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Cloud Dancer Build Log

Started by sanjayrai55, January 08, 2014, 08:23:33 PM

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Been some time since my build, but I think the wing centre is sheeted top and bottom. Save sheeting for that

K K Iyer

Since the gain is not along the length, may be webbing between spars.


Iyer sir

It is not webbing. There are many more ribs and the web height is about 25 mm. I still feel the 65*10 is for strengthening the places between the "short ribs" where the wing dihedral braces fit:)



Waiting for your build log & video Dana :D


Without this thread, it would seem nearly impossible to complete this model.  What size battery are you using, where is the CG?  I take it that the battery mounts on the underside of the plane on the battery tray,  is there a hatch to cover the battery tray area?  I definately appreciate the help.


The battery does indeed go in the compartment built for it. The size is such that only a (Turnigy) 2200 mAh 3S fits there. I didn't use a hatch cover, just velcro on the inside of the hatch & the battery face, and a strap for insurance.

The CG is on the Spar. As luck would have it, mine balanced precisely there the first time  :D



Note: Because of the nose wheel steering pushrod, I put the battery on it's narrower face to get the clearance for the 'rod


I thank you for your quick reply.  I might try to incorporate a battery hatch but at least I know where the battery goes.  The CG and battery size info helped a great deal.


You are welcome. If the battery is in the same erect  position as mine, you could find it difficult to put a hatch.

All the best, don't forget to post build photos and the video ;D


I am not clear where the pushrods exit for the rudder and elevator.  I think that the elevator pushrod exits through the opening of the very rear of the fuse, the rudder exit point i'm confused about.  I will probably cut an opening on the left side of the fuse about 1/2" from the rear of the fuse thus allowing me to mount the control horn holes on the rudder hinge line.  Does this sound right?  Thanks in advance.


Rudder from top and elevator from sides.


A picture is worth a 1000 words, thank you again.  Too bad HK doesn't give pictures of all necessary angles of the plane to simplify the build.  I installed a former reversed (pushrod guide holes not lining up) but that's an easy fix. Thanks again.


Sundaram is correct. It seems from the hole alignment in the formers that the elevator pushrod is destined to come out from the rear centre of the fuse: that will make it difficult to fit a horn (which is the problem I faced - I had to fabricate a special horn to suit)

Do take care though that the pushrod can travel easily in the tube and does not sprag.


If you look carefully you can see I fabricated the horn from a scrap of old credit card, and the pushrod is exiting from the rear centre of the fuselage


Hi Guys. Sanjay, I love this build it is amazing! I have just purchased one myself and was wondering if you could explain the assembly of the ailerons, if you had some more pics that would be great too! If someone could just write a good comprehensive assembly manual for this plane it would be amazing!


Thank you. Nice to hear from someone in Oz!

The ailerons are built up. Really simple - this is one time the instructions make sense and are easy to follow.

Good luck, post pics, and the video too :D


 :hatsoff: Hello gentlemen, greetings from The Netherlands. I too have purchased this nice kit, and thanks to this wonderful build log thread I've been able to make a good start at building this plane. I have yet to start on the tail assembly, but I'm stuck on 2 pieces I cannot fit just right. Can anyone tell me how I should mount this piece? I know it's supposed to be on top of the balsa innerwall. But I caanot figure out how to mount it. I guess I miss a slot in the bulkhead.


It seems you have not used the part discussed in reply # 77 &78 which is essential for the firewalls to fit properly.

I would recomended  you to fit the two pieces of each sidewalls together by lining the anticipated inner wall with the balsa lining pieces provided before atempting to make the fuselage with the side walls and firewall pieces.

Also its apparent from the photographs posted that you have used the balsa inner liners on only one side of the two side wall pieces. It should be so affixed that the balsa liners are on the inside of the fuselage with the two pieces of lite ply side walls joined and outside the fuselage.

These pictures should help.


I did see those 2 posts, so I was aware the parts were supposed to be put on top of the inner balsa sheet. I left the outer plysheet of one side of the model for a better photo. Besides, none of the parts are glued yet. I need to finish the puzzle before I start glueing  :giggle: My problem is the extra balsa part that goes on top of the inner lining balsa doesn't fit in the slot on the firewall. I'll remove the firewall to see if I have incorrectly mounted anything, or perhaps used the wrong firewall.

On the first pic you see the inner balsa lining and on top the firewall. Notice that the notch on the firewall is smaller then the hole in the balsa. On the second pic I have the firewall notch in the plywood  outerlining. You can see the space the balsa inner lining goes into. Above the upper notch on the firewall the fitting against the ply is tight. I cannot put the extra part in between, there is no room.

I totally cannot see how I should mount this piece  ???


You are using the correct firewall for sure. However there definitely seems some error in the laser cut.

As I see it only this small piece of balsa as highlighted in the picture attached is likely to get crushed to accommodate the error.

I would recommend you to go ahead and cut out this small piece after gluing the balsa liners and lite ply side walls together to form one long pieces of two side walls with the balsa liners on the inside. then you would be able to fit the firewall flush to the surface correctly.


Hello LeechnL. Sorry,  I was travelling, but the expert Col. Sundaram sir seems to be taking good care of you  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


This log is travelling around the world! 2 gents from the US, one from Australia, one from Holland have posted.

Sujju sold his entire stock, and replenished. But somehow only Sandy sir and I have posted logs :(  We need some more from home territory guys!


Sanjay Sir  am just making myself useful :)