Electric Spad build

Started by hangingtough, June 06, 2010, 11:17:03 PM

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I am now starting to build up a basic coro SPAD with the help of internet

Few of my pics are as below

It will fly or not , it is such a big question  :headscratch:

i am a first time Plane.


Quote from: hangingtough on June 06, 2010, 11:17:03 PM
It will fly or not , it is such a big question  :headscratch:

Good news for you, almost anything CAN be made to fly ;)  Given enough thrust a plain sheet of coro will fly !

So it is mostly a question of thrust, does your power system have enough !

BTW, good to see heli guys getting into airplanes, and more importantly, into scratch building :thumbsup: 
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With you all the way Hangingtough! You get into aircraft and I get into Helis! Good exchange.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Quote from: anwar on June 06, 2010, 11:36:28 PM
So it is mostly a question of thrust, does your power system have enough !

Anwar ji,

My setup is
Brushless motor 3500KV
Lipo 2200mah 20C
Prop is 6 X 3
So do you think this baby can fly.

As I am new bee so what is the best way to check if the power is enough on the plane. I dont want to break it in the first flight


I believe we are talking about the thread below, in which case, have you seen the link in it ?


That should give you a fair idea about the thrust capabilities of that motor. Note that all props used in their testing were different, so the best solution is to test using a wattmeter.  If you do not have one, one of your field buddies have one (hopefully :))

Note that the highest thrust in their testing was around 600gms, with a 5x5 prop and a 40A ESC.  With a 6x3 prop, it is possible that you overload the ESC (can't say for sure, as you are increasing dia and decreasing pitch, so it may work).  Build it as light as you can !

PS: In the other thread you mentioned 3200KV, and it is 3500KV here. Is this another motor ?
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
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sorry to confuse

The swanghobby website is listed an identical motor as 3200kv but physically my motor says 3500kv.



Quote from: hangingtough on June 07, 2010, 12:24:20 PM
Brushless motor 3500KV
Prop is 6 X 3
It may not be a good idea to use such high KV motor for this palne which inherently has lot of drag. Start with a motor of mx 200W and 1200KV. Use a prop of max 8x4.3 or max 9X4.7 with a 1200KV motor. Around 120W of power is good enough to fly a 500 grams plane.
For safe operation you should resrict the current to 15A max on that battery.

You can't be first because you do not know!


+1. I should have mentioned that !  The motor you have is more suitable for pushers or very fast planes (like those F-15 types).  As long as you are decided on this, be careful about the current draw and the wattmeter is your best friend. 

Remember that even someone like Ashta bhai, who builds an umpteen number of planes, still tests his planes with a wattmeter.  You can only be sure by testing on the ground with a wattmeter, and the alternative is to take some risk with calculations and then hopefully they prove out on the field.
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Forgot to mention. My first ever plane (an aerobatic model called "Hotpoint EP"), was powered by a 3500KV Align Trex 450 heli motor.  Don't remember the prop size.  I do remember having to upgrade the ESC I had, as the motor stuttered and refused to run beyond certain throttle range.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
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Hello Ashta and anwar sahab,

I have finalised on a stick trainer and found a excellent tutorial for a first time builder like me.


So got my raw material ready.  Coro 3mm and wooden stick.

But my main worry is the weight and design selection

As in the link he has made 2 plane, 40"(644gms) and 50" (784gms)

So my motor 3500kv, 6X3 prop and 2200mah 20C can be lifted in this setup or not

i even have 11.1v 10c 1000mah battery, if you think i should reduce the wait, because my current priority is to get the bird in the air.

Electic, electric everywhere ........ not a bird to fly    :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:


@hangingtough - I dont think a 3500kv motor along with a 6*3 Prop will run your setup. It was clearly mentioned on the link , you need a 1000kv motor with a 10*7 prop


"Electic, electric everywhere ........ not a bird to fly"

hey is that from the rime of the ancient mariner in which there was a line

water water everywhere not a drop to drink

good use

Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


Quote from: hangingtough on June 12, 2010, 10:56:44 AM
Hello Ashta and anwar sahab,

So my motor 3500kv, 6X3 prop and 2200mah 20C can be lifted in this setup or not
3500KV at 12 Volts will try to give theoretically 35000 RPM. At this RPM you nedd a veru small prop, which may not give enough thrust.
If you want to experiment and learn, you can do that by first trying 4x4 prop onwards up closely monitoring the current to be with in limits.

You can't be first because you do not know!


my 2 cents :

After completing  a plane  and taking all this effort  to make it   I would not risk   all the effort  on a motor that is clearly not suitable for the plane type selected  .especially when the  correct suggested motor  is available for around Rs 700/- .
This is not the last plane you are going to build you can always  use it else where later .
So my advice  get your self the right motor from where ever  and   get yourself a result  that  you want to acehive than  have the whole project failing  becuase the motor and hence the prop size were clearly not suitable for the plane type .

The Plane you  have selected is a similar to A GWS SLOW STICK and the motor you are talking about is anything but SLOW .


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Quote from: Pikle6 on June 12, 2010, 11:24:32 AM
"Electic, electric everywhere ........ not a bird to fly"

hey is that from the rime of the ancient mariner in which there was a line

water water everywhere not a drop to drink

good use

It is actually reffers to my collection of Electrics ( Motors, ESC, Receive/tx , batteries )



My plane is almost setup, struggling with the landing gear right now.

But i want help of a Plane flyer in delhi who can evalute the capability of the build, Actually want someone to see this and tell me if it will be flyable or not

Anyone from delhi or Noida will be a great help to me. Looking to make some great new friends.




had a small flight without rudder and elevator control ( Test flight)

But i am stuck up with the landing gear. Broke them after my lift off.

So anyone can guide me how to make a durable landing gear.


so how did it fly with current setup



it flew to about 6 feet and crashed as i wanted to see the lift off.

No Rudder or Elevator was setup but the happiest part is the lift off from ground.

I will share more after a successful test flight soon.


can u tell me how did u give the corro an aerofoil shape....i still cannot figure out this technique
Arcarious @ Akky.....
I have never crashed while flying....Its the Landing only that gets me....
Happy Landings....&.....Happy Crashings



if you want to give the aerofoil shape on coro wing ?

no one can explain better than this guy....


i attribute my plane entirely to his plans



I want opinion from fellow electric flyers.

What is the motor / prop that i can use on this plane.

I measured the AUW for this model is 680gms.



I saw some combos/motors earlier at RCDhamaka that supported a thrust of around 900gm, which would be a good bet for this.

Like this one : http://www.rcdhamaka.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=58_59_93&products_id=24

The thrust for each prop is given here :


I am sure other stores also carry similar stuff, just look around. 
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
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Hi Hangingtough,

I am so inspired by your design. a request from my side.  I am still confused in connection between ESC + Motor + Battery. I understood from other thread that, Receiver(RX) get the power from ESC. How you are connecting the servo for rudder control and elevator etc.

could you please upload the exact wiring diagram of your SPAD?

Spektrum DX6i | AXN Floater-Jet


This is the basic electric connection diagram.


PS: Dileep, can you post some pictures from the RC get together you had with Jerry ? :)
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