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Interesting Scale Build

Started by rcforall, August 27, 2009, 05:59:10 PM

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I  came across this interesting electric Scale build . I think this is one kind of building I would not even dream of attempting .

I guess it would be a very unique scale plane , never heard of it . I think the scale flyers like Capt. would find it interesting.

Sai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


Sai sir,
This has been done before and there are various size plans available for both slimers and electrics.
Yes this DH 88 Rapide is a one day dream, God willing which I shall fulfill some day.
But then this guy's effort is no small deal. WoW l
look at the power the weight ratio he is talking about almost 1:1, (total weight 113 oz and each motor delivering static thrust of 50-52 oz)which is a shame on such scale models!   
If you are really into scale you should be here.


I would love to built such beauties  :-*....and hope one day i will definitely built one 8-).........but to start i want someone who is good in Balsa  :)and is planning to start his balsa model soon and preferably in Mumbai ;D
Fly high if you have good set of batteries.....!


Capt ,
I look forward to the day I will mature enough in Aero Modeling to be able to build a plane like this with such attention to details.
That is what scale  aero modeling is about  as I see from your planes and the other few that I have ha the opportunity of witnessing.

Sai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones