My new Aero Subaru Fuji FA-200

Started by asinghatiya, February 21, 2011, 12:47:33 PM

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Hi friends, ordered one Aero Subaru Fuji FA-200 from RCD, it will reach me in few days, meanwhile I would like to discuss with the forum about this Japanese model. Any friend have expereince of flying this model ? also please advice what propller I should use in this with which motor. I have a 30 Amp Mystry ESC...I hope that would be sufficient for this baby... :)

I am keen to hear experience and tips for this model.


if it is from RCD, it would have reached you by now, they are ROCKET.

I had my sights on it and in the morning when i saw it, it was gone  :'(
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


 ;D.....ANY suggestions for this plane  :)


Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother


i used 2215 and 2218 on my P51D (From RCD) (670 gm) aeroplane, she almost launched off my hand, 2215 is a great motor, in a sleek FA 200 you will most of time be at 1/2 to less than 1/2 throttle, batt will last long, i tried 2215 with a 2200 3s lipo, she flew well for 13 mts , i got her down and she had some more juice for a 5 mts pattern flight.

10" prop for a nose wheeler can be tricky, in terms of prop clearance, have some spare props

later i tried 4.7x4.7 (Funjet prop) on it the pull was good albeit at a higher RPM
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


Hi got my Subaru Today from RCD...nicely packed {:)}....thanks RCD :bow: here are some picturs....i am now excited to assemble it ....looking for a motor for this very delicate baby.

Have a look at it  :)


Quote from: asinghatiya on February 28, 2011, 06:49:18 PM
Hi got my Subaru Today from RCD...nicely packed {:)}....thanks RCD :bow: here are some picturs....i am now excited to assemble it ....looking for a motor for this very delicate baby.

Have a look at it  :)

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Hi after looking at this model, I found that its very light weight and may not exceed 350-400 gm after all accessories. Can i use this motor for Subaru with 20A ESC and 1300 Mah battery.

I am currently using this motor on a small electric glider which is about 250 gms and this motor pull that glider at just 10% throttle very easily.



mounting willbe a problem with this motor. 2215 or 2218 from RCD or ( )this one from Mr  sai should be good, both motors have a front mount as well which will stay within the cowling of the model, rear mount is good for foamies (Not generalizing though). i have used both these motors, they are value for money
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


congrats on your new purchase!
even i bought P-51 EP from RCD and also bought retracts and 4 blade prop from Hk to give a scale look but still im not able to find time to build  :'( any ways ! all the best for your maiden flight :thumbsup:
To increase thrust you need more  money! But to reduce weight you  need nothing!


Thanks@augustinev... you are right,  mounting will be a problem if I use it with its cowl...but if I ignore this fact u recommend using this motor?


still no, this motor overheats, i am used it in my slow stick, at 1/2 throttle it is good, beyond that it becomes literally red hot, of course depending on the prop you use, go for a better motor
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


Wow..real expereince speakes :thumbsup:....even I noticed the same when I used it with a bigger prop.....great suggestion, I will not use it for this baby....its better to wait for something really good.  :salute:

@praveen thanks for your wishes ....its now windy these days and slowely summer is landing...dont know when I will be able to maiden it....


also read this, contrary to common belief, you can't correlate prop size to KV of the motor to thrust to RPM to Pitch, all of it affect each, it is a technical subject , suffice to say, do a little research before to choose motor and prop,

i agree with the windy part, did a reverse landing on a slow stick today, video looks gr8, i'll post it soon (Depending on time available) :thumbsup:
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


Hi friends, maiden my Subaru with this motor

and it flew like a freeeee what a stable model. It’s very convenient to taxi it on the ground and take-off was really smooth with just 50% throttle. I was able to do 5 sorties of 3-4 minutes each with a battery of 1300Mah (3S). I was so tempted to do 6th sorti but I reminded myself ‘lalach buri bala hai’..... coz over use(deep discharge) of LiPo may damage it (I read in of the posts here)
Landing was smooth and non jerky due to its light weight.
I used its aileron as flaps by using wing tail mixing. But it stalls quickly as I apply flaps. I know its not made for flaps but just tried.
Other thing is its nose wheel. I found it very sensitive and may be damaged on a little harsh landing.

Overall the review of this model is that its a beautiful flying bird. Will post a video/ flying pic when fly next.


@asinghatiya congrats on your maiden!  {:)} waiting for video n pictures. :)

even i saw this model before buying mustang,actually i went to buy this model,  i don't know why i purchased mustang ! any how still im working on retracts ! almost finished ! motor is on the way from HK, let me see when i can finish n maiden it! 8-)

To increase thrust you need more  money! But to reduce weight you  need nothing!


Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.




Here is my second test flight of Subaru Fuji Fa ; wife and audience my son :giggle: :giggle:......... ;D
..... here it goes....



Very Nice Video, and thanks for bringing the confusion regarding the Word 'Sortie', in fact this word came into proliferation in a Cavalry Attack,One Cavalry Charge was called a Sortie, (read 'The Far Pavilions'). this word means

1. An armed attack, especially one made from a place surrounded by enemy forces.
2. A flight of a combat aircraft on a mission.

The term has been adopted from the French word  "sortir", meaning "to leave" or "to go out" with a specific purpose.

In the English-speaking world "Exit" is used to denote the way out of a public place; in the French-speaking world it is "Sortie". (see image)

Disclaimer A lot of people even today call it, like you did in your Video 'sotri', aim was to bring out an another jargon and it was in no ways intended to pull your leg and i am sure you are taking in that spirit
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


Wow, thanks a lot for the valuable piece of information, actually I know the spelling was wrong…I realized it when I saw the video again. But honestly I thought its a specific term used in airforce and the story behind Sortie was not known to me I really appreciate you sharing wisdom with all of us.


go to any flying club in India.....and u'll hear this word only..."arey jahaj 'sortie' marney  gaya hai....baadme anaa".


* Multiplex EasyStar II * JR XG8 * Phoenix Tiger 60 * 1/8 Truggy * Multiplex Xeno Uni *


Thank you Kartik, My next model would be twin star (:|~....hope to buy it soon...


* Multiplex EasyStar II * JR XG8 * Phoenix Tiger 60 * 1/8 Truggy * Multiplex Xeno Uni *