First Electric Spad (Self Designed) :- SR-3

Started by sanjayrai55, December 27, 2012, 10:14:59 AM

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After building 2 Nitro Spads, and with continual transfers of Country & Residence, which never really let me get into the Hobby, I recently moved into Electrics.

So, decided to make a SPAD. Inspired by Bokilap, and his version of the Saturday Night Special, and with important design inputs from him, and my earlier experiences with the Spadet & the Debonair, I felt:

The model should be a High Wing Aileron Trainer, with "a bit of Sportiness." Should be manageable in medium winds, and have full ground take-off and landing capabilities.

Ergo: the SR-3

Span 44" Chord 12" Length 32"


Fuse is 4 mm Corro, Control Surfaces 4 mm, Wing 2 mm RNAF, Spar is 1 1/4"  X 1/4" Hardwood



The front of the fuse has a "partition," with holes, to separate the LIPO & the ESC. The firewall (from 10 mm Ply) has lots of holes, and the butt is open, hopefully will allow adequate circulation & cooling

Tail feathers cut out and hinged, base plate for L/G, support plate for ESC Platform, Firewall drilled for circulation & cooling


I estimated the total weight about 1.3 - 1.4 Kg, so needed about 250 W power, but good torque too to swing the larger prop needed to give good slow flying characteristics, I selected a 3536 960 KV Turnigy, because I have one  ;D. Will use a 11.1 V 3S LIPO, 3300 MAh, 60 A Turnigy Plush.

Made it a Taildragger (my first time building one!) as I didn't have suitable nose gear for a Trike, my gear of choice (saves my props!)

The tailwheel assembly is one of those great deals from HK, 5 for a buck types. A small (2 mm) collet holds the wire so the Stab does not bear the load or landing shocks, and the "steering arm" of this goes through the corro in the Rudder. Later, when the Rudder Horn is fitted, it will provide an additional clamp.

Used small 90 degree supports from HK for the Vertical Stab.

ESC Platform shown. Fuse formers are Balsa 10 mm (because I had some lying around!)


A hatch is cut out for the LIPO battery to be inserted. The battery is located in the usual way with a bit of Velcro. For the Hatch Latch, I used one of the ready made ones (available from HK & RCD) but can use a bit of Velcro.

A mock C.G. check is done, before cutting out the wing hatch (whose function is access to the Rx)

The main L/G is from RCD


We old guys, visually challenged, need lots of aids to see the model in the sky

Use Checkered Oracote, and Vinyl for "powder-Lipstick" Main intention is increased visibilty


Nice Spad... Sanjay but more than that you have a very attractive workplace... that too in Mumbai !!!!.

Just out of curiosity what do you do ?


All my Spads have this pic of Calvin expressing his views on Balsa!

View of the underside of the wing

View of the Fuse, used 16 g HK Servos. The wing uses a Y Connector for Ailerons


Thanks Saurabh. Do?....pretend to work!


QuoteWe old guys, visually challenged

I'm sure those eyes can still tell a perfect 90 degree angle ;)

Great build.



For Saurabh. Home made work table, from PVC pipes & ply.

A strip of Metal Box Strapping has magnets to hold Tools


very decent !!! a very few have such treasure & space !!!
this is Mumbai or Gurgaon?


Mumbai. The Co. has given me a 4 b/r apartment, and I am alone a great deal of the time; my wife comes every other month for 3 weeks or so. I have a room in my basement in Sushant Lok 1, Gurgaon :) for my aeromodelling


Nice to know still companies are giving apartments !!! I stay at sec 15  in Gurgaon.



Good to know we live across the road. I am in DLF-2.

How've you been Saurabh? Haven't had the terms to go flying for long, too cold, foggy and I'm getting too lazy; the belly shows


Remember the wing we tried hands on .....its fabulous now just have a look...
I have to still learn to fly but this thing is cool and glides very good....


nice build sir... :)
i like your work space.. very neat.. (:|~ (:|~    :hatsoff: :hatsoff:
mine look like whaaaaa...  >:( >:(

my next task will be to clean up my working table first and will upload the photos then..  ;D ;D
Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


The Battery Compartment Hatch, and the rear.


Planning the maiden this Sunday. I'll post a flight report


Sir, ( after you  mentioned that you have been given appt by your company = u are 2 senior age + post wise)  :hatsoff:

the looks itself tell this plane would fly very good still all the best for maiden. :hatsoff:



Thanks Saurabh... ;D  :thanks:

Fingers crossed  :D for the maiden


The Maiden  :o ???

(I don't know how to attach large files...... :help:)

I crashed it........ :-[ :-[  but repairable (it IS a Spad. :) )