My HK Atom lookalike

Started by rastsaurabh, September 03, 2012, 09:25:32 PM

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Hello all,

I was busy in work and could finally get time last weekend.... My Axn lookalike seemed to be too big for me so wanted to try a smaller plane ... i had a spare wing 600mm so designed a plane to suite the wing keeping Atom in mind.

AX 1806N 2500kv Brushless Micro Motor (19g) with 5x3 propellor
500 mAh Battery
15amp ESC ( did not have a 10amp)
3.7grm 2 servo for rudder and elevator ( check the mechanism its 2 piece control rod with joint in between which removes the extra weight of linkage stopper. good mech and it works!!!)
9grm 1 servo for Ailerons ( check the mechanism - copied from some pic i saw )

wing spare from a toy plane ,
Fuse from thermacol with brown paper coating
rudder and elevator from 3mm coro

This plan was maiden by Mr Arvind from this forum and he was my instructor ... i could fly this plane for maybe a minute and nose dived  8-).... it was ok no damage.

Though i have just built 2 planes I think what common mistake newcomer does is to make plane first then plan for a electronics system..... which at times results in excessive AUW and inturn big motors and battery. Rather i feel one should plan for a plane keeping the power system in mind.... atleast with this i was successful.

Wish all newbies good luck scratch building & flying.


can u share the plans .

thanks and regards


Nice build rastsaurabh  {:)}
Hope its not tail heavy :-\


No plans Mjet, As i mentioned i had a 600mm toy plane undercambered wing as spare i used it and made other parts in proportion .....
@ Sunlikestar those are not 9Grm servos they are 3.7 grm Mystery servos.... !!!! but still it was a bit tail heavy so had to put weight 2 x 5rs Coins and it flew great...... I am myself amazed at the motor and the thrust it generates (with 3s lipo) It flies well... and since its light so not much harm in crashing !!!!! already crashed once.

Suggest all newbies to make small planes !!!

I have now removed the servos from tail and will be installing them below wing to remove the additional nose weight which will reduce wing loading and improve its performance.

kittu kumari

wat exactly you need to make a simple rc plane... can you tel me me the specification of motor ( which can produce 1.5 kg thrust), servos etc ..
2) what is outrunner motor ant inrunner.? which is best among them?


this may help u.... with motor......

u have lot of equipment dear try with better battery......

inrunner r motors for duct fans.... like these

whereas outrunners r for simple propellers....

obvious advantage ...... duct fans cant be broken in crash....... unless u do something unusual ......
but require high voltage batteries like 4s to 6s.... for more power.....can go with 3s but then issues

take a plane and read specifications .... u will have idea....

design something like this

u will have advantage of both systems...... as saurabh did......

but for it..... u will require pusher propeller...... ur props wont work......
