 2012, 02:41:17 PM
6. Wheel track is less, wing touch during turns is inevitable, later on consider wing tip skids.

Did you notice the point about Wheel track , as a thumb rule the track should be atleast 1/3 of the wing span (Slightly more , the better).

1. She still is directionally unstable, if you have noticed the wing, at high alpha she started to wing rock , by then you prop flew off.

2. She is slightly more nose heavy than required.

3. Elevator throw is too much for a trainer, it was divay who could manage. rest of the advice, take from Divay

small caddie for electrical aeroplane is a must. Checklist (Not limited to , atleast these).
1. Hex/Screw driver for the screws you used in the aeroplane
2. Zap and CA
3. Fibre Tape
4. Watt meter
5. Timer (If your radio doesn't have one)
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


surely sir..
i will do as told by divya sir..
he asked me get a new landing gear..i will be visiting field again next weekend and this time it will surely do great...

ultra stick(electric),osh kosh,SPADET LC-40,coro piper cub 76".


excellent plane...but does it not look to narrow for the original passenger planes and much did the plane cost overall?
Amateur photographer ... DIY enthusiast ... Scratch Builder... Student-Innovator


boss i made few changes on it.and moreover it is not a passenger plane.
the plane costed me around 4.5-5 thousand.
just checkout the website,it has plenty of plans..
have patience,think before you build a model and then start building it..
see if are seriously requiring help,any suggestions,there are many people on this forum who will guide you.but dont waste your time behind that edf model right now.keep it aside and make something basic.
we are always there to help you.


ultra stick(electric),osh kosh,SPADET LC-40,coro piper cub 76".


it must be a passenger plane...i am telling that the plane of which you made a model must be a passenger plane
Amateur photographer ... DIY enthusiast ... Scratch Builder... Student-Innovator


and yes I can build something of an ATR 42 which is a propeller powered high wing plane. no need to keep that model... it alsomst resembles an atr...need to make slight changes....i can also make a hecules propeller plane which is a high wing plane
Amateur photographer ... DIY enthusiast ... Scratch Builder... Student-Innovator