Mini foam surfer build for 6th RcIndia sweepstakes

Started by kiran rc, June 19, 2015, 05:34:33 PM

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can i have the plans?
in the form of a jpeg or a pdf on my mail??

by the way,
nice build.

kiran rc

Quote from: rastsaurabh on June 24, 2015, 09:29:37 AM
you are using 2S battery?

go for a smaller prop 4x4
My motor wont produce more than 100g thrust on 4x4.Yes using a 2cell 350mah.

kiran rc

Quote from: prabal276 on June 24, 2015, 10:23:39 AM
can i have the plans?
in the form of a jpeg or a pdf on my mail??

by the way,
nice build.
Hand drawn plan is on first page.You can download and scale as per your requirement.

kiran rc


sir have you cut out two pieces of fuse or just one and then cut it in half

kiran rc

After a long break.Was busy with champ and fogey.  ;)
Fuselage covered with yellow coloured tape. And switched motor to avionics.

kiran rc

Quote from: prabal276 on June 26, 2015, 12:32:15 PM
sir have you cut out two pieces of fuse or just one and then cut it in half

Yes two pieces are cut out and then joined. For more information you can see the build log.

kiran rc

Landing gear made and balsa piece attached to the bottom of fuse.

kiran rc

Landing gear added.

kiran rc

Front and rear canopy lock made. Balsa and magnet respectively.  ;D

kiran rc

Small square nut added on the fuse for canopy lock.

kiran rc

Tail surfaces cut out from 5mm depron.

kiran rc

Tail surface attached.

kiran rc

Covered the wing with tape.
