Modding my HobbyZone SuperCub

Started by aXedge, May 10, 2011, 11:19:26 AM

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Hi friends,

    A while back, I had purchased a Super Cub trainer from Hobby Zone:

    Its been a while since I used it and I plan to start flying it again (or give it to a fellow learner on the field :-) ).
    Also, I would like to try and Mod this a/c.
    I would like to tabulate my Modding experience here.

    First thing that I need to do is to replace the stock battery (8.4V, 1000mAh NiMH) to a LiPo.
    I was planning to replace it with a 1000 - 1300 mAh LiPo battery.
    However, before that I need to know 1 vital question:
        - Do I go for a 2S or a 3S LiPo?
    Does anyone have any experience / suggestions in this regards?

    I read some information here (they seem to be using both the 2S and 3S LiPo, but I am not sure whether they used these batteries over the original SuperCub ESC or the SuperCub LP ESC  :-\.

    Request fellow members for some advice.

TIA  :salute:



 i almost completed the same mod's on my aerobird xtreme,planning to use a 2s lipo, of course you need a seperate brushed esc for this , will post some pics soon, in my case  the rx section is not working so changed it with a orange rx


If you are using the stock brushed set up then a key factors you need to consider before deciding on the Lipo is to check if the setup can take 12V .
This is important because many brushed setups  can take only till a max of 9.6V . Hence actually your only option may be 2S. If you want  use to use 3 S then you might have to go in for an ESC  that can take 3S Lipo batteries like the GWS 480 li.

Sai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


how much it cost you? (including shipping customs etc.)
i am planning to purchase DSM varient.


Quote from: aXedge on May 10, 2011, 11:27:37 AM
Basically I want to first replace the following battery:

I have the same plane (Supercub) and I too have replaced the NiHM battery with a 2 cell LiPo battery. I am using a 1000 mAh LiPo and getting 6-8 minutes of flight time (simple turns, figure 8s, landing/take-off but no loops). I think, Sai is right... the brushed LiPo will not be able to take high Voltage of a 3 cell LiPo (I speak from personal experience on a similar brushed motor).

Also, the ACT is useless (in my experience). As you get more experienced/comfortable with the plane, I recommend you turn it off.

Good luck with this awesome trainer. It will last you years !


I think this can help in converting the same to Dsm one with the inbuilt Esc and support for the lipo also.