my new 3d sbach made in my factory

Started by kewal kalsaria, February 25, 2014, 01:31:27 PM

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K K Iyer

@kewal kalsaria
Since one of your videos shows the HobbyKing video, i presume that you are the supplier.
If so, congratulations on breaking Chinese monopoly.

kewal kalsaria

@ km iyer sir thank you for complement but unfortunately I m not suplyer for hobbyking. I wish to break monopoly of Chinese products but its only possible with all buyers support. Sir this kit are quoted with much cheaper price.


Still there is no clarity about the price tag yet. Hmmm...So will have to wait till the new thread is created....

K K Iyer

@kewal kalsaria
If you are not the supplier,

kewal kalsaria

@ kk iyer video was just posted for entertainment perpous and and show wat stunts we can perform on 3d sbach with good flying skill.

kewal kalsaria

Quote from: pradish on March 03, 2014, 08:46:19 PM
I understand you need bulk order to cost effectively manufactuer. If it is so, then you can either manufacture in bulk and then try to sell it or like the local tablet sellers do, you can do a pre order and judge what would be your order size.
Pradesh I am totally agree with your suggestion that I can go for preorder and judge the order size it will be beneficial for manufacturing in bulk. Thank you again .


If you manufactured 300 pieces for someone, is that an international entity, or a private local (within India) organization ?  Not looking for names, just curious.

The last time you tried to sell something here, it had no hardware, and the hardware you posted pics on this thread look really nice. Can you confirm you are getting all this hardware manufactured locally ?
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kewal kalsaria

@anwar sir my client is an aeromoderal in Mumbai and he wants to give 3d flying practice to there student so he wants cheap local made airframe and hardwares. The kits include 3 airframe + 1 hardware kits so the same electronics set and hardware kits can be use for other kit after crash. So on low budget one can learn 3d flying no need to waste lots of money on heavy products.


That sounds great !

Asking again, are you getting every bit of the hardware manufactured locally as well ?
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kewal kalsaria

Thank you sir. Sir some products are bought from lhs some are made in my uncle's factory. Sir can I share something ?


You don't have to take anyone's permission to share anything here, this is an open forum. What is troublesome is you not sharing enough.
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kewal kalsaria

@anwar sir as we know many pnf and rtf rc models are available worldwide and in india too. so the point is from what the models buyers suffer from?
1) they cannot replace many spare of there airframe after to crash.
2)after the electronic damage due to crash they could not make the same combination, if they come withe new electronic combinations than they could not get the same performance as before, specially in the case of motor,ese size compare to weight ratio. reason  is the combination given in ready models come with good efficiency compare to there size and weight ratio.
3) for beginners it is very difficult to buys new models every time after crash.
all this point leads to Chinese manufacturer's monopoly.

my question is can India break Chinese monopoly? if not than we can at least try in some extent.

so keeping in view to all the point i started building crash proof models,folding models(so we can store easily ),folding models  in cheap rates and the spares  can be easily available in lhs. for example during crash if only one wing is damage than u can buy a single wing of same . 


So I have not seen any PNF and ARF models from you for sale here. Only the talk about it, which I have to openly say is getting quite repetitive and beginning to feel like selling vaporware.

All you tried to sell so far was a foam (not sure what kind) kit without any hardware.  With such type of offers, it is not unusual that people either build themselves or buy from the Chinese, because they will get a well tested model.

What is holding you back from building a small quantity of ARFs (with hardware) ? If you can make quality ones at reasonable prices, there will always be a market for those in our vast country.

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kewal kalsaria

sir the problem is shipping i will list so many product than i will not get time to ship all at a time as i m busy in my main business. so its only prefer for local pickup. and i have listed two pnf model before u can check again or may be thread will be deleted. sir there is no issue in building small quantity of arf with hard ware buy study of demand is must. in this thread kits shipped easly but minimum order should be of 3 kits and 1 hardware set if requires for convenience shipping . than i provide building video and electronic combination specification. shall i post the price?


You should post price for what you plan to sell, no one is asking you to do anything against your will/comfort.  The only problematic things is constant discussion about what is possible, but not actually implemented.

And do that on the For Sale board, if you really plan to go ahead with this.
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kewal kalsaria

Definitely I would like to post on sale sir but before that want to make demand of such a stuff on our forum. So I would like to stat thread in the way of preorder before manufacturing some approx quantity of kits. Thanks for your kindly support.