Choosing a 40 size trainer plane

Started by anwar, March 20, 2010, 10:06:11 PM

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I am trying to select a 40 size trainer plane.  The direct choice would be any balsa high wing trainer (the common one in our LHSes is the Kyosho Calmato highwing trainer), powered by a .46 glow engine.

But here is the complication.  No matter how much you ask people to train for their landings on simulators, and even if they are on buddy cable, the chances of the aircraft getting damaged during the first few landings are significant.  There is very little time to take control and correct the models orientation if the student pilot messes up at the last moment.  

Since I want to maximize field time (as oppose to build/rebuild time), the search moved on to bigger high wing foam models.  And it looks like the Multiplex Mentor would be a good candidate.  It is 40 size, elapor foam, takes full size servos and in general seems to be best suited for this purpose.  Has 4 channel controls, and can do mild aerobatics ! I already have a 60A scorpion ESC, multiple 3s packs and full size servos. All I need is the model and suitable motor.

So I am seeking comments on anyone who has owned this model.

Hangar : Please see my introduction.
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right decission anwar. i am using mentor for the last 8 months, never crashed, its a beautiful big trainer for the beginers,repairing is also very easy in the event of a crash. only thing i suggest you is to use foam safe thick ca for gluing



hi guys,
don't know about prices but there are plenty of sesna plans out there,
perhaps this may a cheaper/easier option??
that does look nice though :-)



The big attraction on this is the elapor foam itself.  Having seen how the AXN Floater (which is similar foam) takes nose-in crashes, I can only imagine what a God-send this would be for training (i.e. crashing!).
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
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hi anwar
I was thinking may be buils/convert to elapor foam  or similar?
I think there is a foamy plan I have seen.


Update :

I tried to order it, and decided that shipping costs are too high.  So planned on waiting for it until I traveled again.  For now, my brother had a beat up .40 size Cessna (balsa model), so that would do.

But then, yesterday I saw something in person that was even more remarkable.  It is a bit expensive (but not really in comparison with the Multiplex planes of similar size) and used mostly in FPV applications, but this was one heck of a bird !  The mould quality etc is very good with careful thought on how to do all wiring and CF reinforcement internally; and the size is awesome (1.68m wingspan). It is made of the same type of EPO foam.  (a good illustration of the size here)
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
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Hangar : Please see my introduction.
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Hi, Have u got one yet? if yes please let me know as i am also looking.
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Would like some advice, I've flown parkflyers starting last year, but now have joined an RC club and looking to get my first glo trainer. I'd like some advice on which size plane I should start with.. Some club members say a 40 size like the avisatar or LT-40,, with os 46 or so.. and some say go for the bigger one like LT-60, high wing types. It will definetly be a high wing,,, but its the size? they say the bigger the better.. or should I stick with the smaller 40's. For you experienced guys.. that have been thru it.. what would you suggest...?
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40 Size with .46 OS is perfect. Dont have to spend more on a high wing trainer. Please check if you can find Calmato High wing Trainer. In my openion they are the best. If you have a reliable friend with a second hand High wing in good condition you can go for that option as well, because you wont fly the high wing triner for long time( Since you are flying parkflyers).... :) All the very best. :thumbsup:
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow."


+1 on the Calmato high wing 40 (or 60), one of the best trainer planes.  There are many highwing models in local stores, and there is also the trainer from our member Harveer's company which was also attracting good reviews from flyers.

40 size is good enough. 60 is better, but if you have model where the two sides of the wing are attached once and for all, then carrying the long wing around might be a problem due to size.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
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Also, you have got your orientations already with the parkflyer, you can also consider going with a docile low winger (mildly aerobatic) models too.  The Calmato Low wing is again a preferred model, not sure about availability in India.  I am sure others can talk about low wing trainers available in India.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
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I started my training on a low winger - Subaru and it resembles an ordinary low wing trainer .


Quote from: anwar on March 20, 2010, 10:06:11 PM
I am trying to select a 40 size trainer plane.  The direct choice would be any balsa high wing trainer (the common one in our LHSes is the Kyosho Calmato highwing trainer), powered by a .46 glow engine.

But here is the complication.  No matter how much you ask people to train for their landings on simulators, and even if they are on buddy cable, the chances of the aircraft getting damaged during the first few landings are significant.  There is very little time to take control and correct the models orientation if the student pilot messes up at the last moment. 

Calmato was my very first plane (i started with glow) which i built from kit and it was so easy even for a beginner. Anyways i got it for Rs. 4000 from hobby center dubai. Now to the point, is calmato available in electric or u converted it. cuz i am also searching for a 40 size electric trainer like calmato. It should be able to take off from ground. Also please tell where can i get good electric kits in india and online? 
When you fly electric, fly clean, fly quiet, and fly safe!

flying doc

Quote from: anwar on July 08, 2010, 07:20:19 PM
+1 on the Calmato high wing 40 (or 60), one of the best trainer planes.  There are many highwing models in local stores, and there is also the trainer from our member Harveer's company which was also attracting good reviews from flyers.

As Anwar pointed out, Harveers High wing trainer is a great model to learn on. I've seen it float at idle for up to 7 min and on the flip side I've seen it hover for up to 15 seconds. Its a very forgiving plane. I have and fly a low wing trainer but the comfort and satisfaction I get from flying Harveers trainer is unmatched. I learnet my flying on the styro trainer and till date after I fly my low winger, I still try and get a couple of sorties on the styro to calm my nerves and in short have fun.
Check these out

Happy flying
Tiger Sports 40, SPA3D, SPAD Extra all with ASP 52 engines.
SPAD Debonair with OS 46
Turbo Raven 60 with an ASP 91
Next build - Accipiter 91 with DLE 20
Futaba 6EXAP, Futaba 10 CAP


Quote from: CrazyPilot on July 09, 2010, 11:53:45 AM
Now to the point, is calmato available in electric or u converted it. cuz i am also searching for a 40 size electric trainer like calmato. It should be able to take off from ground. Also please tell where can i get good electric kits in india and online? 

Calmato always comes in an ARF kit, without any engine or electronics.  One can always put an electric setup on it (we have 3 or 4 people doing that locally in our field), but the vast majority go for glow.

Regarding motor choices, I have seen many from Hobbycity to Electrifly setups locally.

I am not sure who sells motor ESC combos for bigger planes in India.  I would assume Sai/RCForAll has something, as he was flying a huge glider earlier, and he also sells the big Multiplex models.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Quote from: anwar on July 09, 2010, 01:56:31 PM
I am not sure who sells motor ESC combos for bigger planes in India.  I would assume Sai/RCForAll has something, as he was flying a huge glider earlier, and he also sells the big Multiplex models.

I already have the big motors upto 120 size, esc etc. but i needed plane kits.
When you fly electric, fly clean, fly quiet, and fly safe!


Quote from: anwar on May 05, 2010, 09:24:52 AM
Update :

The mould quality etc is very good with careful thought on how to do all wiring and CF reinforcement internally; and the size is awesome (1.68m wingspan). It is made of the same type of EPO foam.  (a good illustration of the size here)

I  am using  2 of these  and the flight characteristics is like Sabestin Said very very docile .
I have fitted a landing gear to one of these with the FY 20 A flight stabilization .
It can almost land itself.

sai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


Quote from: CrazyPilot on July 09, 2010, 02:22:35 PM

I am not sure who sells motor ESC combos for bigger planes in India.  I would assume Sai/RCForAll has something, as he was flying a huge glider earlier, and he also sells the big Multiplex models.

We have motors , ESC's , Batteries upto  60 -90 size planes .

sai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


Quote from: rcforall on July 09, 2010, 02:38:09 PM

I  am using  2 of these  and the flight characteristics is like Sabestin Said very very docile .
I have fitted a landing gear to one of these with the FY 20 A flight stabilization .
It can almost land itself.


What will be the price of this kit?
When you fly electric, fly clean, fly quiet, and fly safe!


Hello Anwar/Sai sir,
from the discussion of this thread it looks like "Harveers High wing trainer" ARF will be a good model to start for a beginner. Please guys tell us from where can we buy it (trainer with a compatible electric engine)?
Love what you do..Do what you love

flying doc

I'll request Harveer to send u a PM with the details.
Tiger Sports 40, SPA3D, SPAD Extra all with ASP 52 engines.
SPAD Debonair with OS 46
Turbo Raven 60 with an ASP 91
Next build - Accipiter 91 with DLE 20
Futaba 6EXAP, Futaba 10 CAP


Thanks doc...I want to start as soon as possible...Just holding back till I have the right guidance.
Frankly speaking this forum has help me a lot as a beginner..
Love what you do..Do what you love


Lot of discussion on the forum..any idea from where can we buy multiplex models in india  :banghead:?

Thanks in advance.
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