Coro trainer - electric - build log

Started by santhosh-r, December 23, 2012, 08:57:02 PM

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sanjay sir..the motor is not just held by the cable ties...there are three screws firmly holding the motor to the bar...I used the cable ties just because I could not align the four screw and the hole...
Spektrum DX6i | Phoenix V4 | CoroTrainer | Tamiya Baja king 2WD | RCTimer F450 Quadcopter



Santhosh is that 24gm motor produce enough thrust?
The wings looks heavy :(
Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


You are right ..arun but the  motor is specified as 400g thrust with a 8 x 4 prop...
Keeping my fingers crossed for the test...
I will update about AUW ....
I thought that the wing will act like as that in a glider...
If this motor will not work...I will replace it with my 3536 1250kV 500W motor..
Spektrum DX6i | Phoenix V4 | CoroTrainer | Tamiya Baja king 2WD | RCTimer F450 Quadcopter


That is fine another option is make another wing and use a smaller lipo with same motor...
Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


all the best for your new plane, waiting for video  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Ok Arun,, Let me try all the combos .. 2s / 3s , 24gm motor./ 500w motor , new wing /old wing....and find out the correct combo..

BTW thanks everyone  :salute:
Spektrum DX6i | Phoenix V4 | CoroTrainer | Tamiya Baja king 2WD | RCTimer F450 Quadcopter


Santosh, why don't you try the old formula - 75~100 Watts per pound of weight, and see where it gets you? Decide the prop, and then on the basis of these 2 figures, select a motor


sanjay sir , I am expecting  a AUW of 700gm with a 2S 1000mAh and 800gm with 3S 2200mAh....
As I have seen this wing producing a lot of lift for my 1.5Kg previous coro model ,I thought that eventhough the motor is underpowered  for this plane the wing may produce some decent it correct?

BTW the power of this motor is are right ,I need to get a new motor / reduce the weight of the plane right?
Spektrum DX6i | Phoenix V4 | CoroTrainer | Tamiya Baja king 2WD | RCTimer F450 Quadcopter


What is your motor KV & what prop are you planning

AUW of 800 gms => 85 W is OK

Lift will also depend on the angle of incidence


Spektrum DX6i | Phoenix V4 | CoroTrainer | Tamiya Baja king 2WD | RCTimer F450 Quadcopter


I think it will be underpowered. Thrust is not enough, and with 2S, you have max wattage of about 50 W, in actual running about 30~35 W, with 3 S about 80 W max, actual running about 50 W