MR. MOSS Glider ARF Kit Step By Step Build Guide (From RCFORALL)

Started by Pikle6, May 29, 2009, 11:01:36 AM

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one more thing i just forgot to mention tomorrow i am going to maiden my moss will have the video surely. wish me luck
Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


Congrats Subu , You got everything right at the right places .

Where are you getting the CG ?

sai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


i am getting it at 7 inches from the tip as it is slightly nose heavy as i wanted it to be, i can slide the wing a bit more to have it balanced
Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


No issues with being a bit nose heavy .
Do what you are comfortable with , I keep it just balanced a bit forward say around 2-3 degs forward.
This  way it can glide longer with nil / minimum throttle.

Sai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


sorry as there was a power cut. anyways superb idea sai uncle will do that. thanks
Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


hey guys the final part this is the part where i show you cable management, Rx connections and prop mounting.

first up prop mounting

place the prop on the shaft of the motor and extend the given two rubber bands across the two black screws passing over the prop.

now for the Rx connections. this is the most widely used setup that is
rudder on channel 1

elevator on channel 2

throttle on channel 3

after that you first need to power up the Tx and then connect the esc to the battery

you might have deans connector

now finally for the cable management

bring the servo wires from under the fuselage and keep sticking tape to help it stay there

now for the esc first connect it to the Rx. bring the wires from under the wing. and after connecting coil them and stick them with some tape

that's it guys i did it i finished the guide next post will be a video of the whole planes view and ground testing the servo and motor and hopefully tomorrow i will have the flight video.

cant wait (:|~ (:|~ (:|~

Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


sorry guys i cannot get the antenna's pics i will tell you how to stick it though . take it back to the elevator sticking it continuously after gaps and finally stick it to the elevator surface not the part that bends the part which we stuck on to the fuse stick 
Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


tomorrows game plan is that pramod bhaiya will take off first as he is a very very very very experienced pilot and then i will take the charge as i am still learning to fly better. anyways after his flight we will analyze if any problems occur then i will move on with my flight. on the first try i will be filming any ideas on how should i record it so that everyone likes it
Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


hey guys also please tell me if you need a docx file i would make it by tomorrow and post it here. please let me know. i want to share it with as many people as possible
Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


well if you want i can convert it into a pdf format as anwar bhaiya said that it is the universal format.
Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


please suggest about the filming techniques as i am flying tomorrow and shooting a video too.

by the way this is the 2000 th post in rcindia hoooooorayyyyyyyyy ;D ;D ;) ;)
Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


sorry guys could not put the video rcindia was not opening. i tried on MTNL, BSNL, Airtel and also Reliance internet connections also atul bhaiya was not able to open it for some time yesterday. will have the video in 15 minutes
Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


uploading video in 10 minutes yesterday my MTNL server was down please wait
Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


Hi Subu ,
One way to reduce the sensitivity would be to push the CG a bit further behind  by changing battery and  position.
Take it to around 35 %  of fuse length and try it .
It is nice to know there was no damage to the plane post  a couple of crashes , this is the  best part .
I remember when Venkat was learning we nearly gave up aero modeling as there was time when we would have a crash every week end , we were dependent on some expert to rebuild the crashed balsa plane , tune the engine  and  supply us fuel.

Crashing is a part of learning  and even the best RC pilot has crashed  quite few times before getting to the Intermediate flying level but one issue this plane eliminates  to a large extent is the need to rebuild and  the tension of flying with a feeling that the next moment  could be the last for the plane .

BTW I never had a problem with Zip tagging ,I just remembered  another great way of doing it is like what I did on my first MOSS ( Master MOSS ) Cyno and Tag  a square piece of light ply or balsa to the front face of the mount and the secure the motor with screws like in the enclosed pics , don't cyno the motor to the mount

Any way congrats on the Maiden .

PS : Great flying You guys seem to be flying in a very small space how big is it ? ??? : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


thank you sai uncle i will use this method as it is better. have you sent the deans plugs which you had forgotten while sending the plane
Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


hi pikle6

how was the wind condition n speed at the time of flight ??

Today might be a great and wonderful day. It depends on you.


it was dead calm when we flew it. i did not measure it though but i can say that it was really calm i don't think there was any wind at all. and sai uncle we flew in a smaller area not in the big one where we used to fly before as pramod bhaiya said it would be enough. it was like 1 and 3/4 ths of a basket ball field
Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


That is real small a field  :o. for learning especially .
I should say  considering the size of the ground the Pilot and the  aircraft seem to have done well : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


next flight is hopefully on Saturday after which i shall be putting in mods ;D ;D ;D
Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


hey guys my exams finish tomorrow and then i will put in the instructions to aileron mods and also the new mounting system for the motor. and i think i will be going to shirdi tomorrow so by sunday i should be back and would have completed my planes settings.
Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


hey guys i was just thinking of the moss and suddenly i thought why not edf on the moss. thats a wild thought i will think of it laterrrr after atleast my exams are over
Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn