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Started by manojswizera, November 04, 2014, 02:56:03 PM

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as suggested by VC sir and iyers sir.
Russ-40 Trainer, Mr.moss, Pushler, Skysurfer, Mugi , F-22, Red swan, Xtra-300, redfury, flying mantaray.


Wow Manoj.. that paint job looks really nice.. You will be able to spot it miles away too..
And the crosses...

Well Done!     :0 )

What did you use to paint it ? Is it house hold emulsion or acrylic paint? I havent tried using any of them even though my friends at the club do it all the time.

I use packaging tape to cover all my Depron and Coro planes.

Depron becomes very strong once covered.

As you have done, I cover it in white first and then apply other colours on top ... You can even apply heat activated film if you do it carefully..

I was just thinking you mentioned that when you speed up or throttle up, the plane tends to climb..

I had that issue with my D & A midwinger.

It could also mean that its a bit tail heavy still..

Though it is balancing on your fingers, if you try to balance it on a true C &G scale, it will turn out slight tail heavy I think.

I added some nose weight and my plane is perfect now.. You may want to try that???

Happy flying..


Thank you Deepak sir.
The yellow is painted by locally available paint cans. The red one is packing tape.cut to give crosses. white is the depron colour itself.
sir i use the same technique of covering the depron with packing tape,as you have shown in the pic, it hold the depron strong and prevents tearing.

You are right sir,the plane was tail heavy. and the angle of incidence was also little high.
i am now converting it to twin engine, for fpv.

Russ-40 Trainer, Mr.moss, Pushler, Skysurfer, Mugi , F-22, Red swan, Xtra-300, redfury, flying mantaray.


Great build Manoj. Looking to see the video of the twin ;)


Would be nice to see it flying as Sanj says...  Let us know.

How did you mount the motors on the wing?

You might want to strengthen that area by some scrim tape.. (See image)

Apparently Emax do a speed controller for Quad Copters that can handle two motors.....

You might be able to save some weight there if you were to use one of those.

See if RCD or Vivek at "Sharma Model Aero & Props" have one in stock??




well done...
the storch is next in my "to - build list"


you may want to see my ft old fogey build thread....
it flies great and will post video shortly...
once again good job on the storch... why dont you add a bomb drop like the ones ft installed?
it would be fun


It is illicit to use a RC Model for dropping anything, except with prior permission. Chances of misuse are too high

This is a voluntary restriction put forth by AMAI (


but dropping breakfast was a good idea...:D


Sorry for late reply
Thanks friends.
Deepak sir, will search for scrim tape for sure. I have used two same A rating, same manufacturer esc . Motor emax cf28212 1200 kv.
posting some pics of motor mount

I have flown this twin setup two days back, it flew very good , some what fast,due to its weight(1.3 kg) and 1200kv setup.
during a sharp turn , the rubber band broke in between and if fell down. the tail broke, rest is reparable.
Russ-40 Trainer, Mr.moss, Pushler, Skysurfer, Mugi , F-22, Red swan, Xtra-300, redfury, flying mantaray.


Hello Manoj,
I'm new to the hobby already broke one F22 as i was not able to get into the air (config was Emax 2822 1200kv outrunner, 30A ESC, 1250mah lipo, 9gram servo, 9060 prop).

Now, building FT simple Storch but not sure which motor to use. As they have suggested Suppo 1250kv but I'm not able find here in india.
Can you please help me where to buy it and also please share all required electronics with what we can easily fly this plane as this plane will be trainer plane for me.

Thank you,


Can get a similar motor.
Same wattage and same kv out there.


Will Simple storch fly with Emax 2822 1200kv ? As weight will be around 1.8lb (approx 800grams) and motor generates max thrust of 650grams.


Hi Faiz
first of all, if your are new to the hobby, F22 was not a good choice.
Ft STORCH is the right one for you now.surely go with it. its very easy to fly and it glides very well.

Emax CF 2822 wont be good for this plane. I suggest you to go for Dt 750, with 11 inch prop. for some reasons.
It has good 1000 gm thrust, it has low rpm so you can fly slowly,and learn on this plane.
Best of luck. for your build.

Russ-40 Trainer, Mr.moss, Pushler, Skysurfer, Mugi , F-22, Red swan, Xtra-300, redfury, flying mantaray.


Hello Manoj,
Thank you so much for your quick reply.
I'm done with the cuttings on depron and soon going to joint all the parts.
Manoj can you please share the link where and which motor to buy even with no. and codes I'm totally new and from totally different background.
Also please share where did you get this paint sticks for the wings.

Many thanks,


Manoj one more thing,
Will this dt750 work fine with 30A esc and 1250mah battery?
Because i already have 30A esc and 1250mah battery.

I'm thinking to replace the landing gear of Storch with Bushwacker's landing gear as it looks very nice, should i go for the relacement of landing gear or not ?

Please do share your suggestions...


Dt 750 will be more than ok with 30amp ESC, as it takes less current.
but you should go for a bigger lipo.  1250 is less, at least go for 2200 mah 3S lipo.

one more thing. Try to reduce weight from tail section, if possible.
Because you will surely end with tail heavy plane. and for CG balancing you will need haeay lipo, 1250 is way lighter.

for landing gear, if you can fix it, its not a issue. use it.

Do share some build pics.
Russ-40 Trainer, Mr.moss, Pushler, Skysurfer, Mugi , F-22, Red swan, Xtra-300, redfury, flying mantaray.

K K Iyer

Here is some data for your consideration:

You expect AUW of about 1.8lb/800gms.
I presume your wing size will be around 48x8". Or about 2.67sqft
That will give you a wing loading of around 11oz/sqft.

A model of this size and wing loading will fly like a trainer on power loading of 50watts/lb, or say 90w.

I had run some tests on a DT750 two years ago. Using an 11x5.5 EMP prop, one of the data points was 7.5amps/ 12.25v/ 92w/ 600gms thrust.
This should be adequate for your model.

At 7.5amps, 10minutes will consume 1250mah.
So your 1250 mah lipo should be safe for 5 minutes flying.
(I presume it is 3cell, not 2cell)

I didn't note the rpm with this prop, but my notes show 5900rpm at 9amps/ 105w on an 11x7.
I guess the 11x5.5 will do about 6000rpm at ~7-8amps.
That should give you airspeed of 40-50kmph, about right for such a model flying at half throttle!

Hope this helps. Best of luck.


@Manoj, Thank you so much for your help. Definitely will share the pics once i complete with building and fitting the electronics.
Manoj where did you get the paint sticks ? I have searched alot but not able to get it.

Also there's 3 option with whom this Storch can be configured - 1) Simple Aileron (using Y cable) 2) Flappron (independent channel) 3) combination of Aileron and flapps.

Which one i should go for ??

@K K Iyer,
Thank you for your assistance, but I'm from totally different background (belongs to finance :D) but this is my hobby and love to do this stuffs. These numbers and calculations will jargon for me right now as am new to this hobby.

But sure will increase my knowledge as much as i can...

Thank you so much again for the help on this...


K K Iyer

All it means is that the motor will be able to fly the model using about half throttle, and that you battery will last about 5 minutes before needing recharge!
Hope this sounds better ;D


Very nice explanation there KK sahib...:)

K K Iyer


Quote from: Faiz.kadri on August 01, 2016, 02:34:07 PM
@Manoj, Thank you so much for your help. Definitely will share the pics once i complete with building and fitting the electronics.
Manoj where did you get the paint sticks ? I have searched alot but not able to get it.

Also there's 3 option with whom this Storch can be configured - 1) Simple Aileron (using Y cable) 2) Flappron (independent channel) 3) combination of Aileron and flapps.

Which one i should go for ??

very well explained by iyer sir, with dt 750 you can cruise for half throttle.

The paint is just using color tape. which you get in stationary store.
As you are new, just go for aileron with y cable. IF you are have more free channels, you can go for flaperons also. i have used flaperons
Russ-40 Trainer, Mr.moss, Pushler, Skysurfer, Mugi , F-22, Red swan, Xtra-300, redfury, flying mantaray.


@Manoj, not paint but I'm asking about the wooden sticks that you have used to joint wings for reinforcement.

Also please share how to configure flappron and only ailerons.

I have Avionix TH9B from Rcbazaar. How to configure it on this transmittor?

Thank you,